The Imperial Valley is a seismically active basin occupying the southern end of the Salton trough, an area of rapid extension, high heat flow, and abundant geothermal resources. This report describes an ongoing large‐scale distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) recording study acquiring high‐density seismic data on an array between Calipatria and Imperial, California. This 27 km array, operating on dark fiber since 9 November 2020, has recorded a wealth of local seismic events as well as ambient noise. The goal of the broader Imperial Valley Dark Fiber project is to evaluate passive DAS as a tool for geothermal exploration and monitoring. This report is intended to provide installation information, noise characteristics, and metadata for future studies utilizing the data set. Because of the relatively small number of basin‐scale DAS studies that have been conducted to date, we also provide a range of lessons learned during the deployment to assist future researchers exploring this acquisition strategy.