We present an analytical solution for the evaluation of timing errors at seismological stations. The method makes use of differential P‐ and S‐wave arrival time measurements demeaned over a network that recorded a set of densely located seismic events. In this configuration, one can assume coincident P and S ray paths between sources and receivers, and cancel out dependencies associated with absolute event origin times, event locations, and P‐ or S‐wave velocities in the problem. Relative timing errors can be obtained by linear inversion, using only a limited amount of input data: differential P‐ and S‐wave arrival times, and a local VP/VS ratio. By setting at least one reference station in the network, supposed to be devoid of any timing error, one can retrieve reliable timing errors for other stations. We validate the approach against synthetic and real data. We also analyze the sensitivity of results on errors in the input data. Although picking uncertainties do affect the variability of estimates, we also identified a significant bias when an incorrect VP/VS ratio is used. However, this bias can be reduced if one uses the optimal VP/VS value that minimizes the root mean square of travel‐time residuals. Application of the method to a collection of manually picked arrival times for the 2002–2003 Tricastin, France, earthquake, swarm allowed us to identify nonstationary timing errors from tenth to tens of seconds during the monitoring campaign.

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