3D coseismic deformation detected by remote sensing yields essential information for estimating the geometry and slip distribution of the causative fault. However, it is often difficult to be obtained by a single observation method due to data acquisition constraints. This study constructs a 3D coseismic deformation model of the 2011 Fukushima‐ken Hamadori earthquake by integrating Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR), and differential light detection and ranging (Dlidar) analyses. Both horizontal and vertical movements observed are almost consistent with those of the theoretical dislocation model of normal faulting. The fault displacements measured within ±45 m of the rupture based on the 3D deformation model is also in good agreement with the possible maximum field displacements. Fault dips and lateral displacement components are also harmonious with the field survey measurements. Dlidar detects full 3D motion, whereas the DInSAR detects deformations too small for the light detection and ranging (lidar). Combining the two products is helpful to produce a more robust 3D displacement field than possible from the lidar alone.