We demonstrate successful crustal imaging via teleseismic P‐wave coda autocorrelation, using data recorded on a 261 station array of vertical‐component high‐frequency geophones in the area of the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming, U.S.A. We autocorrelate the P‐wave coda of 30 teleseismic events and use phase‐weighted stacking to yield seismic profiles comparable to low‐passed versions of those produced via controlled‐source vertical seismic reflection. Our process recovers reflections from the bottoms of the Bighorn and Powder River basins that flank the Bighorn Mountains. We also identify a mid‐crustal reflector that aligns with a region of increased reflectivity, previously interpreted as a Precambrian province boundary. Our results demonstrate the utility of crustal imaging with teleseismic P‐wave coda energy using modern large‐array seismic data, and they corroborate previous interpretations of crustal structures in the study area.

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