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Advancing Earthquake Science Worldwide

The Seismological Society of America (SSA) was founded in 1906, in the aftermath of the San Francisco earthquake, as engineers, mathematicians and geologists united to learn more about the devastating event. From these earliest days, SSA has been committed to the science of seismology and sharing research with the public to help build an earthquake-aware world. While the home base for our nonprofit organization remains in California, more than 40 percent of our 2,800 members live and work outside the U.S.

In 2021, SSA introduced its third peer-reviewed journal, The Seismic Record (TSR), which joined the world's leading seismology journals, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America and Seismological Research Letters. Focused on the rapid publication of short form papers, TSR is fully open-access, covering events and topics that explore the range of basic, applied and theoretical science.

Photo: Rupture on the South Leader Fault Zone across farmland following the Mw7.8 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake in New Zealand. | Simon Cox/GNS Science.

The Seismic Record

Current Issue

Open for submissions. Read more about the journal's scope and rapid publication mission here.

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