
Onland and Offshore Extrinsic Fabry–Pérot Optical Seismometer at the End of a Long Fiber
METACity‐Quito: A Semi‐Dense Urban Seismic Network Deployed to Analyze the Concept of Metamaterial for the Future Design of Seismic‐Proof Cities
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Front: An Mw 7.5 earthquake struck Palu in the northern coast of Sulawesi island, Indonesia, on 28 September 2018. Its focal mechanism was determined to be a left-lateral strike-slip fault, which is generally expected to not produce a tsunami. However, a large tsunami with runup heights of more than 6 m was observed along the coast of Palu city. Lee et al. (this issue) detail a complex triggering supershear source model as determined by teleseismic waveform inversion that shows how horizontal movements combined with complex bathymetry and topography could have pushed seawater to generate a tsunami even though the Palu earthquake was a strike-slip event. The location map shows the epicenter (black open star) and aftershocks (white circles), with insets on the right showing (top) the north–south offset and (bottom) the azimuth displacement.
Back: Earthquakes induced by subsurface industrial activities are a globally emotive issue, and there is a growing catalog of induced earthquake sequences. However, attempts at discriminating between natural and induced causes, particularly for anomalously shallow seismicity, can be challenging. An earthquake swarm during 2018–2019 in southeast England with a maximum magnitude of ML 3.2 received great public and media attention because of its proximity to operating oilfields. Hicks et al. (this issue) detected 168 low-magnitude earthquakes and computed detailed source parameters of these events. Overall, they found no indicators in the earthquake parameters that would strongly suggest an induced source; nor did they find any clear trends between seismicity and drilling activities based on operational logs provided by the operators. The authors conclude that these earthquakes most likely offer a uniquely detailed insight into shallow seismicity within sedimentary basins.
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