Small stratabound deposits occur in the Selkirk Mountains. Goldstream consists of a thin sheet of massive sulfides in dominantly calcareous and graphitic schists of Paleozoic age. The massive sulfide layer consists primarily of intimately intermixed pyrrhotite, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite, with numerous subrounded inclusions of quartz, carbonate, and phyllite fragments. The sulfides are locally swirled around the gangue inclusions to produce a durchbewegung fabric, a texture common to many deformed and metamorphosed massive sulfide deposits. Contacts with the hanging wall and the footwall range from sharp to gradational over a few meters. Metal values have a simple and regular distribution in plan, with increasing grades toward the central thicker part of the massive sulfide layer. Goldstream and other copper-zinc deposits in the Goldstream camp are interpreted to be exhalative massive sulfide deposits that formed in an unstable subsiding basin, near the continental margin. They are similar to the besshi-type deposits of Japan.--Modified journal abstract.

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