Records obtained by the Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior, and the Geological Division, Kentucky Department of Mines and Minerals, indicate that industries at Louisville pumped about 62 million gallons of water per day from wells in 1943. This was over 20 million gallons a day more than the natural recharge to the glacial outwash sand and gravel from which the wells draw the water. The ground water is especially in demand because of its uniformly low temperature throughout the year. In order to stop the resulting serious decline of water levels and decrease in yields of wells, the pumpage is now gradually being reduced. Also, the recharge has been increased about 2 million gallons a day by introducing water into the aquifer through wells.During the spring of 1944 the Seagram and National distilleries helped solve a local shortage of ground water by recharging the underground reservoir with 1.7 million gallons a day of cold water from the municipal river-water supply. While this water was being added to the aquifer through several supply wells the plants were operated with additional city water, and the rest of the supply wells were kept idle. In this way, the large cone of depression in the water table that had been created by heavy pumping from the wells was practically filled with cold water from a combination of natural and artificial recharge. As a result, during the summer when the city water became too warm to be used in the plants, an increased and ample supply of cold water was available from the wells. It has been suggested that other industries at Louisville might adopt similar procedures for insuring adequate supplies of cold water during the summers.

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