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This is a revised adaption of the manual used for the short course of the same name presented, at the SME/SEG Meeting in Phoenix in March, 1996, with modifications in response to reviewers’ comments.

Where possible, the terms used throughout this book are technically correct and in common use by field geologists working in mineral exploration. However, the terminology may not always be in strict agreement with some geological literature, to which the readers are referred.

This workshop demonstrates and describes ore deposit styles as well as exploration and conceptual exploration models as aids to the exploration and evaluation of southwest Pacific Rim magmatic arc mineral resources. However, careful consideration of the nature of these exploration models is necessary before any reliance can be placed upon them.

Exploration geologists compare, contrast and classify mineral occurrences in order to build up empirical patterns from data such as field observations. Deposit models are developed as empirical descriptions of individual deposits, or, what is of more use to the exploration geologist, styles of deposits. Exploration models are derived from interpretations, focusing upon those characteristics of a deposit model which aid in the discovery of ore deposits of a particular style. Progressively lateral interpretations depart from rigorously reviewed science and so become conceptual exploration models. Such a conceptualization may give the explorationist a competitive advantage (Henley and Berger, 1993) in the increasingly difficult search for ore deposits. These models may also assist in ranking projects and aid in the abandonment of lower order targets.

Conceptual exploration models evolve through their application to exploration examples, and are refined by research, many being abandoned during this process.

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