The East Nile Delta, located offshore Egypt, is a challenging area for seismic imaging due to the presence of substantial velocity heterogeneity created by the complex Messinian unconformity and overlaying fault structures. Existing towed-streamer (TS) seismic data have been pushed to their technical limit but remain insufficient for adequate representation of the subsurface. Previous studies have shown that a step change in imaging is possible if advanced acquisition, processing, and velocity model building techniques are employed. Atoll Field is a candidate to benefit from such improvements in seismic data. Results show that ocean-bottom-node acquisition provides improved spatial sampling and higher resolution. Acquiring seismic data with offsets of more than 30 km facilitated the generation of a robust high-frequency velocity model that better captures subsurface complexity. This paper outlines the acquisition and processing, with a focus on the velocity model building process. The generated subsurface model is effectively used for imaging with conventional migration algorithms and full-waveform-inversion-derived reflectivity. Results show a significant step change from previous TS images at the Oligocene target, with channel features clearly imaged. This provides an improved understanding of the depositional systems and reduced depth uncertainty.