The Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin is a key region for unconventional oil and gas extraction, particularly from the Niobrara and Codell formations. This study synthesizes findings from a decade of research conducted in three different geographic areas of the basin as part of the industry consortium Reservoir Characterization Project at Colorado School of Mines. The research explores how natural fractures affect hydraulic fracture propagation, leveraging geophysical data sets including 3D seismic imaging, image logs, microseismic monitoring, and crosswell distributed strain sensing. Key observations reveal significant variations in hydraulic fracture orientations and propagation speeds between the Niobrara and Codell formations, which are the main targets for horizontal drilling and stimulation. High natural fracture densities and orientations notably influence the propagation of hydraulic fractures in the Niobrara Formation, deviating them from the regional maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) directions, while hydraulic fractures in Codell consistently align with SHmax where lower natural fracture densities are observed. The study also highlights the critical role of stress anisotropy and zipper fracturing sequences in dictating hydraulic fracture behavior. Additionally, a marked negative correlation between natural fracture density and hydraulic fracture propagation speed underlines the fracture network complexity added by natural fractures. These findings advocate for a comprehensive natural fracture characterization and tailored fracturing strategies to optimize well placement and completions. The implications for DJ Basin development from this study are profound, suggesting that understanding local geomechanics and fracture networks can significantly enhance hydrocarbon recovery. Future work should focus on more precise assessments of hydraulic fracture interactions with natural fracture systems to refine operational strategies further.