The variation in well performance observed between various shale gas plays, and indeed within individual basins and on individual pads, has gone some way to dispelling myths regarding the perceived homogeneity of “shale gas” targets. With increased quantities of data and more determined analysis, we show that understanding the micro- and mesoscale heterogeneity can be advanced through interdisciplinary studies that incorporate traditional and advanced geophysical data and methods with geological understanding and engineering measurements. This understanding is critical in optimizing well placement, the spacing and length of horizontal wells, and hydraulic fracturing effort to maximize recovery. Specifically, we illustrate that in the Muskwa Formation and the Otter Park, Klua, and Evie members of the Horn River Formation, reservoir quality can be predicted using lambda-rho and mu-rho data extracted from AVO inversion studies. From log data, we show that the most prospective reservoir intervals are characterized by decreasing lambda, increasing mu and/or a lambda:mu ratio less than one.

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