Electrical geophysical methods, when applied to mineral exploration, have traditionally consisted of electrode array configurations such as pole-dipole, dipole-dipole, gradient array, etc., in which survey design usually results in a tradeoff between minimum target size, logistical complexity in the field, and the depth of investigation of the survey. Recent development of distributed acquisition systems (MIMDAS by M.I.M. Exploration and Titan24 by Quantec Geoscience) allow increased depth of investigation without significantly limiting minimum target size requirements. The two systems are similar in that they collect induced polarization (IP), direct current (dc) resistivity, and/or magnetotelluric (MT) data with multichannel configurations and signal-processing techniques that efficiently use nonconventional arrays and remove natural and cultural noise. This can be particularly effective in near-mine environments where traditional systems are challenged to produce interpretable information, particularly at depth.

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