Deghosting benefits traditional seismic processing and is a prerequisite to all inverse-scattering-series based processing. The freedom of choosing a convenient reference medium (and associated Green’s function) means Green’s theorem offers a flexible framework for deriving useful algorithms including deghosting. Among advantages over traditional deghosting methods are: (1) no need for Fourier transforms over receivers and sources, and (2) can accommodate a horizontal or non-horizontal measurement surface, the latter of particular interest for ocean bottom and onshore applications. The theory of Green’s theorem-derived deghosting is presented, and its first application on deep-water Gulf of Mexico synthetic (SEAM) and field data is reported. The source and receiver deghosting algorithms work with positive and encouraging results.
Deghosting is a long-standing problem (see, e.g., Robinson and Treitel, 2008) and benefits traditional seismic processing and all inverse-scattering-series (ISS) based processing. The benefits of deghosting include the following: (1) removing the downward component of the recorded pressure wavefield (receiver deghosting) enhances seismic resolution by removing ghost notches and boosting low frequencies, (2) deghosting is a prerequisite for many processing algorithms including multiple elimination (ISS free-surface multiples, ISS internal multiples, and surface-related-multiple elimination), and (3) model-matching full-wave inversion (FWI) benefits from enhanced low-frequency data.
Although ISS methods are independent of subsurface velocity (and in fact of all subsurface properties), they make certain assumptions about their input data. Weglein et al. (2003) describe how every ISS isolated-task subseries requires (1) the removal of the reference wavefield, (2) an estimate of the source signature and radiation pattern, and (3) source and receiver deghosting, and how the ISS has a nonlinear dependence on these preprocessing steps. The fact that the ISS is nonlinear places a higher premium on preprocessing requirements. An error in the input to a linear process creates a linear error in its output, but the same linear error in ISS input creates a combination of linear, quadratic, cubic, etc., errors in its output. The non-linear model matching FWI would share that interest.
The freedom of choosing a convenient reference medium (and associated Green’s function) means Green’s theorem offers a flexible framework for deriving useful algorithms. Green’s theorem methods can be categorized as wavefield prediction or wavefield separation. To predict the wavefield anywhere in a volume , Green’s theorem based wavefield prediction has the traditional need for (a) wavefield measurements on the boundary enclosing and (b) a knowledge of the medium throughout . Examples of wavefield prediction based on Green’s theorem include Schneider (1978), Clayton and Stolt (1981), Stolt and Weglein (2012), and reverse-time migration (Weglein et al., 2011a, 2011b). In contrast, Green’s theorem-based wavefield separation only assumes separate sources inside and outside , and nothing about the character of those sources is called for or needed. Within wavefield separation, different applications (e.g., wavelet estimation and deghosting) call for different choices of reference media and sources. Examples of wavefield separation based on Green’s theorem include source-wavelet estimation (Weglein and Secrest, 1990) and deghosting (Weglein et al., 2002; Zhang and Weglein, 2005, 2006; Zhang, 2007). In Green’s theorem wavefield separation methods, evaluating the surface integral at a point inside provides the contribution to the total field at a point inside due to sources outside , without needing or determining the nature or properties of any of the actual (active or passive) sources inside or outside . Hence, Green’s theorem-derived wavefield separation preprocessing steps (e.g., for wavelet estimation and deghosting) are consistent with subsequent ISS processing methods that also do not assume knowledge of or require subsurface information. The Green’s theorem wavefield prediction and wavefield separation methods are multidimensional and work in the or data spaces (and, hence, are simple to apply to irregularly spaced data).
Green’s theorem-derived deghosting was developed in a series of papers (Weglein et al., 2002; Zhang and Weglein, 2005, 2006; Zhang, 2007) and has characteristics not shared by previous methods. For example, there is no need for Fourier transforms over receivers and sources, and it can accommodate a horizontal or non-horizontal measurement surface. In Mayhan et al. (2011), we reported the first use of Green’s theorem-derived receiver deghosting on deep-water Gulf of Mexico synthetic (SEAM) and field data; in Mayhan et al. (2012), we reported the first use of Green’s theorem-derived source deghosting on the same data; and in this paper we provide more detail on the algorithms used.
A brief aside on our terminology. (1) The total wavefield measured by the hydrophones is considered as the sum of a reference wavefield (which for a homogeneous whole-space reference medium (used in Green’s theorem deghosting) is a direct wave from source to receiver) and the scattered wavefield (which is ). (2) Ghosts begin their propagation moving upward from the source (source ghosts) or end their propagation moving downward to the receiver (receiver ghosts) or both (source/receiver ghosts) and have at least one upward reflection from the earth.
After the reference wavefield and all ghosts have been removed, multiples and primaries are defined. (3) Free-surface multiples have at least one downward reflection from the air/water boundary and more than one upward reflection from the earth. (An th order free-surface multiple has downward reflections from the air/water boundary.) (4) Internal multiples have no downward reflections from the air/water boundary, more than one upward reflection from the earth, and at least one downward reflection from below the free surface. (An th order internal multiple has downward reflections from any reflector(s) below the free surface.) (5) Primaries have only one upward reflection from the earth. These marine events are summarized in Figure 1.
The source- and receiver-deghosting steps described below essentially follow the method described and exemplified in pages 33–39 of Zhang (2007). The difference is that for each shot we choose to input dual measurements of and along the towed streamer, whereas Zhang chose to use the source wavelet and along the cable for his numerical examples. (The theory in Zhang [2007] covers both cases.) The advantages of having the wavefield and its normal derivative along the towed streamer are (1) to allow deghosting for an arbitrary source distribution without needing to know or to determine the source, and (2) for increased stability in the vicinity of notches. Using measurements at two depths (or as described below) introduces a more depth-sensitive denominator.
Receiver deghosting
Green’s theorem derived-preprocessing is based on a perturbation approach where the actual problem and medium are considered as composed of a reference medium plus “sources.” The latter arise as source terms in the differential equation that describes the wave propagation in the actual medium. A reference medium (and its associated Green’s function) is chosen to facilitate solving the problem at hand, and the perturbations are represented as source terms necessary to write the actual propagation in terms of a reference medium source term picture. Within that general reference medium and source term framework, Green’s theorem-derived preprocessing is remarkably wide ranging. For example, Figure 2 shows the configuration chosen for Green’s theorem-derived deghosting. For deghosting, a reference medium that consists of a whole-space of water requires three source terms: a source that corresponds to air and begins above the air-water boundary, the air guns in the water column, and a source that corresponds to earth and begins below the water-earth boundary. Choosing a hemispherical surface of integration bounded below by the measurement surface, and the prediction or observation point inside the surface of integration gives receiver-deghosted data, (as explained in Appendix A). A different choice of a reference medium (a half-space of air and a half-space of water, separated by an air/water boundary) with two source terms, is useful for separating the reference wave =and . The prediction or observation point outside or inside the surface of integration, gives wavefield separation, in which the total wavefield is separated into the reference wavefield (prediction or observation point outside) or the scattered wavefield (prediction or observation point inside).
Green’s theorem-derived deghosting (receiver and source) is based on Weglein et al. (2002), Zhang and Weglein (2005, 2006), and Zhang (2007). Depending on the marine experiment, we have the following options for receiver deghosting. (1) If we have measurements only, we can use a derived variation of Green’s theorem (equation 3), a “double Dirichlet” Green’s function (equation 7 or 8), and an estimate of the source wavelet to predict and above the towed streamer(s). Then we can use the derived variation of Green’s theorem, a “whole-space” Green’s function (equation 1), and the predicted and to predict receiver-deghosted above the input and . (2) If we have a dual-sensor towed streamer or over/under towed streamers, we can use the derived variation of Green’s theorem and a whole-space Green’s function to directly predict receiver-deghosted above the towed streamer(s). The theory of case (2) assumes measurement of the pressure wavefield and its normal derivative where is the receiver location, is the source location, and is the unit normal to the measurement surface (pointing away from the enclosed volume ).
Green’s theorem derived receiver deghosting can be compared with a conventional sum method of deghosting (Amundsen, 1993; Robertsson and Kragh, 2002; Kragh et al., 2004). For a 3D point source and given a 1D earth and horizontal acquisition and adequate sampling to allow a Fourier transform from space to wavenumber, the two algorithms are equivalent. But these givens can be an issue. In addition, the application of the sum, under certain circumstances, brings other assumptions. For example, a 1D layered earth is assumed and dense sampling is needed to support its inverse Hankel transform (Amundsen [1993], p. 1336). The latter is often considered the current industry standard deghosting method. In contrast, the Green’s theorem deghosting algorithm (1) can accommodate a 1D, 2D, or 3D earth and (2) stays in coordinate space. Within these assumptions, can be derived from Green’s theorem as shown in Appendix B. The derivation follows in the tradition of Corrigan et al. (1991), Amundsen (1993), Weglein and Amundsen (2003); Weglein et al. (personal communication, 2013). This derivation, which to our knowledge has not been published before, shows that deghosting in the wavenumber-frequency domain is a special case of the more general deghosting in the space-frequency domain derived from Green’s theorem.
Source deghosting
We have shown how Green’s theorem can be applied to select the portion of the seismic wavefield that is upgoing at a field position above the cable. The algorithm uses data from a single shot gather and the receiver coordinate as the integration variable. This section shows how the theory can be similarly applied for source deghosting, where the portion of the wavefield that is downgoing at the source is sought. Depending on the marine experiment, we have the following options for source deghosting. (1) If we have a collection of single source experiments, we can use the derived variation of Green’s theorem (equation 3), a double Dirichlet Green’s function (equation 7 or 8), and receiver-deghosted data to predict new and above the receiver-deghosted data. Then we can use the derived variation of Green’s theorem, a whole-space Green’s function (equation 1), and the predicted and to predict source and receiver-deghosted above the input and . (2) If we have over/under shots, we can use the derived variation of Green’s theorem (equation 4), a whole-space Green’s function, and receiver-deghosted data to directly predict source and receiver-deghosted above the receiver-deghosted data. An application of reciprocity to the entire set of shot records allows the original receiver-ghost removal to become a source-ghost removal. Then a second application of the derived variation of Green’s theorem over receivers results in source- and receiver-deghosted data. An experiment with over/under receivers and over/under sources can be receiver deghosted and source deghosted by a double application of the derived variation of Green’s theorem (part of Weglein et al., 2002).
Green’s theorem-derived source deghosting begins with source-receiver reciprocity. We interpolate shots so that the distance between shots is the same as the inline distance between receivers, assign “station numbers” to shots and receivers relative to a grid fixed in space, use the station numbers to re-sort the sail line from common-shot gathers (CSGs) to common-receiver gathers (CRGs), and exchange the locations of the shots and receivers. Source ghosts upgoing at the shots are now receiver ghosts downgoing at the “receivers,” and a second application of equation 3 will remove them. This can be seen in Figures 3 and 4. In Figure 3, the left panel shows the recorded data (for simplicity, only primaries and their ghosts are shown), and the right panel shows receiver-deghosted data (the receiver ghosts and source/receiver ghosts have been attenuated leaving primaries and their source ghosts). In the left panel of Figure 4, CSGs have been sorted to produce CRGs, and in the right panel shot and receiver locations have been exchanged. The configuration in panel (d) looks like that in panel (a), so a second application of equation 3 will remove the source ghosts.
The implementation of the above theory is done in a straightforward manner. The Green’s theorem-derived algorithm computes the surface integral in equation 3. The method requires as input two wave fields, the pressure measurements and their normal derivatives . Measuring the latter requires a dual-sensor cable or over/under cables. The programs use data in the Seismic Unix (SU) format and integrate with all native SU programs.
Example: Flat-layer model
Figure 5 shows synthetic data produced using Cagniard-de Hoop code and a flat-layer model. (More detail on the input data is given in Tables C-1, C-2, and C-3 in Appendix C.) The first event is the water-bottom primary and its source ghost, receiver ghost, and source/receiver ghost, and the second event is the first free-surface multiple and its three ghosts. Figure 6 shows Green’s theorem-derived output computed using equation 3. Comparing Figures 5 and 6 shows that the receiver ghost and source/receiver ghost associated with the primary and first free-surface multiple have been attenuated. Figure 7 shows the result of source deghosting. Comparing Figures 6 and 7 shows that the source ghost has been attenuated for the first event (the water-bottom primary) and the second event (the first free-surface multiple). Deghosting also boosts low frequencies as seen in Figure 8.
Does the quality of deghosting depend on the distance between the over/under cables? Tang (L. Tang, 2013, personal communication) has used the same algorithm and a similar flat-layer model to study how a particular wavefield separation (into the reference and scattered fields) depends on this (and other) parameters. She concluded, “The estimated results get better when the over/under cables are closer to each other, i.e., and are approximately located at the same depth.” Her results are shown in Figure 9. Robertsson and Kragh (2002) report the same result, where their upper “cable” is the air/water boundary. It is expected that the quality of deghosting is also a function of the distance between the over/under cables.
Example: SEAM
Green’s theorem-derived deghosting was applied to the SEAM data set generated based on a deep-water Gulf of Mexico earth model (SEG Advanced Modeling Corporation [SEAM], 2011). We used the special SEAM classic data set modeled to simulate dual-sensor acquisition by recording the pressure wavefield at two different depths, 15 and 17 m, respectively. This dual-sensor data consisted of nine sail lines for an equivalent wide-azimuth towed-streamer survey. The source interval is 150 × 150 m, whereas the receiver interval is 30 m in inline and crossline directions. (More detail about this data is given in Table C-2 in Appendix C.) Given the low frequency of the data (less than 30 Hz) and the source and receiver depths of 15 and 17 m, the ghost reflections are not as separable as in the previous flat layer model with deeper sources and receivers. In this shallower source and receiver situation, successful deghosting would correspond to a change in the wavelet shape. The top left panel of Figure 10 shows SEAM input, the top right panel shows receiver-deghosted output computed by the Green’s theorem approach, and the bottom left panel shows source and receiver-deghosted output also computed by the Green’s theorem approach. In the top right and bottom left panels of Figure 10, note the collapsed wavelet. In the bottom right panel of Figure 10, note the shift of the amplitude spectrum toward low frequencies. Deghosting reduces amplitude between notches, where constructive interference occurs between waves propagating upward and waves propagating downward. In this data, notches occur at , i.e., at multiples of 50 Hz. Because the source energy is in frequencies less than 30 Hz, deghosting is manifested by the frequency shift.
Example: Field data
Green’s theorem-derived deghosting was also applied to a field survey from the deep-water Gulf of Mexico. The data were acquired using dual-sensor streamers comprised of hydrophones and vertical geophones. (More detail about this data is given in Table C-3 in Appendix C.) The vertical geophones measure , whereas Green’s theorem-derived algorithms require . It can be shown (from the equation of motion for a fluid, see Appendix D) that the required conversion is , where is the density of the reference medium (sea water). The top left panel in Figure 11 shows a close up of an input shot record whereas the top right panel displays the same traces after receiver deghosting and the bottom left panel displays the same traces after source and receiver deghosting. Note the collapsed wavelet in the output images. This is also demonstrated in Figure 12, which compares the amplitude spectra before and after receiver deghosting. As expected, the deghosting solution successfully removed the notches from the spectrum that are associated with the receiver ghost. In the bottom right panel in Figure 11, note the gradual recovery of the shape of the wavelet: first by receiver deghosting (middle trace) and then by source and receiver deghosting (right trace).
In deep water, the particular form of Green’s theorem-derived algorithm that was applied works as well as a conventional sum. It does so without the need for a Hankel transform from coordinate space to wavenumber domain, thus avoiding the difficulty of sufficient sampling needed to support the inverse Hankel transform (Amundsen [1993], p. 1336). There are two categories of advantages in using Green’s theorem: (1) avoiding demands of transforms when the measurement is on a horizontal surface, and (2) when the acquisition is not confined to a horizontal measurement surface, which precludes the use of transforms. Evaluating the advantages of the Green’s theorem-derived algorithm requires side by side testing of the two algorithms as the water becomes shallower, the water bottom becomes less flat, and full 3D acquisition is used.
The message for the prospector or seismic processor seeking the bottom line and user-guide for seeking to source and receiver deghost marine towed streamer and ocean bottom data is as follows: (1) away from notches, a single streamer of pressure data, and an estimate of the source signature can achieve receiver deghosting, and a set of single shot records can then achieve source deghosting, and (2) if deghosting is requiring for a frequency range that includes the notches (as can occur for high-frequency towed streamer acquisition and will occur with ocean-bottom data), then we advocate measurements of the pressure and its normal derivative along a cable for receiver deghosting and a set of dual over-under source experiments to achieve source deghosting. We have implemented and tested Green’s theorem-derived source and receiver deghosting for the first time on deep-water Gulf of Mexico synthetic (SEAM) and field data. These tests indicate that the algorithm works with positive and encouraging results. The Green’s theorem derived deghosting algorithms provide a unique and comprehensive framework and methodology for understanding and addressing each of these cases.
We are grateful to the M-OSRP sponsors for their support of this research and the three anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments, which enhanced the clarity of this paper. The first author is also grateful to ExxonMobil and PGS for internships and Nizar Chemingui (PGS), Paolo Terenghi (M-OSRP now PGS), and the second author for mentoring.
Following Weglein et al. (2002) and Chapter 2 of Zhang (2007), to separate upward-moving and downward-moving waves, we define the following (see Figure 2):
a reference medium consisting of a whole-space of water with wavespeed ,
a perturbation that is the difference between the reference medium (water) and the upper part (air) of the actual medium, defined by ,
a perturbation that is the difference between the reference medium (water) and the lower part (earth) of the actual medium, defined by ,
V is a volume bounded above by an upper hemisphere and below by the measurement surface,
a surface (air-water interface) above the measurement surface (i.e., inside ),
a source at above the measurement surface (again inside ),
a causal whole-space Green’s function in the reference medium,
the prediction/observation point lying below the source and above the measurement surface, and
as the hemisphere’s surface.
The physical meaning of equation A-6 is that the total wavefield at can be separated into three parts. There are three spatially distributed sources causing the wavefield . From the extinction theorem/Green’s theorem, the left side of equation A-6 is the contribution to the field at due to sources outside . There is one source outside , . The contribution it makes at is and upgoing. The two other sources ( and ) produce a down field at , since is below .
is a volume bounded above by an upper hemisphere and below by the measurement surface,
above the measurement surface and below the air/water boundary (i.e., ), and
a whole-space causal Green’s function .
Newton’s second law of motion:
Consider a unit volume in a fluid:
Fourier transform:
Force in a fluid is the pressure gradient:
The -component is the desired result.