Strong noise is one of the biggest challenges in controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) exploration, which severely affects the quality of the recorded signal. We develop a novel and effective CSEM noise attenuation method that integrates a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) with a high-quality sounding curve screening mechanism. This method first uses a DCNN to learn the large-scale noise characteristics of CSEM measured data and build a DCNN denoising model for attenuating the noise. Because some impulse noise remains after DCNN denoising, the high-quality sounding curve screening mechanism is innovatively applied to optimize the DCNN denoised data. The core of this method is the smoothness value (SV), which quantitatively evaluates the smoothness of the sounding curve (apparent resistivity curve). In effect, the mechanism segments the overall DCNN denoised data and calculates the corresponding sounding curve and its SV for each segment. The highest-quality sounding curve can be screened out by comparing the SVs of all curves as well as obtaining the highest-quality data segment present in the overall DCNN denoised data. Finally, our method is validated with synthetic and field data, demonstrating its feasibility and effectiveness in attenuating large-scale CSEM noise. The quality of CSEM data, which is heavily affected by noise, is significantly improved after processing by our method.

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