In seismic rock physics, models typically assume rocks are normally consolidated, often neglecting the effects of overconsolidation. Recent studies reveal that overconsolidated sands, resulting from stress release, show different physical property variations than normally consolidated sands. However, similar research is lacking for weakly cemented sandstones, a common reservoir analog. This study aims to systematically compare the effects of overconsolidation and stress direction on unconsolidated sandstones and weakly cemented sandstones. It also assesses the impact of overconsolidation on seismic interpretation, monitoring, and rock-physics modeling applied to these two types of rocks. Experimental measurements of porosity, P-wave, and S-wave velocities were collected under different stress paths between loading and unloading. For weakly cemented sandstone, well-log data from the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea were compared with experimental data. Analyses focused on the velocity-porosity relationship, / ratio versus AI, and / ratio versus effective stress.
Results show that overconsolidation and stress direction affect these attributes differently in both rock types. The / ratio of unconsolidated sand remains stable under stress changes, whereas weakly cemented sandstone shows significant variation. Rock-physics modeling suggests that the stress sensitivity of the / ratio in overconsolidated weakly cemented sandstone under saturated conditions depends on the extent of cement deterioration. Strong cement deterioration upon unloading increases stress sensitivity, whereas less destructive deterioration decreases it. Experimental data align with models assuming strong deterioration, whereas field data from uplifted areas fit models assuming less destructive deterioration. This work highlights the importance of considering overconsolidation in rock-physics models and reveals pitfalls in applying existing models and workflows to overconsolidated reservoir rocks.