Recent advancements in the signal-to-noise ratio of transient electromagnetic (TEM) devices have highlighted the significance of induced polarization (IP) effects in areas containing polarizable materials such as clays or sulfide minerals. These effects are characterized by an abnormally rapid decay followed by late-time negative values in the voltage response, which often lead to unsatisfactory outcomes in conventional resistivity-only inversion workflows. Previous research demonstrates that incorporating the Cole-Cole complex resistivity model into an inversion workflow enhances the characterization of this phenomenon. In a recent hydrologic survey in eastern Tibet, China, significant TEM-IP-affected phenomena are observed during the implementation of an electrical-source TEM system to map the distribution of groundwater. In this instance, data from two representative survey lines are inverted using a modified quasi-2D regularized Newton inversion scheme that simultaneously extracted the direct current resistivity and three IP parameters: chargeability, time constant, and frequency dependence. The results reveal clear conductive polarization distributions against the resistive host, correlating well with groundwater-enriched weathered layers, as confirmed by borehole lithologic logs. Consequently, conductive polarization signatures are identified as potential key indicators of groundwater presence considering potential associations with clay and shale. This case study emphasizes the significance of accounting for potential IP effects in TEM surveys and highlights the advantages of multiparametric inversion for achieving more accurate results and enhancing the interpretation of subsurface properties.