The Marchenko method can retrieve Green’s functions among virtual sources in the subsurface and receivers at the surface from single-sided reflection data. This process, called Marchenko redatuming, allows the estimation of the full-wavefield information in the inhomogeneous subsurface. The retrieved Green’s functions form the input for creating the subsurface image free of artifacts caused by internal multiples. However, when using the crosscorrelation imaging condition in Marchenko imaging, the shallower regions of the obtained image suffer from reduced resolution due to unwanted interference, which occurs in the crosscorrelation gathers at far offsets. With a simple model, we have found that the image resolution obtained using the crosscorrelation Marchenko imaging (CCMI) method is influenced by image position and the integral range of the crosscorrelation function. To overcome this problem, we develop an optimal aperture-bounded crosscorrelation imaging condition using only the constructive wavefields during integration. The optimal aperture is defined as an intercept at which the time difference between the first arrivals of up- and downgoing Green’s functions equals one wavelet period. The integration of the crosscorrelation function is then performed over the determined optimal range that varies with the image position rather than a fixed aperture. As a result, we exclude the unwanted destructive interference from the crosscorrelation gather, resulting in a high-resolution image. The effectiveness of our method has been validated with its applications to synthetic and field data tests.