A 3D forward algorithm is presented to model electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measurements with the capability to use different electrode array configurations. We have implemented the algorithm as an open-source package with the assumption that the medium can be modeled as a homogeneous half-space with immersed bodies of different resistivities with regular geometry. This algorithm incorporates a novel numerical approximation by using the volume integral method, with the hypothesis of weak scattering, where the secondary currents generated in the bodies due to the main field are not considered. The algorithm also includes a new method called cubature to calculate volume integrals and the ERT response. In addition, the code has a module to display the results as color resistivity profiles. This method avoids the limitation of the complex geometry of the medium or even of the immersed bodies. The method is useful for planning a field survey, exploring the use of a specific electrode array, or implementing new arrays. The package, called the volume integral model of the electric response, is computationally efficient and can be easily ported to any operating system that supports MATLAB.