Elastic-wave migration in anisotropic media is a vital challenge, particularly for areas with irregular topography. Gaussian-beam migration (GBM) is an accurate and flexible depth migration technique, which is adaptable for imaging complex surface areas. It retains the dynamic features of the wavefield and overcomes the multivalued traveltimes and caustic problems of Kirchhoff migration. We have extended the GBM method to work for 2D anisotropic multicomponent migration under complex surface conditions. We use Gaussian beams to calculate the wavefield from irregular topography, and we use two schemes to derive the down-continued recorded wavefields. One is based on the local slant stack as in classic GBM, in which the PP- and PS-wave seismic records within the local region are directly decomposed into local plane-wave components from irregular topography. The other scheme does not perform the local slant stack. The Green’s function is calculated with a Gaussian beam summation emitted from the receiver point at the irregular surface. Using the crosscorrelation imaging condition and combining with the 2D anisotropic ray-tracing algorithm, we develop two 2D anisotropic multicomponent Gaussian-beam prestack depth migration (GB-PSDM) methods, i.e., using the slant stack and nonslant stack, for irregular topography. Numerical tests demonstrate that our anisotropic multicomponent GB-PSDM can accurately image subsurface structures under complex topography conditions.