This study derives a preconditioned stochastic conjugate gradient (CG) method that combines stochastic optimization with singular spectrum analysis (SSA) denoising to improve the efficiency and image quality of plane-wave least-squares reverse time migration (PLSRTM). This method reduces the computational costs of PLSRTM by applying a controlled group-sampling method to a sufficiently large number of plane-wave sections and accelerates the convergence using a hybrid of stochastic descent (SD) iteration and CG iteration. However, the group sampling also produces aliasing artifacts in the migration results. We use SSA denoising as a preconditioner to remove the artifacts. Moreover, we implement the preconditioning on the take-off angle-domain common-image gathers (CIGs) for better results. We conduct numerical tests using the Marmousi model and Sigsbee2A salt model and compare the results of this method with those of the SD method and the CG method. The results demonstrate that our method efficiently eliminates the artifacts and produces high-quality images and CIGs.

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