Divergence and curl operators used for the decomposition of P- and S-wave modes in elastic reverse time migration (RTM) change the amplitudes, units, and phases of extrapolated wavefields. I separate the P- and S-waves in elastic media based on the Helmholtz decomposition. The decomposed wavefields based on this approach have the same amplitudes, units, and phases as the extrapolated wavefields. To avoid expensive multidimensional integrals in the Helmholtz decomposition, I introduce a fast Poisson solver to efficiently solve the vector Poisson’s equation. This fast algorithm allows us to reduce computational complexity from O(N2) to O(NlogN), where N is the total number of grid points. Because the decomposed P- and S-waves are vector fields, I use vector imaging conditions to construct PP-, PS-, SS-, and SP-images. Several 2D numerical examples demonstrate that this approach allows us to accurately and efficiently decompose P- and S-waves in elastic media. In addition, elastic RTM images based on the vector imaging conditions have better quality and avoid polarity reversal in comparison with images based on the divergence and curl separation or direct component-by-component crosscorrelation.

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