We have proposed a misfit function based on adaptive matching filtering (AMF) to tackle challenges associated with cycle skipping and local minima in full-waveform inversion (FWI). This AMF is designed to measure time-varying phase differences between observations and predictions. Compared with classical least-squares waveform differences, our misfit function behaves as a smooth, quadratic function with a broad basin of attraction. These characters are important because local gradient-based optimization approaches used in most FWI schemes cannot guarantee convergence toward true models if misfit functions include local minima or if the starting model is far away from the global minimum. The 1D and 2D synthetic experiments illustrate the advantages of the proposed misfit function compared with the classical least-squares waveform misfit. Furthermore, we have derived adjoint sources associated with the proposed misfit function and applied them in several 2D time-domain acoustic FWI experiments. Numerical results found that the proposed misfit function can provide good starting models for FWI, particularly when low-frequency signals are absent in recorded data.