Reverse time migration (RTM) using multiples generates inherent crosstalk artifacts due to the interference among multiples of different orders. We have developed a method to remove such crosstalk. This approach first separates the recorded seismic data into primary reflections and multiples using the surface-related multiples elimination algorithm and then isolates the multiples into different orders. We can take any specified, say the nth, order of multiples data as the incident wave and the next higher order multiples data, (n+1)th order, as the corresponding primary reflection data for imaging. We have applied the least-squares migration scheme to these two successive orders of multiples. Our method is denoted as least-squares RTM using controlled-order multiples (LSRTM-CM). Our numerical tests demonstrated that LSRTM-CM can significantly improve imaging quality compared with straightforward seismic imaging using multiples without multiples separation.

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