Inversion of airborne electromagnetic (EM) data for a layered earth has been commonly performed under the assumption that the magnetic permeability of the layers is the same as that of free space. The resistivity inverted from helicopter EM data in this way is not reliable in highly magnetic areas because magnetic polarization currents occur in addition to conduction currents, causing the inverted resistivity to be erroneously high.
A new algorithm for inverting for the resistivity, magnetic permeability, and thickness of a layered model has been developed for a magnetic conductive layered earth. It is based on traditional inversion methodologies for solving nonlinear inverse problems and minimizes an objective function subject to fitting the data in a least-squares sense. Studies using synthetic helicopter EM data indicate that the inversion technique is reasonably dependable and provides fast convergence. When six synthetic in-phase and quadrature data from three frequencies are used, the model parameters for two- and three-layer models are estimated to within a few percent of their true values after several iterations. The analysis of partial derivatives with respect to the model parameters contributes to a better understanding of the relative importance of the model parameters and the reliability of their determination.
The inversion algorithm is tested on field data obtained with a Dighem helicopter EM system at Mt. Milligan, British Columbia, Canada. The output magnetic susceptibility-depth section compares favorably with that of Zhang and Oldenburg who inverted for the susceptibility on the assumption that the resistivity distribution was known.