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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Canada (1)
Lake Nipissing (1)
North America
Great Lakes
Lake Michigan (6)
Lake Superior (1)
Great Lakes region (3)
Lake Superior region (1)
United States
Illinois (2)
Illinois Basin (1)
Indiana (7)
Kentucky (1)
Michigan Upper Peninsula
Alger County Michigan (1)
Chippewa County Michigan
Sault Sainte Marie Michigan (1)
Wabash Valley (1)
Wisconsin (1)
elements, isotopes
C-14 (2)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (2)
Bryozoa (1)
Anthozoa (1)
Mollusca (1)
geochronology methods
optically stimulated luminescence (2)
geologic age
upper Holocene (2)
upper Pleistocene
Wisconsinan (1)
Borden Group (1)
Upper Mississippian
Sainte Genevieve Limestone (1)
Salem Limestone (1)
Valmeyeran (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (2)
Canada (1)
C-14 (2)
upper Holocene (2)
upper Pleistocene
Wisconsinan (1)
deformation (1)
diagenesis (1)
earthquakes (1)
faults (1)
geomorphology (2)
geophysical methods (2)
glacial geology (1)
Bryozoa (1)
Anthozoa (1)
Mollusca (1)
isostasy (1)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (2)
North America
Great Lakes
Lake Michigan (6)
Lake Superior (1)
Great Lakes region (3)
Lake Superior region (1)
paleoclimatology (1)
paleoecology (1)
paleogeography (2)
paleontology (1)
Borden Group (1)
Upper Mississippian
Sainte Genevieve Limestone (1)
Salem Limestone (1)
Valmeyeran (1)
sea-level changes (1)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
limestone (1)
clastic rocks
marl (1)
sedimentary structures
biogenic structures
stromatolites (1)
sedimentation (1)
clastic sediments
sand (1)
till (1)
shorelines (3)
stratigraphy (2)
neotectonics (1)
United States
Illinois (2)
Illinois Basin (1)
Indiana (7)
Kentucky (1)
Michigan Upper Peninsula
Alger County Michigan (1)
Chippewa County Michigan
Sault Sainte Marie Michigan (1)
Wabash Valley (1)
Wisconsin (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
limestone (1)
clastic rocks
marl (1)
sedimentary structures
channels (1)
sedimentary structures
biogenic structures
stromatolites (1)
stratification (1)
clastic sediments
sand (1)
till (1)
Lake level, shoreline, and dune behavior along the Indiana southern shore of Lake Michigan
ABSTRACT The Indiana Dunes is a name commonly used for the eastern part of the Calumet Lacustrine Plain, generally referring to the large dunes along the coast from Gary, Indiana, eastward to the Michigan state line. However, the Calumet Lacustrine Plain also contains complex coastal landscapes associated with late Wisconsin to Holocene phases of ancestral Lake Michigan (e.g., mainland-attached beaches, barrier beaches, spits), including those formed during quasi-periodic decadal and shorter-term waterlevel variability that characterize modern Lake Michigan (e.g., beach ridges, dunes, interdunal wetlands). Major industrial development and other human activities have impacted the Calumet Lacustrine Plain, often altering these landscapes beyond recognition. Today, geological and paleoenvironmental data are sought to inform regional environmental restoration and management efforts and to increase the resiliency of the coastal landscape to ongoing disturbances. During this field trip, we will examine the relict shorelines and their associated nearshore and onshore features and deposits across the Indiana portion of the Calumet Lacustrine Plain. These features and deposits record the dynamic interaction between coastal processes of Lake Michigan, lake-level change, and long-term longshore sediment transport during the past 15,000 yr. Participants will examine the modern beach, the extensive beach-ridge record of the Tolleston Beach strandplain, a relict dune field, and the large dunes of the modern shoreline, including Mount Baldy. At Mount Baldy, we will focus on the landscape response to human modification of the shoreline. We will also explore the science behind dune decomposition chimneys—collapse features that caused a 6-yr-old boy to become buried more than 3.5 m below the dune surface in 2013 and highlighted a previously unrecognized geologic hazard.
ABSTRACT The Salem Limestone (Valmeyeran, Mississippian) is a preeminent dimensional limestone quarried in a two-county area of south-central Indiana for nearly 200 years. Advances in quarry technology in the past 30 years produce nearly smooth-sawn quarry walls that show the exquisite depositional details of the Salem carbonate shoal. The Salem shoal is part of a large-scale shoaling sequence that produced a carbonate platform during the middle Mississippian that began at the end of Borden Group (Mississippian) delta deposition and culminated with the deposition of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Mississippian). The Salem was deposited as a high-energy, but subtidal shoal above fair-weather wave base. Four environments are recognizable within the shoal: active shoal, open lagoon, intrashoal channel, and intershoal channel. A shoal crest environment may also be present as a fifth environment. A hierarchy of bounding surfaces can be defined using the sawed quarry exposures. First-order surfaces are foreset laminae and appear as inclined or horizontal stratification. Second-order surfaces are the contacts between similar bedforms, and third-order surfaces truncate first- and second-order surfaces, representing breaks in sedimentation. Combined they define mesoforms within the shoal complex. Fourth-order surfaces, similar to third-order surfaces, represent a change from a shoal to lagoonal setting. Evidence of hard-ground development occurs along third-order surfaces, associated with encrusting bryozoan holdfasts, corals, and columnar subtidal stromatolites. Tracing surfaces on the quarry walls is vital to reconstructing the internal architecture of the shoal and the processes that operated within it. We will examine this shoal architecture by visiting quarries and an outcrop, and we will visit a mill where quarried stone blocks are fabricated into panels and shapes for buildings.
The contemporary elevation of the peak Nipissing phase at outlets of the upper Great Lakes
The Nipissing phase of ancestral Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Superior was the last pre-modern highstand of the upper Great Lakes. Reconstructions of past lake-level change and glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), as well as activation and abandonment of outlets, is dependent on an understanding of the elevation of the lake at each outlet. More than 100 years of study has established the gross elevation of the Nipissing phase at each outlet, but the mixing of geomorphic and sedimentologic data has produced interpreted outlet elevations varying by at least several meters. Vibracore facies, optically stimulated luminescence and radiocarbon age control, and ground-penetrating radar transects from new and published studies were collected to determine peak Nipissing water-level elevations for the Port Huron (Lake Huron), Chicago (Lake Michigan), and Sault (Lake Superior) outlets. Contemporary elevations are 183.3, 182.1, and 195.7 m (International Great Lakes Datum of 1985 [IGLD85]), respectively. These data and published relative hydrographs were combined to produce one residual hydrograph for the Port Huron outlet that best defines the rise, peak, and rapid fall of the Nipissing phase from 6000–3500 calendar years ago. Establishing accurate elevations at the only present-day unregulated outlet of the Great Lakes and the only ancient outlet that has played a critical role in draining the upper Great Lakes since the middle Holocene is a critical step to better understand GIA and water-level change geologically and historically. The geologic context may provide the insight required for water managers to make informed decisions to best manage the largest freshwater system in the world.
Well-developed simple, stabilized parabolic dunes that are oriented to the east and southeast form the inland portion of a dune complex that extends ~32 km east-west across the southern shoreline of Lake Michigan in northwest Indiana. To better understand shoreline evolution during the Nipissing and post-Nipissing phases of Lake Michigan, subsurface sedimentology and radiocarbon ages from interdunal wetlands are considered with optical ages from nearby dunes within the landward portion of this area known as the Tolleston Beach. In the east, the once expansive Great Marsh had developed during the lake-level fall from the Nipissing peak (~4500 years ago). Units of eolian sand found within vibracores from the Great Marsh indicate that dunes formed and began migrating into the wetlands 4200–4400 years ago. In the west, newly formed dunes migrated along the shoreline while small interdunal wetlands formed shortly thereafter. Optical ages from two individual dunes indicate that this relict dune system stabilized by ~3500 years ago. Six samples collected from each of the two dunes yield optical ages that overlap at two standard errors. However, variations in individual ages detect episodic processes of sand movement that distinguish between the timing of landform migration and stabilization. Optical ages collected at the base of the slipface are interpreted as the age of landform stabilization. This study indicates that, with focused field-to-lab strategies, optical dating can provide a more robust chronology of shoreline development than previously considered; correlating eolian activity to wetland development and lake-level change in the Great Lakes.
Palaeohydrographic reconstructions from strandplains of beach ridges in the Laurentian Great Lakes
Abstract The current temporal and spatial context of water-level change, drivers of change, and possible future scenarios of the Laurentian Great Lakes is controversial. Palaeohydrographs are being constructed from measured subsurface elevations of palaeo-swash zones and modelled ages in strandplains of beach ridges that are preserved in embayments along the lakes’ edge. More than 800 elevations and 200 ages have been collected from 15 strandplains to construct site strandplain palaeohydrographs. Palaeo-beach elevations from whole strandplains or sets of correlative palaeo-beaches within strandplains are then used to establish an outlet palaeohydrograph for each lake. Adjusting strandplain palaeohydrograph elevations to account for glacial isostatic adjustment and refining age models help define the outlet palaeohydrograph. Common basin-wide water-level patterns and changes in outlet location or conveyance can then be interpreted. Systematic patterns of elevation and geomorphic/sedimentologic properties in individual, groups and sets of beach ridges in strandplains suggest that long-term patterns of water-level change and sediment supply occurred on decadal, centennial and millennial scales. Outlet palaeohydrograph construction for Lake Superior revealed discrepancies between geological and historical rates of glacial isostatic adjustment. These differences are currently being investigated using new data from Lake Huron.
A Sault-outlet-referenced mid- to late-Holocene paleohydrograph for Lake Superior constructed from strandplains of beach ridges
Abstract Lake Michigan is the world’s sixth largest freshwater lake and has many features in common with oceanic settings, albeit at a smaller scale. All of the constructional features typical of ocean coasts can be found along the shore of Lake Michigan, and it has a shelf-slope system where coastwise rectification of currents, coastal downwelling jets, Coriolis veering of lake currents, benthic nepheloid layer, and density currents have been observed. Unlike ocean coasts, however, the wave climate is predominantly mild, and only a very small lunar tide exists, although other (quasi) periodic water-level fluctuations such as seiches and edge waves do occur. Another significant difference is the occurrence of quasicyclical climatically induced lake-level fluctuations of as much as 2 m (6.6 ft) that greatly influence the way that coastal sediments accumulate. Lastly, the Lake Michigan coast during the late Wisconsin and Holocene experienced multiple noncyclic transgressive and regressive events. Lake levels have been as much as 18 m (60 ft) higher and 60 m (200 ft), or more, lower than present, and changes have commonly occurred at rates several magnitudes greater than the most rapid eustatic sea level changes. In this chapter, we will show how hydrodynamic processes, cyclic and noncyclic lake-level changes, and the way in which sediments are supplied to the lake have interacted to shape the architecture of sedimentary deposits along the coast and in the deep basins. We will summarize the results of our own work, but we are also indebted to many researchers whose work is included in this narrative.
A systematic pattern of beach ridges forming strandplains commonly fills embayments in the Great Lakes of North America. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) and vibracore results define a common preserved architecture inside beach ridges. Comparing the preserved architecture with a conceptual model of beach-ridge development explains the conditions responsible for their development and preservation. Great Lakes beach ridges are a product of a positive rate of sediment supply and a multidecadal fluctuation in lake level. Many shoreline behaviors occur throughout the development of a beach ridge, but not all successions originally formed by these behaviors are preserved. Beach ridges are stratigraphically separated by concave lakeward-dipping ravinement surfaces extending at depth below beach-ridge crests to the ground surface in adjacent landward swales. These surfaces are formed during rapid rises in water level, where previously laid deposits erode, forming a base for the beach-ridge core. As the rate of rise decreases and the water-level elevation approaches a highstand, the core of the ridge is built by vertical aggradation. Subsequent deposits build lakeward during progradation when water levels become stable, protecting the core from being eroded during future rapid rises in water level. Dune sand deposits on beach-ridge cores are stabilized by vegetation, and swales are commonly filled with organic material.
Geomorphic Response to Tectonically-Induced Ground Deformation in the Wabash Valley
Strand-plain evidence for late Holocene lake-level variations in Lake Michigan
Abstract The late Wisconsinan and Holocene coastal evolution of southern Lake Michigan contrasts with the coeval history of ocean-coast settings. Multiple transgressive and regressive events occurred, and rates of lake-level change were often greater than the most rapid eustatic sea-level changes. A succession of lower high-lake maxima is recorded in mainland beaches, spits, and beach-ridge/dune complexes across the Chicago/Calumet lacustrine plain. The plain, which extends approximately 120 km from north of Chicago to the Indiana-Michigan border, was the sink for net-southerly littoral transport. During the high-lake phases between 14.5 ka and about 3.5 ka, littoral transport from the eastern and western lake shores terminated in separate spits on opposite ends of the lacustrine plain. Since about 3.5 ka, littoral transport converged along the southern shore. Gradual changes in coastal geomorphology, brought about by littoral processes acting within an overall trend of lake-level decline over the past 2,500 years, formed the modern coastal geography. The Chicago River was transformed from a westward- to an eastward-flowing drainage; littoral-sediment accretion resulted in an extensive beach-ridge/dune complex and a 35-km stream-mouth deflection forming the Grand Calumet River. A model for the coastal sedimentary evolution during the transgressive phases indicates minimal-sediment supply until rate of lake-level change declined and a peak lake level was reached. Wave erosion along the glacial-bluff lake margins could then supply the littoral-transport system. The overall depositional history of the south Lake Michigan coast is that of a regressive and progradational system.
Dune and beach complex and back-barrier sediments along the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan; Cowles Bog area of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
The types and spatial distribution of subsurface sedimentary deposits in the Calumet and Toleston Beaches of ancestral Lake Michigan were studied to better understand the evolution of the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan. Deposits of eight depositional environments were recognized: (1) dune, (2) foreshore, (3) upper shoreface, (4) lower shoreface, (5) offshore, (6) back-barrier lacustrine, (7) paludal, and (8) glacigenic. The Calumet Beach formed at the end of a rise in lake level following the Two Creeks phase, a time period of low lake level in the Lake Michigan basin, to the Calumet level. This trasgressive event was primarily erosional and produced a ravinement throughout the study area. Locally, however, relief on the underlying till of the Lake Border Moraine was instrumental in the preservation of nearshore sediments. Progradation of the Calumet shoreline produced a vertical stacking of shallow-water coastal sediments over deeper water deposits. Lakeward translation of the shoreline occurred for an unknown period of time, until the altitude of the lake dropped to the level of the Chippewa phase of ancestral Lake Michigan. Unlike the transgression from the Two Creeks level to the Calumet level, the post-Chippewa transgression to the Nipissing I level was dominantly depositional. This transgressive event is recorded in an ascending sequence of back-barrier lacustrine, dune, and foreshore deposits in the western part of the study area and by the onlap of the toe of the Calumet dune and beach complex by back-barrier lacustrine, palustrine, and dune sediments.
A succession of molluscan faunas preserved in the upper 366 cm of a vibracore recovered from the Cowles Bog area records a series of long- and short-term environmental changes in the Lake Michigan basin since the low-water Lake Chippewa phase. The rise in the water to the Nipissing I level during the post-Lake Chippewa transgression affected the water table landward from the lake and brought into existence a small lake or pond at the core site. This event is recorded in the core at a depth of about 366 cm by a change in lithology from interbedded organic layers and fine sand to a fossiliferous, calcareous micrite (marl) and by the appearance of molluscs, in which the overwhelming preponderance of taxa and individuals prefer unpolluted, well-oxygenated perennial aquatic habitats. This molluscan assemblage continues to dominate the core between 366 cm and 190 cm. Between 182 cm and 122 cm, this association of species is almost completely replaced by taxa tolerant of water bodies that are becoming filled with organic debris, by species that can inhabit temporary water bodies, and by marsh-inhabiting terrestrial species. Paludification of the site, from 122 cm to the surface, is indicated by an assemblage dominated by terrestrial species that prefer wet to very moist substrates. These occur in association with pisidiid clams and aquatic gastropods capable of living in seasonal bodies of water. Short-term climatic events are suggested by rapid increases in the abundance of aquatic taxa in the upper 100 cm of the core. These faunal changes are interpreted as responses to a rise in the local water table due to increased precipitation.