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Caledonides (3)
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Pennines (1)
Yorkshire England
North Yorkshire England (1)
Scotland (1)
metal ores (1)
mineral deposits, genesis (1)
elements, isotopes
hafnium (1)
geochronology methods
Ar/Ar (1)
U/Pb (4)
geologic age
Lower Devonian
Emsian (1)
Lower Ordovician (1)
Middle Silurian (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
granites (1)
volcanic rocks
andesites (1)
trachyandesites (1)
ophiolite (1)
metamorphic rocks
ophiolite (1)
zircon group
zircon (3)
Primary terms
absolute age (4)
Western Europe
Donegal Ireland
Ardara Pluton (1)
United Kingdom
Great Britain
Pennines (1)
Yorkshire England
North Yorkshire England (1)
Scotland (1)
geochemistry (1)
geophysical methods (1)
heat flow (1)
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
granites (1)
volcanic rocks
andesites (1)
trachyandesites (1)
intrusions (3)
metal ores (1)
hafnium (1)
metamorphism (1)
metasomatism (1)
mineral deposits, genesis (1)
Lower Devonian
Emsian (1)
Lower Ordovician (1)
Middle Silurian (1)
plate tectonics (1)
springs (1)
tectonics (2)
U–Pb zircon constraints on obduction initiation of the Unst Ophiolite: an oceanic core complex in the Scottish Caledonides?
Reply to Discussion on ‘A high-precision U–Pb age constraint on the Rhynie Chert Konservat-Lagerstätte: time scale and other implications’: Journal , 168, 863–872
A U–Pb age for the Late Caledonian Sperrin Mountains minor intrusions suite in the north of Ireland: timing of slab break-off in the Grampian terrane and the significance of deep-seated, crustal lineaments
The North Pennine batholith (Weardale Granite) of northern England: new data on its age and form
Abstract The Lewisian Gneiss Complex of northwestern Scotland consists of Archaean gneisses, variably reworked during the Proterozoic. It can be divided into three districts – a central granulite-facies district between districts of amphibolite-facies gneiss to the north and south. Recent work has interpreted these districts in terms of separate terranes, initiating a controversy that has implications for how Precambrian rocks are understood worldwide. The northern district of the Lewisian Gneiss Complex (the Rhiconich terrane) is separated from the central district (the Assynt terrane) by a broad ductile shear zone known as the Laxford Shear Zone. This paper reviews the geology of the Laxford Shear Zone, clarifying field relationships and discussing other evidence, to consider whether or not it does indeed represent a terrane boundary. A detailed review of field, geochemical and geochronological evidence supports the recognition of the separate Assynt and Rhiconich terranes. Mafic dykes (the Scourie Dyke Swarm) and granitoids, of Palaeoproterozoic age, occur on both sides of the Laxford Shear Zone and thus the terranes were most probably juxtaposed during the late Archaean to early Palaeoproterozoic Inverian event. Subsequently, the less-competent, more-hydrous amphibolite-facies gneisses of the Rhiconich terrane were affected by later Palaeoproterozoic (Laxfordian) deformation and partial melting, to a greater extent than the more-competent granulite-facies gneisses of the Assynt terrane.
Abstract Two domains have previously been recognized in the Archaean Reguibat shield of NW Mauritania, based primarily on their gross lithological differences. New fieldwork has identified a major ductile shear zone (Tâçarât–Inemmaûdene Shear Zone) separating these domains and new geochronological studies show that the two domains record different Mesoarchaean histories. As such, the two domains are redefined as the Choum–Rag el Abiod Terrane and Tasiast–Tijirit Terrane. Previous isotopic studies of metamorphic lithologies of the eastern Choum–Rag el Abiod Terrane indicate a succession of crustal growth from about 3.5–3.45 Ga to between about 3.2 and 2.99 Ga. Isotopic data presented in this contribution from the Tasiast–Tijirit Terrane indicate that emplacement of major calc-alkaline plutons occurred at c . 2.93 Ga after volcanism (preserved as greenstone belts) that included late felsic eruptive centres dated at c . 2965 Ma. This Mesoarchaean intrusive and extrusive magmatism was confined to the Tasiast–Tijirit Terrane, where it was emplaced through migmatitic orthogneisses that are the oldest lithodemic unit of the Tasiast–Tijirit Terrane. Widespread bimodal, post-tectonic magmatism in both terranes included major granitic magmatism dated at c . 2730 Ma. The north–south- to NNE–SSW-trending curvilinear Tâçarât–Inemmaûdene Shear Zone that separates the two terranes records late intense transpressive ductile shearing. It has a flower structure over a horizontal distance of about 70 km across its southern portion with unquantifiable sinistral horizontal offset, and east-directed thrusting on its eastern side where it cuts into the Choum–Rag el Abiod Terrane. A new U–Pb zircon age of 2954±111 Ma is presented for a deformed granite confined within the central part of this shear zone. A minimum age for the shearing is provided by a previously determined c . 2.73 Ga age for a post-tectonic granite that cuts across the easternmost part of the shear zone in the Choum–Rag el Abiod Terrane.
Ślęża Ophiolite: geochemical features and relationship to Lower Palaeozoic rift magmatism in the Bohemian Massif
Abstract The Ślęża Ophiolite is one of several thrust-bounded crustal slices dominated by metabasites in the western Sudetes. The apparent field association of serpentinites, gabbros and amphibolitic components led previous workers to consider that this lithological assemblage represented an ophiolite sequence. Fieldwork suggests that the ophiolite is now highly inclined, partly overturned, so that an ophiolitic pseudostratigraphy can be deduced, grading from serpentinites and gabbros in the south to metabasite lavas in the north. The recent discovery of pillow lava structures (at Gozdnica Hill, to the west of Sobótka town) confirms that the volcanic top of the ophiolite lies in the northern section, as might be expected from the ophiolite model. The gabbros have undergone greenschist facies metamorphism with the random development of low-grade amphibole. The volcanic portion of the sequence comprise metamorphosed dolerites and basalts partly within the contact aureole of the Variscan Strzegom-Sobótka granite. Previous work dated plagiogranites associated with the gabbros at about 400–420 Ma (U-Pb zircon ages). Geochemical data suggest that the gabbros are distinct and apparently not comagmatic with the volcanic section of sheeted dykes and lavas. The gabbros, in particular, although very depleted in incompatible elements are dissimilar to supra-subduction zone ophiolites, exhibiting instead N-MORB-like light REE depleted patterns. Depletion is both a feature of the cumulate character of many of the gabbros, as well as a source effect (especially the uniformly low Nb content). The metabasalts and metadolerites, on the other hand, are a well-evolved single comagmatic suite with high incompatible element contents, Zr/Y approximately 3–4, and generally flat to light REE-depleted patterns. The geochemical dichotomy of the plutonic and volcanic segments calls into question a simple interpretation of the body as a single-stage coherent stratiform ophiolite. Chemical comparison with Sudetic metabasites from within the nearby Rudawy-Janowickie and Kacazawa Complexes shows that the Ślęża metabasites have a number of features in common, including the presence of both low-Ti (gabbros) and high-Ti (dykes and lavas) chemical groups. The correlation of the gabbros, dykes and lavas with the low-Ti and high-Ti (Main Series) metatholeiites respectively, seen throughout the Bohemian Massif, as well as the Sudetes, places them within the regional collage of Palaeozoic crustal blocks separated by the Saxothuringian Seaway. Comparison with Bohemian Massif metabasites also indicates that sediment contamination of the Ślęża Ophiolite sources was not an important process and that an enriched plume source played no part in the generation of the ophiolitic melts. The two Ślęża chemical groups were derived from variably depleted asthenospheric mantle sources. Simple modelling suggests that the volcanic segment could have been derived by 10–15% partial melting of a depleted N-MORB source, whereas the plutonic segment represents around 30% partial melting of a more depleted source. To develop varying degrees of depletion in an oceanic environment, the two sources could be related via incremental partial melting of a shallow MORB-type source.
Abstract During early Palaeozoic time the Cadomian basement of the northern margin of Gondwana underwent extensive rifting with the formation of various crustal blocks that eventually became separated by seaways. Attenuation of the continental lithosphere was accompanied by the emplacement of anatectic granites and extensive mafic-dominated bimodal magmatism, often featuring basalts with an ocean crust chemistry. Intrusive metabasites in deep crustal segments (associated with granitic orthogneisses) or extrusive submarine lavas at higher levels (associated with pelagic and carbonate basinal sediments) show a wide range of chemical characteristics dominated by variably enriched tholeiites. Most crustal blocks show the presence of three main chemical groups of metabasites: Low-Ti tholeiitic metabasalts, Main Series tholeiitic metabasalts and alkalic metabasalt series. They differ in the degree of incompatible element enrichment (depleted to highly enriched normalized patterns), in selected large ion lithophile (LIL) to high field strength element (HFSE) ratios, and abundances of HFSE and their ratios. Both the metatholeiite groups are characterized by a common enrichment of light REE–Th–Nb–Ta. High Th values (or Th/Ta ratios) and associated low ε Nd values (especially in the Low-Ti tholeiitic metabasalts) reflect sediment contamination in the mantle source rather than at crustal levels, although this latter feature cannot be ruled out entirely. The range of chemical variation exhibited is a consequence of the melting of (a) a lithospheric source contaminated by a sediment component (which generated the Low-Ti tholeiites), and (b) a high-level asthenospheric mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-type source that mixed with a plume component (which generated the range of enriched Main Series tholeiites and the alkali basalts). It is considered that a plume played an important role in the generation of both early granites and the enriched MORB-type compositions in the metabasites. Its significance for the initial fragmentation of Gondwana is unknown, but its presence may have facilitated deep continental crust melting and the fracturing into small crustal blocks. The early–mid-Jurassic plume-instigated break-up of the southern Gondwana supercontinent is considered to be a possible tectonic and chemical analogue for Early Palaeozoic Sudetic rifting and its magmatic products.