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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Atlantic region (1)
Caledonides (4)
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New Brunswick (1)
Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland (1)
Fennoscandian Shield (3)
Western Europe
Finnmark Norway
Varanger Peninsula (1)
Bergslagen (2)
Norrbotten Sweden (1)
Skellefte mining district (1)
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Primary terms
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Eastern Canada
Maritime Provinces
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Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland (1)
crust (3)
deformation (2)
economic geology (2)
Fennoscandian Shield (3)
Western Europe
Finnmark Norway
Varanger Peninsula (1)
Bergslagen (2)
Norrbotten Sweden (1)
Skellefte mining district (1)
Smaland (1)
faults (6)
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igneous rocks
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Regional context and lithotectonic framework of the 2.0–1.8 Ga Svecokarelian orogen, eastern Sweden
Abstract Six separate lithotectonic units, referred to from north to south as the Överkalix, Norrbotten, Bothnia–Skellefteå, Ljusdal, Bergslagen and Småland units, are identified inside the western part of the 2.0–1.8 Ga Svecokarelian orogen, Fennoscandian Shield, Sweden. Apart from the boundary between the Norrbotten and Bothnia–Skellefteå lithotectonic units in northern Sweden, which is defined on the basis of a change in crustal basement from Neoarchean (and possibly older) in the NE (Norrbotten) to juvenile Paleoproterozoic crust further south (Bothnia–Skellefteå), all the boundaries are defined by shear zones or combinations of zones that, in places, form broader shear belts up to several tens of kilometres thick. The identification of lithotectonic units provides a necessary foundation for a more detailed synthesis of the tectonic evolution of the 2.0–1.8 Ga orogeny in northern Europe, emphasizing in particular the allochthoneity between most of these units inside this part of the orogen.
Småland lithotectonic unit dominated by Paleoproterozoic (1.8 Ga) syn-orogenic magmatism, Svecokarelian orogen
Abstract The Småland lithotectonic unit in the 2.0−1.8 Ga Svecokarelian orogen, southeastern Sweden, is dominated by a c. 1.81−1.77 Ga alkali–calcic magmatic suite (the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt or TIB-1). At least in its central part, the TIB-1 suite was deposited on, or emplaced into, c. 1.83–1.82 Ga calc-alkaline magmatic rocks with base metal sulphide mineralization and siliciclastic sedimentary rocks (the Oskarshamn–Jönköping Belt). Ductile deformation and metamorphism under low- to medium-grade conditions affected the Oskarshamn–Jönköping Belt prior to c. 1.81 Ga. Both suites were subsequently affected by low-grade ductile deformation, mainly along steeply dipping, east–west to NW–SE shear zones with dip-slip and dextral strike-slip displacement. Sinistral strike-slip NE–SW zones are also present. In the northern part of the lithotectonic unit, 1.9 Ga magmatic rocks, c. 1.87–1.81 Ga siliciclastic sedimentary rocks and basalt, and c. 1.86–1.85 Ga granite show fabric development, folding along steep NW–SE axial surfaces and medium- or high-grade metamorphism prior to c. 1.81 Ga and, at least partly, at c. 1.86–1.85 Ga; base metal sulphide, Fe oxide and U or U–REE mineralizations also occur. Magmatism and siliciclastic sedimentation along an active continental margin associated with subduction-related, accretionary tectonic processes is inferred over about 100 million years.
Continental magmatic arc and siliciclastic sedimentation in the far-field part of a 1.7 Ga accretionary orogen
Abstract Trachyandesitic to trachybasaltic lavas, interlayered siliciclastic sedimentary rocks and subaerial ignimbrites with a rhyolitic to trachydacitic composition lie unconformably above metamorphic rocks in west-central Sweden. These volcanic rocks erupted at 1711 + 7/−6 to 1691 ± 5 Ma and belong to a high-K, calc-alkaline to shoshonitic suite deposited in a continental arc setting. Positive ɛ Nd values and Nb/Yb ratios in the trachyandesitic to trachybasaltic rocks indicate an enriched mantle source. Coeval, 1710 ± 11 to 1681 ± 16 Ma plutonic and subvolcanic rocks are mainly granitic or quartz syenitic in composition. Subordinate components include quartz monzonite, quartz monzodiorite and monzogabbro or gabbro. ɛ Nd values in the range −1.0 to + 1.1 overlap with those in the inferred 1.9–1.8 Ga source rocks. All these rocks belong to the youngest phase of the lithodemic unit referred to as the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt. This magmatic province extends in a roughly NNW direction for at least 900 km, variably deformed and metamorphosed equivalents occurring inside and beneath younger orogenic belts to the south (Sveconorwegian) and north (Caledonian). The part of the province in west-central Sweden addressed here represents a far-field and shallow crustal component in this 1.7 Ga accretionary orogenic system.
Abstract Separate pulses of magmatic activity involving the emplacement of plutons with predominantly granitic or bimodal granitic and gabbroic composition, as well as dolerite dykes, occurred in a cratonic setting in eastern Sweden at c. 1.59–1.58 Ga, c. 1.53–1.50 Ga and c. 1.47–1.44 Ga; anorthosite, monzodiorite and syenitoid rocks are locally present. Most of the granites have been compared with rapakivi granites in Finland and elsewhere. Isotopic data (Hf in zircons and ɛ Nd values) from the plutons in north-central Sweden show contamination by an Archean source. Siliciclastic rocks dominated by aeolian or deltaic sandstones overlie c. 1.58 Ga or c. 1.50 Ga plutons, are intercalated with 1.46 Ga basaltic lavas and were deposited prior to the emplacement of 1.27–1.25 Ga dolerites. The magmatic rocks are subalkaline (tholeiitic) to alkaline and the mafic components have been compared with continental flood basalts, suggesting an intracratonic, rift-related tectonic setting for the magmatism and sand deposition. These rocks constitute the westerly part of a late Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic magmatic province in northern Europe, located along roughly north–south- and WSW–ENE-trending linear belts. This tectonic development was coeval with accretionary orogenic activity further to the west and SW.
Dolerites (1.27–1.25 Ga) and alkaline ultrabasic dykes ( c. 1.14 Ga) related to intracratonic rifting
Abstract Doleritic sills, lopoliths and dykes were emplaced into the Paleoproterozoic craton in central Sweden at 1271–1264, 1259–1256 and c. 1247 Ma, a complex temporal zonation occurring in a WSW–ENE direction. The dolerites are subalkaline to alkaline and show predominantly gabbroic, with a trend towards monzogabbroic and quartz monzodioritic, compositions. Positive ɛ Nd and ɛ Hf values suggest a significant depleted mantle component in the source volume of the parental magmas. Dyke orientations indicate extension, at least locally, in a northwesterly direction, consistent with a magma flow direction determined using the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility values. Intracratonic rifting linked to the break-up of the supercontinent Columbia, back-arc extension above a subduction boundary in a westwards-retreating mode or a mantle plume tail above a continental hotspot have all been proposed for the tectonic setting. Renewed intracratonic rifting at c. 1.14 Ga in the coastal area in northeasternmost Sweden resulted in the emplacement of alkaline ultrabasic dykes, including carbonatites (beforsites), silico-carbonatites and lamprophyres, in a north–south direction along an older shear belt. The broader tectonic setting of this extensional event is not known.
Abstract Sub-ophitic, equigranular or plagioclase-phyric dolerite dykes, referred to as the Blekinge–Dalarna dolerite (BDD) swarm, were emplaced during the time span 0.98–0.95 Ga and trend NNE–NNW in an arcuate fashion, parallel to and east of the Sveconorwegian orogen. Dolerite sills are locally present. These rocks are subalkaline to alkaline with a monzogabbroic or gabbroic composition and show a predominantly within-plate tectonic affinity. ɛ Nd and ɛ Hf values fall in the range −2 to +4 and +1 to +5, respectively. Siliciclastic sedimentary rocks (Almesåkra Group) in a small outlier in southern Sweden were deposited in an aeolian to fluviatile or lacustrine environment and an arid or semi-arid warm palaeoclimate, coevally with the dolerite sills. Smaller occurrences of sandstone with peperitic field relationships to the BDD dykes are known from other localities. The spatial distribution, orientation and age of the BDD magmatic suite suggest roughly east–west extension in the eastern, cratonic foreland to the Sveconorwegian orogen during the latest phase of this mountain-building event, the age data tentatively suggesting a younging to the east. The siliciclastic sedimentary rocks represent an erosional relict of a larger and spatially much more extensive early Tonian foreland basin to this orogen, as proposed earlier on the basis of fission-track thermochronology.
Regional context and lithotectonic framework of the 1.1–0.9 Ga Sveconorwegian orogen, southwestern Sweden
Abstract The 1.1–0.9 Ga Sveconorwegian orogen in southwestern Scandinavia belongs to the global system of mountain belts established during the assembly of the supercontinent Rodinia. An overall north–south structural trend and five lithotectonic units bounded by crustal-scale shear zones characterize this orogen. In Sweden, the Eastern Segment abuts the orogen's cratonic foreland eastwards and is separated from the Idefjorden terrane westwards by a ductile shear zone, up to 5 km thick, displaying a sinistral transpressive component. These two lithotectonic units differ on the basis of their pre-Sveconorwegian accretionary tectonic evolution, and the timing of Sveconorwegian high-pressure metamorphism, anatexis and polyphase deformation. High-pressure granulites and migmatites formed at c. 1.05–1.02 Ga in the Idefjorden terrane; eclogites, high-pressure granulites and migmatites at c. 0.99–0.95 Ga in the Eastern Segment. Magmatic activity and crustal extension progressed westwards at c. 0.98–0.92 Ga. Prior to or at 0.93–0.91 Ga, greenschist facies shear deformation with top-to-the-foreland movement affected the frontal part of the orogen. Geodynamic uncertainties concern the affinity of the Idefjorden terrane relative to Fennoscandia (Baltica), the character of the Sveconorwegian orogenesis, and the contiguous or non-contiguous nature of the erosional fronts of the late Mesoproterozoic–early Neoproterozoic orogens in Sweden and Canada.
Abstract The Eastern Segment in the Sveconorwegian orogen comprises Paleoproterozoic–Mesoproterozoic magmatic suites, which formed along an active continental margin, and Mesoproterozoic suites emplaced during intracratonic extension. Zn–Pb sulphide and Fe oxide mineralizations in 1.9 Ga metavolcanic rocks form a significant mineral resource cluster in the northeastern part. Deformation and metamorphism under low-pressure (≤5 kbar) and variable-temperature conditions, including anatexis and granulite facies, prevailed during 1.9–1.8 Ga (Svecokarelian) and 1.5–1.4 Ga (Hallandian) accretionary orogenies. Sveconorwegian tectonothermal reworking initiated at c. 0.99–0.98 Ga in structurally lower levels. Crustal shortening, underthrusting with eclogite facies metamorphism (18 kbar), exhumation by eastwards thrusting (D 1 ) during continued shortening and high-pressure granulite (8–12 kbar) to upper amphibolite facies metamorphism prevailed. Anatexis and folding around east–west axial surfaces with west-northwesterly constrictional strain (D 2 ) followed at c. 0.98–0.95 Ga, being consanguineous with crustal extension. Structurally higher levels, northwards and eastwards, consist of high-pressure (10–12 kbar) orthogneisses, not affected by anatexis but also showing polyphase deformation. Sveconorwegian convergence ceased with upright folding along north–south axial surfaces and, in the uppermost frontal part, greenschist facies shearing with top-to-the-foreland normal followed by reverse displacement after 0.95 Ga. The normal shearing detached the upper compartment from the underlying gneisses.
Abstract Crust generated during an accretionary orogeny at 1.66–1.52 Ga (Gothian), and later during crustal extension at c. 1.51–1.49, c. 1.46, c. 1.34–1.30 Ga and after c. 1.33 Ga, dominate the Idefjorden terrane. Metamorphism under greenschist to, locally, high-pressure granulite facies, emplacement of syn-orogenic pegmatite and granite, and polyphase deformation followed at 1.05–1.02 Ga (Agder tectonothermal phase, Sveconorwegian orogeny). Sinistral transpressive deformation, including foreland-directed thrusting, preceded top-to-the-west movement and large-scale open folding along north–south axial trends during the younger orogeny. Crustal extension with emplacement of dolerite and lamprophyre dykes, norite–anorthosite, and a batholithic granite took place at c. 0.95–0.92 Ga (Dalane phase, Sveconorwegian orogeny). Ductile shear zones divide the Idefjorden terrane into segments distinguished by the character of the Gothian crustal component. Orthogneisses with c. 1.66 and c. 1.63–1.59 Ga protoliths occur in the Median segment; c. 1.59–1.52 Ga gneissic intrusive rocks and 1.6 Ga paragneisses with relicts of Gothian deformation and migmatization at c. 1.59 Ga and at c. 1.56–1.55 Ga occur in the Western segment. Mineral resources include stratabound Cu–Fe sulphides hosted by sandstone deposited after c. 1.33 Ga, and polymetallic quartz vein mineralization locally containing Au.
Abstract The Eastern Segment in the Sveconorwegian orogen, southwestern Sweden, is dominated by 2.0–1.8, 1.7 and 1.5–1.4 Ga crust; and the overlying Idefjorden terrane by 1.6–1.5 Ga crust. Assuming reorganization of a subduction system prior to 1.5–1.4 Ga and applying a sinistral transpressive component of disruption during the subsequent Sveconorwegian orogeny (1.1–0.9 Ga), the Idefjorden terrane is inferred to be indigenous outboard rather than exotic with respect to the continental plate Fennoscandia (Baltica). The geological record then records successive westwards shift of accretionary orogens along a convergent plate boundary for at least 500 million years. Sveconorwegian foreland-younging tectonic cycles at c. 1.05 (or older)–1.02 Ga (Idefjorden terrane) and at c. 0.99–0.95 Ga (Eastern Segment) prevailed. Crustal thickening and exhumation during oblique convergence preceded migmatization, magmatic activity and a changeover to an extensional regime, possibly triggered by delamination of continental lithosphere, in each cycle. Convergence after 0.95 Ga involved antiformal doming with extensional deformation at higher crustal levels (Eastern Segment) and continued magmatic activity (Idefjorden terrane). An overriding plate setting is inferred during either accretionary orogeny or, more probably, protracted continent–continent collision. Continuity of the erosional fronts in the Grenville and Sveconorwegian orogens is questioned.
Abstract Different parts of a Tonian–Early Devonian sedimentary succession, covering Proterozoic crystalline basement, occur along the erosional front to the Caledonide orogen, as outliers and coastal strips on land, and as more continuous strata in offshore areas. Rift-related Tonian–Cryogenian siliciclastic sedimentation preceded the break-up of the supercontinent Rodinia, the birth of Baltica and surrounding oceanic realms during the Ediacaran, and a marine transgression across Baltica during the Cambrian. An Ediacaran alkaline and carbonatite intrusive complex in central Sweden formed in connection with the extensional activity. Subsequently, during the Cambrian–Early Devonian, Baltica drifted northwards in the southern hemisphere to the equator, and six different lithofacies associations containing both siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentation were deposited in platformal shelf and Caledonian foreland basin settings. Bentonites in Ordovician and early Silurian successions were coupled to closure of the surrounding oceanic realms. Tectonic processes during the Caledonian orogeny around the margins to Baltica, the distance to different crustal components in this continent and climatic changes steered variations in lithofacies. Resultant fluctuations in sea-level gave rise to hiatuses and palaeo-karsts. Uranium and other metals in kerogen-rich black shales (Cambrian–Early Ordovician), hydrocarbons, stratabound Pb–Zn sulphide deposits in Cambrian (–Ediacaran?) sandstone, and limestone constitute the main resources.
Abstract The Scandian mountains in northwestern Sweden are dominated by the eastern part of the Scandinavian Caledonides, an orogen that terminated during the middle Paleozoic with Himalayan-style collision of the ancient continents of Baltica and Laurentia. In this foreland region, far-transported higher allochthons from an exotic continental margin (Rödingsfjället Nappe Complex) and underlying mostly oceanic-arc basin character (Köli Nappe Complex) were emplaced at least 700 km onto the Baltoscandian margin of Baltica. The thrust sheets below the Iapetus Ocean terranes were derived from the transition zone to Baltica (Seve Nappe Complex), comprising mainly siliciclastic metasedimentary rocks, hosting abundant metamorphosed c. 600 Ma mafic intrusions. They preserve evidence of subduction (eclogites, garnet peridotites and microdiamonds in host paragneisses), starting in the late Cambrian; exhumation continued through the Ordovician. Underlying allochthons derived from the outer margin of Baltica are less-metamorphosed Neoproterozoic sandstone-dominated successions, also intruded by Ediacaran dolerite dykes (Särv Nappes); they are located tectonically above similar-aged metasandstone and basement slices, devoid of dykes (Offerdal and Tännäs Augen Gneiss nappes and equivalents). Lowermost allochthons (Jämtlandian Nappes and equivalents), from the inner Baltoscandian margin, provide evidence of Cryogenian rifting, Ediacaran–Cambrian drifting and platformal sedimentation, followed by foreland basin development in the Ordovician and Silurian.
Abstract The Jämtlandian Nappes and their equivalents further north, belonging to the lower thrust sheets in the Caledonide orogen of Sweden, comprise a mega-duplex of Cryogenian–Silurian sedimentary rocks sandwiched between structurally higher allochthons and a basal décollement. Further west towards the hinterland, crystalline basement is increasingly involved in this thrusting, imbricate stacking occurring beneath the décollement in antiformal windows. The sedimentary successions were derived from the Cryogenian rifted margin of Baltica, the Ediacaran–Cambrian drifted margin, and Ordovician and Silurian foreland basins. During the Early–Late Ordovician (Floian–Sandbian), hinterland-derived turbidites were deposited in response to early Caledonian accretion of subducted complexes belonging to the outermost margin of Baltica, now preserved in the higher allochthons. Following a quiescent period during the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) and early part of the Llandovery, collision of Laurentia and Baltica reactivated the foreland basins, with flysch and molasse deposition during the Llandovery–Wenlock. Collisional shortening during this Scandian orogenic episode continued into the Devonian. High- and ultrahigh-pressure (HP/UHP) metamorphism accompanied Baltica's underthrusting of Laurentia in the deep hinterland, and prominent basement-cored antiforms developed towards the foreland during the advance of the orogenic wedge over the foreland basin onto the Baltoscandian platform.
Abstract Nappes of continental outer and outermost margin affinities (Middle Allochthon) were transported from locations west of the present Norwegian coast and thrust eastwards onto the Baltoscandian foreland basin and platform. They are of higher metamorphic grade than underlying thrust sheets and most are more penetratively deformed. These allochthons are treated here in three groups. The lower thrust sheets comprise Paleoproterozoic crystalline basement (e.g. Tännäs Augen Gneiss Nappe) and greenschist facies, Neoproterozoic, siliciclastic metasedimentary rocks (e.g. Offerdal Nappe). These are overthrust by a Cryogenian−Ediacaran succession intruded by c. 600 Ma dolerites (Baltoscandian Dyke Swarm) with an affinity to mid-ocean ridge basalt containing normal to enriched incompatible element contents (Särv Nappes). The upper sheets are dominated by higher-grade allochthons (Seve Nappe Complex) with similar, mainly siliciclastic sedimentary protoliths, more mafic magmatism and some solitary ultramafic bodies. Within this early Ediacaran continent−ocean transition zone (COT) assemblage, generally metamorphosed in amphibolite facies, some nappes experienced migmatization, and eclogites are present. Evidence of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism has been obtained from garnet peridotites and eclogites; recently, microdiamonds have been discovered in paragneisses. Subduction of the COT started by the late Cambrian and accretion continued through the Ordovician, prior to the Baltica–Laurentia collision. Thrusting of all these Middle allochthons onto the foreland basin exceeds a distance of 400 km.
Introduction to the lithotectonic framework of Sweden and organization of this Memoir
Abstract The solid rock geology of Sweden comprises three principal components: (1) Proterozoic and (locally) Archean rocks belonging to the western part of the Fennoscandian Shield; (2) Phanerozoic and (locally) Neoproterozoic sedimentary cover rocks deposited on top of this ancient crust; and (3) the early to mid-Paleozoic (0.5–0.4 Ga) Caledonide orogen. Earlier compilations have applied different principles for the subdivision of the geology in the Fennoscandian Shield and the Caledonide orogen. A uniform lithotectonic framework has been developed here. Crustal segments affected by orogenesis have been identified and their ages determined by the youngest tectonothermal event. Four ancient mountain belts and six orogenies are preserved. Solid rocks outside the orogens have been assigned to different magmatic complexes or sedimentary successions based on their time of formation and tectonic affiliation. This approach allows relicts of older mountain-building activity to be preserved inside a younger orogen – for example, the effects of the Archean (2.8–2.6 Ga) orogeny inside the 2.0–1.8 Ga Svecokarelian orogen and Paleo–Mesoproterozoic (1.7–1.5 and 1.5–1.4 Ga) mountain-building processes inside the 1.1–0.9 Ga Sveconorwegian orogen. Sweden's five largest mineral districts are addressed in the context of this new lithotectonic framework, which forms the architecture to the contents of the chapters in this Memoir.
Abstract The Bothnia–Skellefteå lithotectonic unit is dominated by turbiditic wacke and argillite (Bothnian basin), deposited at 1.96 (or older)–1.86 Ga, metamorphosed generally under high-grade conditions and intruded by successive plutonic suites at 1.95–1.93, 1.90–1.88, 1.87–1.85 and 1.81–1.76 Ga. In the northern part, low-grade and low-strain, 1.90–1.86 Ga predominantly magmatic rocks (the Skellefte–Arvidsjaur magmatic province) are enclosed by the basinal components. Subduction-related processes in intra-arc basin and magmatic arc settings, respectively, are inferred. Changes in the metamorphic grade and the relative timing of deformation and structural style across the magmatic province are linked to major shear zones trending roughly north–south and, close to the southern margin, WNW–ESE. Zones trending WNW–ESE and ENE–WSW dominate southwards. Slip along the north–south zones in an extensional setting initiated synchronously with magmatic activity at 1.90–1.88 Ga. Tectonic inversion steered by accretion to a craton to the east, involving crustal shortening, ductile strain and crustal melting, occurred at 1.88–1.85 Ga. Deformation along shear zones under lower-grade conditions continued at c. 1.8 Ga. Felsic volcanic rocks (1.90–1.88 Ga) host exhalative and replacement-type volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits (the metallogenic Skellefte district). Other deposits include orogenic Au, particularly along the ‘gold line’ SW of this district, porphyry Cu–Au–Mo, and magmatic Ni–Cu along the ‘nickel line’ SE of the ‘gold line’.
Abstract Felsic volcanic rocks ( c. 1.91–1.89 Ga) and interlayered limestone, hosting Zn–Pb–Ag ± Cu ± Au ± Fe sulphide and Fe oxide deposits, characterize the Bergslagen lithotectonic unit, Svecokarelian orogen, south-central Sweden. Three sulphide mines are currently in operation. Siliciclastic sedimentary rocks stratigraphically envelop this volcanic succession and all the rocks are intruded by a dominant calc-alkaline, c. 1.91–1.87 Ga plutonic suite. Fabric development associated with folding and localized shear deformation followed at c. 1.87–1.86 Ga (D 1 ) and was succeeded by strongly partitioned strain (D 2 ). Dextral transpression along steeply dipping, WNW–ESE or NW–SE shear zones prevailed in the northern and southern domains, whereas major folding with east to northeasterly axial surface traces and shearing along limbs occurred in the central domain. Open folding (D 3 ) subsequently affected the western areas. Polyphase metamorphism under low-pressure and variable temperature conditions included anatexis at c. 1.86 Ga (M 1 ) and 1.84–1.80 Ga (M 2 ). More alkali–calcic magmatic activity, combined with the emplacement of anatectic granite and pegmatite, overlapped and succeeded the M 1 and M 2 migmatization events at c. 1.87–1.83 Ga and c. 1.82–1.75 Ga, respectively. The younger granites are genetically linked in part to W skarn deposits and host Mo sulphide mineralization. Switching between retreating and advancing subduction systems during three separate tectonic cycles along a convergent, active continental plate margin is inferred.
Outboard-migrating accretionary orogeny at 1.9–1.8 Ga (Svecokarelian) along a margin to the continent Fennoscandia
Abstract An intimate lithostratigraphic and lithodemic connection between syn-orogenic rock masses inside the different lithotectonic units of the 2.0–1.8 Ga (Svecokarelian) orogen, Sweden, is proposed. A repetitive cyclic tectonic evolution occurred during the time period c. 1.91–1.75 Ga, each cycle lasting about 50–55 million years. Volcanic rocks ( c. 1.91–1.88 Ga) belonging to the earliest cycle are host to most of the base metal sulphide and Fe oxide deposits inside the orogen. Preservation of relict trails of continental magmatic arcs and intra-arc basins is inferred, with differences in the depth of basin deposition controlling, for example, contrasting types of base metal sulphide deposits along different trails. The segmented geometry of these continental magmatic arcs and intra-arc basins is related to strike-slip movement along ductile shear zones during transpressive events around and after 1.88 Ga; late orogenic folding also disturbed their orientation on a regional scale. A linear northwesterly orogenic trend is suggested prior to this structural overprint, the strike-slip movement being mainly parallel to the orogen. A solely accretionary orogenic model along an active margin to the continent Fennoscandia, without any trace of a terminal continent–continent collision, is preferred. Alternating retreating and advancing subduction modes that migrated progressively outboard and southwestwards in time account for the tectonic cycles.
Abstract The Blekinge–Bornholm orogen in southeastern Sweden consists of calc-alkaline to alkali–calcic intrusive rocks, rhyolites and dacites (1.8 Ga) that were structurally reworked under amphibolite facies conditions, affected by migmatization at mid-crustal levels at c. 1.44 Ga and intruded at c. 1.47–1.43 Ga by ferroan alkali–calcic plutons. This Mesoproterozoic orogen is bordered westwards by the Sveconorwegian orogen and northwards, along the boundary with well-preserved 1.8 Ga magmatic rocks in the Svecokarelian orogen, by a stitching c. 1.45 Ga pluton and steeply dipping ductile zones with a south-side-up, dip-slip shear component. A variably developed gneissic fabric (S 1 ) dips gently to moderately northwards and is affected by asymmetrical F 2 folds with a southerly vergence. Ductile high-strain zones with top-to-the south shear sense are suggested to correspond at depth to anomalously reflective zones along seismic profile BABEL line A. Open folding of the gneissosity around gently, north-plunging fold axes (F 3 ) completed the ductile deformational evolution. Uncertainty remains about the timing of the amphibolite facies ductile fabric and the D 2 folding, which is either late-stage Svecokarelian ( c. 1.77–1.75 Ga) or Hallandian ( c. 1.47–1.43 Ga). Non-collisional, accretionary orogenic systems are suggested to have operated during both time periods, radical reorganization of the subduction trend accompanying the Mesoproterozoic event.
Upper and uppermost thrust sheets in the Caledonide orogen, Sweden: outboard oceanic and exotic continental terranes
Abstract Three separate stacks of thrust sheets (Köli Nappe Complex) constitute the Upper Allochthon in the Caledonide orogen, Sweden. This thrust complex is dominated by late Cambrian–Ordovician successions deposited in subduction-related, marginal oceanic basins. Magmatic activity at c. 488 Ma (Lower Köli) and c. 492–476 Ma (Middle Köli) is linked to rifted volcanic arcs and Zn–Cu–Fe–(Pb–Au–Ag) sulphide mineralization; serpentinite bodies with talc deposits are also conspicuous. Renewed magmatic activity, both plutonic (Upper and Middle Köli) and mafic volcanic (Middle and Lower Köli), occurred at c. 440–434 Ma during crustal extension. Late Ordovician shallow-marine sedimentation, deepening upwards into an early Silurian succession also prevailed (Lower Köli). Silurian ( c. 430 Ma and later) folding, eastwards-vergent thrusting and greenschist or lower amphibolite facies metamorphism preceded upright, orogen-parallel and orogen-transverse open folding. Juxtaposition of an arc-related terrane to an ancient continental margin, comprising slices of gneiss and marble, in the Middle Köli occurred prior to c. 437 Ma and the eastwards-vergent thrusting; remnants of an Ordovician amphibolite facies tectonothermal event are also preserved in the Upper Köli. The tectonic roof to the Köli complex contains amphibolite facies mica schist, gneiss and marble, derived from the Laurentian continental margin, and a major gabbroic pluton (Rödingsfjället Nappe Complex, Uppermost Allochthon).