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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Bear Lake (3)
Bear River basin (1)
Bear River Range (1)
Colorado River (10)
Colorado River basin (3)
Death Valley (7)
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Furnace Creek (1)
Grand Canyon (4)
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Lake Mead (2)
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Chihuahua Mexico (1)
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Basin and Range Province
Great Basin (7)
Rocky Mountains
U. S. Rocky Mountains
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Owens Valley (7)
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Gulf of California (2)
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Northeast Pacific
Gulf of California (2)
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Salt Creek (1)
Searles Lake (2)
Sierra Nevada (5)
Snake River (1)
United States
Amargosa Desert (1)
Mohave County Arizona (1)
Yuma County Arizona
Yuma Arizona (1)
Bighorn Basin (1)
Central California (1)
Imperial County California (1)
Inyo County California
Coso Range (1)
Inyo Mountains (1)
Owens Lake (4)
Panamint Range (1)
Kern County California (1)
Los Angeles Basin (1)
Mono County California
Mono Basin (1)
Riverside County California (1)
Salton Trough (2)
San Bernardino County California (1)
San Diego County California (1)
Southern California (1)
Colorado (1)
Colorado Plateau (2)
Gila River (1)
Great Basin (7)
Idaho (3)
Mojave Desert (4)
Big Horn County Montana (1)
Carbon County Montana (1)
Stillwater County Montana (1)
Yellowstone County Montana (1)
Clark County Nevada (1)
Esmeralda County Nevada (2)
Lincoln County Nevada (1)
Nye County Nevada (1)
New Mexico (1)
Southwestern U.S. (2)
U. S. Rocky Mountains
San Juan Mountains (1)
Uinta Mountains (2)
Canyonlands National Park (1)
Great Salt Lake (1)
San Juan County Utah (1)
Virgin River valley (1)
Washakie Basin (1)
Big Horn County Wyoming (1)
Park County Wyoming (1)
Walker Lake (1)
White River (1)
elements, isotopes
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alkaline earth metals
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Gastropoda (1)
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Globigerina (1)
microfossils (4)
pollen (1)
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Sphenolithus (1)
geochronology methods
Ar/Ar (2)
infrared stimulated luminescence (1)
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racemization (1)
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uranium disequilibrium (2)
geologic age
Holocene (4)
Bishop Tuff (2)
Lake Lahontan (1)
middle Pleistocene (1)
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upper Weichselian
Younger Dryas (1)
upper Wisconsinan (1)
upper Quaternary (3)
Muddy Creek Formation (1)
Bidahochi Formation (1)
upper Miocene (4)
lower Pliocene (1)
upper Pliocene (5)
upper Cenozoic (1)
Lake Bonneville (3)
MIS 6 (1)
MIS 7 (1)
Uinta Mountain Group (1)
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Primary terms
absolute age (10)
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organic carbon (1)
Holocene (4)
Bishop Tuff (2)
Lake Lahontan (1)
middle Pleistocene (1)
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upper Weichselian
Younger Dryas (1)
upper Wisconsinan (1)
upper Quaternary (3)
Muddy Creek Formation (1)
Bidahochi Formation (1)
upper Miocene (4)
lower Pliocene (1)
upper Pliocene (5)
upper Cenozoic (1)
Cyprinidae (1)
Aves (1)
clay mineralogy (1)
climate change (5)
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electron microscopy (1)
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folds (1)
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granites (1)
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C-14 (4)
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alkaline earth metals
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metamorphic rocks
gneisses (1)
Chihuahua Mexico (1)
North America
Basin and Range Province
Great Basin (7)
Rocky Mountains
U. S. Rocky Mountains
San Juan Mountains (1)
Uinta Mountains (2)
Sonoran Desert (1)
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Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
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Gulf of California (2)
North Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Gulf of California (2)
paleoclimatology (13)
paleoecology (11)
paleogeography (7)
paleomagnetism (2)
pollen (1)
diatoms (1)
Sphenolithus (1)
Uinta Mountain Group (1)
remote sensing (1)
sea-level changes (1)
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carbonate rocks
limestone (2)
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structural geology (1)
neotectonics (8)
United States
Amargosa Desert (1)
Mohave County Arizona (1)
Yuma County Arizona
Yuma Arizona (1)
Bighorn Basin (1)
Central California (1)
Imperial County California (1)
Inyo County California
Coso Range (1)
Inyo Mountains (1)
Owens Lake (4)
Panamint Range (1)
Kern County California (1)
Los Angeles Basin (1)
Mono County California
Mono Basin (1)
Riverside County California (1)
Salton Trough (2)
San Bernardino County California (1)
San Diego County California (1)
Southern California (1)
Colorado (1)
Colorado Plateau (2)
Gila River (1)
Great Basin (7)
Idaho (3)
Mojave Desert (4)
Big Horn County Montana (1)
Carbon County Montana (1)
Stillwater County Montana (1)
Yellowstone County Montana (1)
Clark County Nevada (1)
Esmeralda County Nevada (2)
Lincoln County Nevada (1)
Nye County Nevada (1)
New Mexico (1)
Southwestern U.S. (2)
U. S. Rocky Mountains
San Juan Mountains (1)
Uinta Mountains (2)
Canyonlands National Park (1)
Great Salt Lake (1)
San Juan County Utah (1)
Virgin River valley (1)
Washakie Basin (1)
Big Horn County Wyoming (1)
Park County Wyoming (1)
rock formations
Imperial Formation (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
limestone (2)
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tufa (1)
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conglomerate (1)
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ABSTRACT We used geologic mapping, tephrochronology, and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating to describe evidence of a ca. 3.5 Ma pluvial lake in Eureka Valley, eastern California, that we informally name herein Lake Andrei. We identified six different tuffs in the Eureka Valley drainage basin, including two previously undescribed tuffs: the 3.509 ± 0.009 Ma tuff of Hanging Rock Canyon and the 3.506 ± 0.010 Ma tuff of Last Chance (informal names). We focused on four Pliocene stratigraphic sequences. Three sequences are composed of fluvial sandstone and conglomerate, with basalt flows in two of these sequences. The fourth sequence, located ~1.5 km south of the Death Valley/Big Pine Road along the western piedmont of the Last Chance Range, included green, fine-grained, gypsiferous lacustrine deposits interbedded with the 3.506 Ma tuff of Last Chance that we interpret as evidence of a pluvial lake. Pluvial Lake Andrei is similar in age to pluvial lakes in Searles Valley, Amargosa Valley, Fish Lake Valley, and Death Valley of the western Great Basin. We interpret these simultaneous lakes in the region as indirect evidence of a significant glacial climate in western North America during marine isotope stages Mammoth/Gilbert 5 to Mammoth 2 (MIS MG5/M2) and a persistent Pacific jet stream south of 37°N.
Pleistocene lakes and paleohydrologic environments of the Tecopa basin, California: Constraints on the drainage integration of the Amargosa River
Cosmogenic nuclide and uranium-series dating of old, high shorelines in the western Great Basin, USA
Bear Lake, on the Idaho-Utah border, lies in a fault-bounded valley through which the Bear River flows en route to the Great Salt Lake. Surficial deposits in the Bear Lake drainage basin provide a geologic context for interpretation of cores from Bear Lake deposits. In addition to groundwater discharge, Bear Lake received water and sediment from its own small drainage basin and sometimes from the Bear River and its glaciated headwaters. The lake basin interacts with the river in complex ways that are modulated by climatically induced lake-level changes, by the distribution of active Quaternary faults, and by the migration of the river across its fluvial fan north of the present lake. The upper Bear River flows northward for ~150 km from its headwaters in the northwestern Uinta Mountains, generally following the strike of regional Laramide and late Cenozoic structures. These structures likely also control the flow paths of groundwater that feeds Bear Lake, and groundwater-fed streams are the largest source of water when the lake is isolated from the Bear River. The present configuration of the Bear River with respect to Bear Lake Valley may not have been established until the late Pliocene. The absence of Uinta Range–derived quartzites in fluvial gravel on the crest of the Bear Lake Plateau east of Bear Lake suggests that the present headwaters were not part of the drainage basin in the late Tertiary. Newly mapped glacial deposits in the Bear River Range west of Bear Lake indicate several advances of valley glaciers that were probably coeval with glaciations in the Uinta Mountains. Much of the meltwater from these glaciers may have reached Bear Lake via ground-water pathways through infiltration in the karst terrain of the Bear River Range. At times during the Pleistocene, the Bear River flowed into Bear Lake and water level rose to the valley threshold at Nounan narrows. This threshold has been modified by aggradation, downcutting, and tectonics. Maximum lake levels have decreased from as high as 1830 m to 1806 m above sea level since the early Pleistocene due to episodic downcutting by the Bear River. The oldest exposed lacustrine sediments in Bear Lake Valley are probably of Pliocene age. Several high-lake phases during the early and middle Pleistocene were separated by episodes of fluvial incision. Threshold incision was not constant, however, because lake highstands of as much as 8 m above bedrock threshold level resulted from aggradation and possibly landsliding at least twice during the late-middle and late Pleistocene. Abandoned stream channels within the low-lying, fault-bounded region between Bear Lake and the modern Bear River show that Bear River progressively shifted northward during the Holocene. Several factors including faulting, location of the fluvial fan, and channel migration across the fluvial fan probably interacted to produce these changes in channel position. Late Quaternary slip rates on the east Bear Lake fault zone are estimated by using the water-level history of Bear Lake, assuming little or no displacement on dated deposits on the west side of the valley. Uplifted lacustrine deposits representing Pliocene to middle Pleistocene highstands of Bear Lake on the footwall block of the east Bear Lake fault zone provide dramatic evidence of long-term slip. Slip rates during the late Pleistocene increased from north to south along the east Bear Lake fault zone, consistent with the tectonic geomorphology. In addition, slip rates on the southern section of the fault zone have apparently decreased over the past 50 k.y.
Bear Lake is a long-lived lake filling a tectonic depression between the Bear River Range to the west and the Bear River Plateau to the east, and straddling the border between Utah and Idaho. Mineralogy, elemental geochemistry, and magnetic properties provide information about variations in provenance of allogenic lithic material in last-glacial-age, quartz-rich sediment in Bear Lake. Grain-size data from the silici-clastic fraction of late-glacial to Holocene carbonate-rich sediments provide information about variations in lake level. For the quartz-rich lower unit, which was deposited while the Bear River flowed into and out of the lake, four source areas are recognized on the basis of modern fluvial samples with contrasting properties that reflect differences in bedrock geology and in magnetite content from dust. One of these areas is underlain by hematite-rich Uinta Mountain Group rocks in the headwaters of the Bear River. Although Uinta Mountain Group rocks make up a small fraction of the catchment, hematite-rich material from this area is an important component of the lower unit. This material is interpreted to be glacial flour. Variations in the input of glacial flour are interpreted as having caused quasi-cyclical variations in mineralogical and elemental concentrations, and in magnetic properties within the lower unit. The carbonate-rich younger unit was deposited under conditions similar to those of the modern lake, with the Bear River largely bypassing the lake. For two cores taken in more than 30 m of water, median grain sizes in this unit range from ~6 μm to more than 30 μm, with the coarsest grain sizes associated with beach or shallow-water deposits. Similar grain-size variations are observed as a function of water depth in the modern lake and provide the basis for interpreting the core grain-size data in terms of lake level.
A continuous, 120-m-long core (BL00-1) from Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho, contains evidence of hydrologic and environmental change over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. The core was taken at 41.95°N, 111.31°W, near the depocenter of the 60-m-deep, spring-fed, alkaline lake, where carbonate-bearing sediment has accumulated continuously. Chronological control is poor but indicates an average sedimentation rate of 0.54 mm yr ‒1 . Analyses have been completed at multi-centennial to millennial scales, including (in order of decreasing temporal resolution) sediment magnetic properties, oxygen and carbon isotopes on bulk-sediment carbonate, organic- and inorganic- carbon contents, palynology; mineralogy (X-ray diffraction), strontium isotopes on bulk carbonate, ostracode taxonomy, oxygen and carbon isotopes on ostracodes, and diatom assemblages. Massive silty clay and marl constitute most of the core, with variable carbonate content (average = 31 ± 19%) and oxygen-isotopic values (δ 18 O ranging from ‒18‰ to ‒5‰ in bulk carbonate). These variations, as well as fluctuations of biological indicators, reflect changes in the water and sediment discharged from the glaciated headwaters of the dominant tributary, Bear River, and the processes that influenced sediment delivery to the core site, including lake-level changes. Although its influence has varied, Bear River has remained a tributary to Bear Lake during most of the last quarter-million years. The lake disconnected from the river and, except for a few brief excursions, retracted into a topographically closed basin during global interglaciations (during parts of marine isotope stages 7, 5, and 1). These intervals contain up to 80% endogenic aragonite with high δ 18 O values (average = ‒5.8 ± 1.7‰), indicative of strongly evaporitic conditions. Interglacial intervals also are dominated by small, benthic/tychoplanktic fragilarioid species indicative of reduced habitat availability associated with low lake levels, and they contain increased high-desert shrub and Juniperus pollen and decreased forest and forest-woodland pollen. The 87 Sr/ 86 Sr values (>0.7100) also increase, and the ratio of quartz to dolomite decreases, as expected in the absence of Bear River inflow. The changing paleoenvironments inferred from BL00-1 generally are consistent with other regional and global records of glacial-interglacial fluctuations; the diversity of paleoenvironmental conditions inferred from BL00-1 also reflects the influence of catchment-scale processes.
Lake Thompson, Mojave Desert, California: The late Pleistocene lake system and its Holocene desiccation
Lakes in one form or another have characterized the western Mojave Desert since at least Miocene time. The most recent of these, Lake Thompson, developed in the late Pleistocene, when it covered as much as 950 km 2 and rose to at least 710 m above sea level. During Holocene time, the lake desiccated, and is now represented by Rogers, Rosamond, and Buckhorn dry lakes, which may flood up to 200 km 2 during unusually wet phases. The spatial dimensions of the former lake are defined by modest geomorphic and lithostratigraphic units, mostly exposed lake beds and beach ridges interbedded with and later mantled by fluvial and eolian deposits. The lake's temporal devolution is revealed by four cores, and ages are constrained by accelerator mass spectrometry 14 C dating of organic sediment. These cores show a deep perennial lake from before 36 ka to at least 34 ka, a shallow but variable perennial lake from before 26 ka to 21 ka, followed by lowering and at least partial exposure of the lake floor to deflation and alluviation. A shallow perennial lake returned during the terminal Pleistocene, from around 16.2 ka to at least 12.6 ka, forming distinctive beach ridges beyond the margins of the present dry lakes, and it may have reappeared in the early Holocene. During subsequent Holocene desiccation, lake segmentation occurred as waves and currents generated lower sequences of beach ridges around contracting lakes. These ridges became mantled with eolian sand, but, as fluvial sediment inputs diminished with increasing aridity, these dunes were degraded, and their roots survive today as indurated yardangs.
Middle to late Cenozoic geology, hydrography, and fish evolution in the American Southwest
An evaluation of the poorly understood Cenozoic hydrologic history of the American Southwest using combined geological and biological data yields new insights with implications for tectonic evolution. The Mesozoic Cordilleran orogen next to the continental margin of southwestern North America probably formed the continental divide. Mountain building migrated eastward to cause uplift of the Rocky Mountains during the Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary Laramide orogeny. Closed drainage basins that developed between the two mountain belts trapped lake waters containing fish of Atlantic affinity. Oligocene-Miocene tectonic extension fragmented the western mountain belt and created abundant closed basins that gradually filled with sediments and became conduits for dispersal of fishes of both Pacific and Atlantic affinity. Abrupt arrival of the modern Colorado River to the Mojave-Sonora Desert region at ca. 5 Ma provided a new conduit for fish dispersal. Great dissimilarities in modern fish fauna, including differences in their mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), indicate that late Miocene runoff from the Colorado Plateau did not flow down the Platte or Rio Grande, or through the Lake Bonneville Basin. Fossil fishes from the upper Miocene part of the Bidahochi Formation on the Colorado Plateau have characteristics that reflect a habitat of large, swift-moving waters, and they are closely related to fossil fishes associated with the Snake and Sacramento Rivers. This evidence suggests that influx of fishes from the ancestral Snake River involved a major drainage, not merely small headwater transfers.
We estimated the timing of paleodrainage connections in the Colorado River Basin using mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence divergences among populations of the speckled dace, Rhinichthys osculus . Cytochrome b and ND4L sequences were analyzed by maximum likelihood methods to estimate phylogenetic branch lengths, which were calibrated to geological time with a fossil age estimate. We assume that heterogeneity in rate of evolution of mitochondrial DNA is caused in part by differences in body size, temperature, and correlated life-history traits; therefore, branch lengths are used directly to calculate rates of nucleotide substitution and ages of nodes on the phylogenetic tree. Rhinichthys osculus is estimated (by the corrected age of the oldest fossil) to have diverged from its sister species at 6.3 Ma. We estimate that speckled dace have been in the Colorado drainage for 3.6 m.y., and they have dispersed through the drainage and to former connectives, such as the Los Angeles Basin, in the past 1.9 m.y. Divergence among lineages of the upper and lower Colorado River drainages (above and below Grand Canyon) is estimated to have occurred ca. 1.9–1.3 Ma. Genetic divergence of allopatric lineages in the lower Colorado River drainage was accompanied by morphological adaptations to different stream gradients, but small genetic distances among these forms indicate recent gene flow and lack of reproductive isolation.
Pre–Colorado River drainage in western Grand Canyon: Potential influence on Miocene stratigraphy in Grand Wash Trough
A model is proposed whereby a Miocene Colorado River precursor canyon, deeper than 600 m, formed on the western Hualapai Plateau by headward erosion along a strike-valley drainage. Basin and Range faulting of the margin of the Colorado Plateau initiated canyon formation. This canyon was occupied by a long narrow lake, and the surface of the lake was at or above the level of the Hualapai Limestone. Such a hypothesized lake would have trapped any coarse sediment derived from the surrounding basin at the head of the lake, well upstream from the Grand Wash Trough. The drainage area feeding into the lake would have included the Hualapai Plateau and the combined ancestral drainages of Kanab and Cataract Creeks. This >13,000 km 2 basin has been dominated by surface exposures of Paleozoic carbonates since at least late Eocene time and generates no more than 1%–2% of the runoff associated with the modern (predam) Colorado River discharge. Such a carbonate-dominated, sediment-deficient basin would supply carbonate-rich runoff to the structural depocenter in the Grand Wash Trough, possibly explaining the upward transition to the Hualapai Limestone facies in late Miocene time. The upstream canyon delta produced in this proposed model could have been removed by the Pliocene-Pleistocene integration and younger incision of the more powerful, modern Colorado River.
Late Miocene and early Pliocene sediments exposed along the lower Colorado River near Laughlin, Nevada, contain evidence that establishment of this reach of the river after 5.6 Ma involved flooding from lake spillover through a bedrock divide between Cottonwood Valley to the north and Mohave Valley to the south. Lacustrine marls interfingered with and conformably overlying a sequence of post–5.6 Ma fine-grained valley-fill deposits record an early phase of intermittent lacustrine inundation restricted to Cottonwood Valley. Limestone, mud, sand, and minor gravel of the Bouse Formation were subsequently deposited above an unconformity. At the north end of Mohave Valley, a coarse-grained, lithologically distinct fluvial conglomerate separates subaerial, locally derived fan deposits from subaqueous deposits of the Bouse Formation. We interpret this key unit as evidence for overtopping and catastrophic breaching of the paleodivide immediately before deep lacustrine inundation of both valleys. Exposures in both valleys reveal a substantial erosional unconformity that records drainage of the lake and predates the arrival of sediment of the through-going Colorado River. Subsequent river aggradation culminated in the Pliocene between 4.1 and 3.3 Ma. The stratigraphic associations and timing of this drainage transition are consistent with geochemical evidence linking lacustrine conditions to the early Colorado River, the timings of drainage integration and canyon incision on the Colorado Plateau, the arrival of Colorado River sand at its terminus in the Salton Trough, and a downstream-directed mode of river integration common in areas of crustal extension.
Late Neogene marine incursions and the ancestral Gulf of California
The late Neogene section in the Salton Trough, California, and along the lower Colorado River in Arizona is composed of marine units bracketed by nonmarine units. Microfossils from the marine deposits indicate that a marine incursion inundated the Salton Trough during the late Miocene. Water depths increased rapidly in the Miocene and eventually flooded the region now occupied by the Colorado River as far north as Parker, Arizona. Marine conditions were restricted in the Pliocene as the Colorado River filled the Salton Trough with sediments and the Gulf of California assumed its present configuration. Microfossils from the early part of this incursion include a diverse assemblage of benthic foraminifers ( Amphistegina gibbosa , Uvigerina peregrina , Cassidulina delicata , and Bolivina interjuncta ), planktic foraminifers ( Globigerinoides obliquus , G. extremus , and Globigerina nepenthes ), and calcareous nannoplankton ( Discoaster brouweri , Discoaster aff. Discoaster surculus , Sphenolithus abies , and S. neoabies ), whereas microfossils in the final phase contain a less diverse assemblage of benthic foraminifers that are diagnostic of marginal shallow-marine conditions ( Ammonia , Elphidium , Bolivina , Cibicides , and Quinqueloculina ). Evidence of an earlier middle Miocene marine incursion comes from reworked microfossils found near Split Mountain Gorge in the Fish Creek Gypsum ( Sphenolithus moriformis ) and near San Gorgonio Pass ( Cyclicargolithus floridanus and Sphenolithus heteromorphus and planktic foraminifers). The middle Miocene incursion may also be represented by the older marine sedimentary rocks encountered in the subsurface near Yuma, Arizona, where rare middle Miocene planktic foraminifers are found.
The upper Miocene to lower Pliocene Bouse Formation in the lower Colorado River trough of the American Southwest was deposited in three basins—from north to south, the Mohave, Havasu, and Blythe Basins—that were formed by extensional faulting in the early to middle Miocene. Fossils of marine, brackish, and freshwater organisms in the Bouse Formation have been interpreted to indicate an estuarine environment associated with early opening of the nearby Gulf of California. Regional uplift since 5 Ma is required to position the estuarine Bouse Formation at present elevations as high as 555 m, where greater uplift is required in the north. We present a compilation of Bouse Formation elevations that is consistent with Bouse deposition in lakes, with an abrupt 225 m northward increase in maximum Bouse elevations at Topock gorge north of Lake Havasu. Within Blythe and Havasu Basins, maximum Bouse elevations are 330 m above sea level in three widely spaced areas and reveal no evidence of regional tilting. To the north in Mohave Basin, numerous Bouse outcrops above 480 m elevation include three widely spaced sites where the Bouse Formation is exposed at 536–555 m. Numerical simulations of initial Colorado River inflow to a sequence of closed basins along the lower Colorado River corridor model a history of lake filling, spilling, evaporation and salt concentration, and outflow-channel incision. The simulations support the plausibility of evaporative concentration of Colorado River water to seawater-level salinities in Blythe Basin and indicate that such salinities could have remained stable for as long as 20–30 k.y. We infer that fossil marine organisms in the Bouse Formation, restricted to the southern (Blythe) basin, reflect colonization of a salty lake by a small number of species that were transported by birds.
Distinctive far-traveled fluvial sediment of the lower Colorado River fills 20 paleovalleys now stranded by the river downstream of Grand Canyon as it crosses the Basin and Range Province. These sediments resulted from two or more aggradational episodes in Pliocene and Pleistocene times following initial incision during the early Pliocene. Areview of the stratigraphic evidence of major swings in river elevation over the last 5 m.y. from alternating degradation and aggradation episodes establishes a framework for understanding the incision and filling of the paleovalleys. The paleovalleys are found mostly along narrow bedrock canyon reaches of the river, where divides of bedrock or old deposits separate them from the modern river. The paleovalleys are interpreted to have stemmed from periods of aggradation that filled and broadened the river valley, burying low uplands in the canyon reaches into which later channel positions were entrenched during subsequent degradation episodes. The aggradation-degradation cycles resulted in the stranding of incised river valleys that range in elevation from near the modern river to 350 m above it.
Where the lower Colorado River traverses the Basin and Range Province below the Grand Canyon, significant late Pleistocene aggradation and subsequent degradation of the river are indicated by luminescence, paleomagnetic, and U-series data and stratigraphy. Aggradational, finely bedded reddish mud, clay, and silt are underlain and overlain by cross-bedded to plane-bedded fine sand and silt. That sequence is commonly disconformably overlain by up to 15 m of coarse sand, rounded exotic gravel, and angular, locally derived gravel. Luminescence dates on the fine sediments range from ca. 40 ka to 70 ka, considering collective uncertainties. A section of fine-grained sediments over a vertical range of 15 m shows normal polarity magnetization and little apparent secular variation beyond dispersion that can be explained by compaction. Aggradation on large local tributaries such as Las Vegas Wash appears to have been coeval with that of the Colorado River. The upper limits of erosional remnants of the sequence define a steeper grade above the historical river, and these late Pleistocene deposits are greater than 100 m above the modern river north of 35°N. Terrace gravels inset below the upper limit of the aggradational sequence yield 230 Th dates that range from ca. 32 ka to 60 ka and indicate that degradation of the river system in this area closely followed aggradation. The thick sequence of rhythmically bedded mud and silt possibly indicates settings that were ponded laterally between valley slopes and levees of the aggrading river. Potential driving mechanisms for such aggradation and degradation include sediment-yield response to climate change, drought, fire, vegetation-ecosystem dynamics, glaciation, paleofloods, groundwater discharge, and building and destruction of natural dams produced by volcanism and landslides.