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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Gulf of Mexico (1)
Gulf of Saint Lawrence (1)
Jeanne d'Arc Basin (1)
Northwest Atlantic
Hibernia Field (2)
Eastern Canada
Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland (1)
Western Canada
Athabasca Oil Sands (1)
Calgary Alberta (1)
Saskatchewan (2)
Central Basin (1)
North America
Appalachian Basin (1)
Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (2)
United States
Central Basin Platform (1)
Delaware Basin (1)
Ohio (1)
West Texas (1)
oil and gas fields (4)
petroleum (10)
geologic age
Lower Cretaceous
Mannville Group (1)
McMurray Formation (1)
Lower Mississippian
Lodgepole Formation (1)
Upper Devonian
Nisku Formation (1)
Trenton Group (1)
Utica Shale (1)
Grayburg Formation (1)
Lower Permian
Bone Spring Limestone (1)
Wolfcampian (1)
upper Paleozoic
Bakken Formation (1)
carbonates (1)
framework silicates
silica minerals
quartz (1)
Primary terms
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Gulf of Mexico (1)
Gulf of Saint Lawrence (1)
Jeanne d'Arc Basin (1)
Northwest Atlantic
Hibernia Field (2)
Eastern Canada
Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland (1)
Western Canada
Athabasca Oil Sands (1)
Calgary Alberta (1)
Saskatchewan (2)
data processing (7)
faults (2)
geophysical methods (24)
geophysics (1)
Lower Cretaceous
Mannville Group (1)
McMurray Formation (1)
North America
Appalachian Basin (1)
Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (2)
oil and gas fields (4)
Lower Mississippian
Lodgepole Formation (1)
Upper Devonian
Nisku Formation (1)
Trenton Group (1)
Utica Shale (1)
Grayburg Formation (1)
Lower Permian
Bone Spring Limestone (1)
Wolfcampian (1)
upper Paleozoic
Bakken Formation (1)
petroleum (10)
reefs (2)
sea-level changes (1)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks (1)
clastic rocks
sandstone (3)
shale (2)
gas sands (1)
oil sands (3)
sedimentary structures
planar bedding structures
cross-bedding (1)
clastic sediments
clay (1)
sand (1)
tectonics (1)
United States
Central Basin Platform (1)
Delaware Basin (1)
Ohio (1)
West Texas (1)
well-logging (3)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks (1)
clastic rocks
sandstone (3)
shale (2)
gas sands (1)
oil sands (3)
sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures
planar bedding structures
cross-bedding (1)
clastic sediments
clay (1)
sand (1)
Seismic reservoir characterization of the Bone Spring and Wolfcamp Formations in the Delaware Basin: Challenges and uncertainty in characterization using rock physics — A case study: Part 2
Empirical modeling of the saturated shear modulus in oil sands
Seismic reservoir characterization of Utica-Point Pleasant shale with efforts at fracability evaluation — Part 2: A case study
Prestack structurally constrained impedance inversion
Interpretation of geologic facies in seismic volume using key rock elastic properties and high-definition facies templates
Synthetic core from conventional logs: A new method of interpretation for identification of key reservoir properties
Abstract In this chapter, seismic-attribute spectral decomposition (SD) is used for understanding heavy-oil and bitumen sand reservoir behavior and comprehending their heterogeneities for future reservoir simulation. Spectral decomposition is performed on the migrated stack and on amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) attributes (P- and S-wave impedance reflectivity). Examples provided in this chapter are from reservoirs with cold and thermal production. The observed differences between SD performed on P- and S-wave impedance reflectivity are explained with the solid state of the oil sands at their preproduction reservoir condition. The interpretation of the seismic attributes is based on the poroelastic and viscoelastic behaviors of the heavy oil and/or bitumen. The reservoir characteristics identified on the spectrally decomposed AVO attributes can be summarized as follows: (1) higher energy at the top and base of the reservoir is associated with shale; (2) medium to high energy is an indication of water sand; (3) low energy in the middle of the reservoir is commonly associated with thick bitumen zones that have high absorption; and (4) the bitumen-water interface is identified.
Heavy Oil as an Important Resource for the Future With more than 87 million barrels of oil being consumed worldwide every day, oil has come to be the life-blood of modern civilization. It is cheap, relatively easy to procure and use, and has become addictive in terms of its flexibility in enhancing our lives in multiple applications. First and foremost, we are dependent on oil for transportation because more than 90% of transportation energy comes from oil. In addition, oil provides a feedstock for pharmaceuticals, agriculture, plastics, clothing, mining, electricity, and several other products that we use in our everyday lives. Almost all goods are connected to oil in one way or another; we are all dependent on oil and gas more than any other resource, yet not many of us think about this dependence. Oil exploration and production has fueled world economic growth over the last century, and it has reached a stage where the economy of several nations is dependent on the exports of oil to the international market. Global demand for oil is now outstripping supply growth and the importance of this crucial commodity is such that companies engaged in oil exploration and production or transportation have dwarfed those in every other commodities sector. Some important aspects to keep in mind are that oil and gas are absolutely critical to the operation of today's industrial society, essential for sustained economic growth in the industrialized world, and key to progress in nations working their way toward prosperity. This translates into a growing demand for oil and gas, much of it coming from developing nations with low levels of energy use per capita.
Characterization of Heavy-oil Reservoir Using V P /V S Ratio and Neural Networks Analysis
Introduction The oil-sands reservoir related to the Long Lake South (LLS) project is contained within the McMurray formation, which is the basal unit of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group. The McMurray formation directly overlies the sub-Cretaceous unconformity, which is developed on Paleozoic carbonates of the Beaver Hill Lake Group and is overlain by the Wabiskaw, Clearwater, and Grand Rapids Formations of the Mannville Group. The study area (Figure 1) is located along the axis of the McMurray Valley system, which was localized by the dissolution of underlying Devonian evaporates, creating the preferred depositional fairway for the Lower Cretaceous McMurray sediments. The most significant bitumen reservoirs within the McMurray formation are found within the multiple channels that represent lowstand system tracts, incised into the regional, prograding parase-quence sets that represent highstand system tracts. During sea level rise, these incised channel systems were filled with a transgressive estuarine complex, consisting of sandy to muddy estuarine point bars. In the Long Lake area, the McMurray formation is dominantly composed of these multiple, sand-rich, fluvial, and estuarine channels, which are incised into each other and stacked along a preferred path of deposition. This preferred path is aligned north-northwest to south-southeast in the Long Lake area (Dumitrescu et al., 2009).
The Effects of Cold Production on Seismic Response
Introduction Cold production is a nonthermal recovery mechanism in which a progressive cavity pump simultaneously produces oil, water, gas, and sand. This extraction decreases the reservoir pressure to values less than bubble point; therefore, gas comes out of solution and forms a foam-like material called foamy oil. On the other hand, because of sand production, high-porosity and high-permeability channels known as wormholes are created with diameters ranging from 10 cm to as much as 1 m (Tremblay et al., 1999). It is very important to avoid drilling into the worm-holes; therefore, petroleum engineers need to know the location of wormholes and the extent of depleted zones. Fortunately, the reservoir undergoes significant changes during cold production that we can monitor using seismic information. In this modeling study, we evaluate the influence of changes in porosity and foamy-oil effects caused by cold production on seismic data.
Introduction Heavy-oil reservoirs are an abundant resource, particularly in Canada, Venezuela, and Alaska. By some estimates, heavy oils represent as much as 6.3 trillion barrels of oil in place. This matches available quantities of conventional oil. More than 50% of Canada's oil production is now from heavy oil (Batzle et al., 2006). Much of the heavy-oil recovery in Western Canada involves steam injection, called “hot production.” An alternative to thermal heavy-oil production in the field is known as “cold production,” which is a primary nonthermal process in which reservoir temperature is not affected. The cold production process has been economically successful in several unconsolidated heavy-oil fields in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada (Sawatzky et al., 2002). During the cold production process, sand and oil are produced simultaneously by progressive cavity pumps, generating high-porosity channels termed “wormholes.” The development of wormholes causes reservoir pressure to fall below the bubble point, resulting in dissolved gas coming out of solution to form foamy oil. Foamy oil and wormholes are believed to be two key factors in the enhancement of oil recovery (Metwally et al., 1995; Maini, 2004). The development of wormholes and the formation of foamy oil will disturb fluid properties in the reservoir during heavy-oil cold production. Batzle et al. (2006) showed that the bulk modulus of heavy oil drops to near zero very quickly from approximately 2.6 GPa after pressure is lower than the bubble point line at approximately 2 MPa. This disturbance will probably be detectable for seismic survey.
Introduction Heavy-oil reservoirs are an abundant hydrocarbon resource, which will in all probability comprise a significant portion of long-term world oil production. The world’s heavy-oil reserves have been estimated to be approximately 6 trillion barrels — roughly equivalent to conventional reserves. The largest heavy-oil reserves are in Canada, Venezuela, the United States, Norway, Indonesia, China, Russia, and Kuwait. Cold production is a low-energy production method that has been widely used in Western Canada. Although the primary recovery rates are relatively modest, cold production of heavy oil requires much less energy than hot production methods such as cyclic steam injection (CSS) or steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD), and as a consequence it results in much less hydrocarbon use in the recovery stage.
Introduction to this Special Section : Heavy Oil
Collaborative methods in enhanced cold heavy oil production
Abstract Velocity analysis methods generally involve an analysis of the traveltime moveout of seismic events. To investigate ambiguities for such methods, we can start with a simple single layer model and investigate the uncertainty in the estimation of velocity and reflector depths. This analysis will show that the velocity-depth ambiguity is dependent on the offset-depth ratio and on the accuracy of traveltime picks. The following “back of the envelope” calculations give some illumination on the simplest of velocity-reflector depth ambiguities.