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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
North Africa
Sinai Egypt (1)
West Africa
Niger Delta (1)
Far East
Taiwan (1)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
North Sea
Gullfaks Field (4)
Viking Graben (2)
Northeast Atlantic (1)
Caledonides (4)
Central Europe
Germany (1)
Western Europe
France (1)
Southern Norway (2)
Western Gneiss region (1)
United Kingdom (1)
North Sea region (1)
Sinai (2)
United States
California (1)
Colorado Plateau (3)
Nevada (2)
Uncompahgre Uplift (1)
Arches National Park (1)
Canyonlands National Park (2)
Emery County Utah (1)
San Rafael Swell (1)
brines (1)
oil and gas fields (4)
petroleum (11)
geochronology methods
(U-Th)/He (1)
Ar/Ar (1)
fission-track dating (1)
K/Ar (1)
thermochronology (1)
U/Pb (1)
geologic age
Tertiary (1)
Aztec Sandstone (1)
Middle Jurassic
Brent Group (2)
Ness Formation (1)
San Rafael Group (1)
Upper Jurassic
Entrada Sandstone (2)
Navajo Sandstone (3)
Statfjord Formation (1)
Devonian (2)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks (1)
metamorphic rocks
metamorphic rocks
cataclasites (1)
gneisses (1)
apatite (1)
framework silicates
feldspar group
alkali feldspar
K-feldspar (1)
zircon group
zircon (1)
sheet silicates
illite (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (2)
North Africa
Sinai Egypt (1)
West Africa
Niger Delta (1)
Far East
Taiwan (1)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
North Sea
Gullfaks Field (4)
Viking Graben (2)
Northeast Atlantic (1)
brines (1)
Tertiary (1)
continental slope (1)
crust (3)
deformation (19)
diagenesis (2)
Central Europe
Germany (1)
Western Europe
France (1)
Southern Norway (2)
Western Gneiss region (1)
United Kingdom (1)
faults (24)
folds (7)
fractures (3)
geochronology (1)
geophysical methods (6)
igneous rocks (1)
mantle (1)
maps (1)
Aztec Sandstone (1)
Middle Jurassic
Brent Group (2)
Ness Formation (1)
San Rafael Group (1)
Upper Jurassic
Entrada Sandstone (2)
Navajo Sandstone (3)
Statfjord Formation (1)
metamorphic rocks
cataclasites (1)
gneisses (1)
Mohorovicic discontinuity (1)
oil and gas fields (4)
orogeny (2)
Devonian (2)
petroleum (11)
plate tectonics (2)
remote sensing (3)
reservoirs (1)
sedimentary rocks
chemically precipitated rocks
salt (1)
clastic rocks
quartz arenite (1)
sandstone (11)
siltstone (1)
sedimentary structures
secondary structures
stylolites (1)
shorelines (1)
stratigraphy (1)
structural analysis (5)
structural geology (1)
tectonics (15)
United States
California (1)
Colorado Plateau (3)
Nevada (2)
Uncompahgre Uplift (1)
Arches National Park (1)
Canyonlands National Park (2)
Emery County Utah (1)
San Rafael Swell (1)
rock formations
Nubian Sandstone (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
chemically precipitated rocks
salt (1)
clastic rocks
quartz arenite (1)
sandstone (11)
siltstone (1)
siliciclastics (2)
sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures
secondary structures
stylolites (1)
siliciclastics (2)
Structural core observations in a siliciclastic reservoir-scale framework
Abstract Detailed knowledge of subseismic structures and their influence on reservoir production performance is important for optimal reservoir management. Predicting subseismic structures from seismic-scale structural interpretations is inherently difficult without the use of core data. Cores allow direct measurements of porosity and permeability of deformed rocks and enable researchers to make detailed investigation of deformation mechanisms and cementation processes. Frequency, distribution and sometimes orientation of planar structures can be constrained. Such observations are then used together with location relative to seismically mapped fault and fold structures, and with respect to lithology and stratigraphy. However, a significant gap exists between the scale of core observation and the size of structures mappable from seismic data. Bridging this gap requires a sound general understanding of the different structures that occur in reservoirs, which, in addition to faults, includes drag folds, veins, fractures and the many types of deformation bands that can exist in porous rocks. Proper understanding of such subseismic structures is primarily based on outcrop-based observations and analyses, aided by physical experiments and numerical modelling. We stress that integrating such cutting-edge knowledge with core, seismic and other case-specific subsurface data in an appropriate tectonic context is paramount for realistic reservoir characterization and successful reservoir management.
3D seismic interpretation with deep learning: A brief introduction
Structural architecture and composition of crystalline basement offshore west Norway
Seismic facies analysis using machine learning
A review of deformation bands in reservoir sandstones: geometries, mechanisms and distribution
Abstract Deformation bands are common subseismic structures in porous sandstones that vary with respect to deformation mechanisms, geometries and distribution. The amount of cataclasis involved largely determines how they impact fluid flow, and cataclasis is generally promoted by coarse grain size, good sorting, high porosity and overburden (usually >500–1000 m). Most bands involve a combination of shear and compaction, and a distinction can be made between those where shear displacement greatly exceeds compaction (compactional shear bands or CSB), where the two are of similar magnitude (shear-enhanced compaction bands or SECB), and pure compaction bands (PCB). The latter two only occur in the contractional regime, are characterized by high (70–100°) dihedral angles (SECB) or perpendicularity (PCB) to σ 1 (the maximum principal stress) and are restricted to layers with very high porosity. Contraction generally tends to produce populations of well-distributed deformation bands, whereas in the extensional regime the majority of bands are clustered around faults. Deformation bands also favour highly porous parts of a reservoir, which may result in a homogenization of the overall reservoir permeability and enhance sweep during hydrocarbon production. A number of intrinsic and external variables must therefore be considered when assessing the influence of deformation bands on reservoir performance.
Abstract Little is known about the effect of thrusting on lithological and petrophysical properties of reservoir sandstone. Here we use field observations, probe permeability measurements and thin-section analysis along ten transects from the Muddy Mountain thrust contact downwards into the underlying Jurassic Aztec Sandstone to evaluate the nature and extent of petrophysical and microstructural changes caused by the thrusting. The results reveal a decimetre- to metre-thick low-permeable (≤50 mD) and indurated (0–3% porosity) zone immediately beneath the thrust contact in which dominant microscale processes, in decreasing order of importance, are (1) cataclasis with local fault gouge formation; (2) pressure solution; and (3) very limited cementation. From this narrow zone the petrophysical and microstructural effect of the thrusting decreases gradually downwards into a friable, highly porous ( c. 25%) and permeable (≤2 D) sandstone some 50–150 m below the thrust, in which strain is localized into deformation band populations. In general, the petrophysical properties of the sandstone as a result of overthrusting reveal little impact in overall primary reservoir quality below some tens of metres into the footwall, except for the relatively minor baffling effect of deformation bands.
Thermal evolution and exhumation history of the Uncompahgre Plateau (northeastern Colorado Plateau), based on apatite fission track and (U-Th)-He thermochronology and zircon U-Pb dating
Abstract: Rollover is the folding of the hanging-wall sedimentary record in response to slip on listric normal faults, and is a common feature of sediment-rich, gravity-driven tectonic provinces. Rollovers have been extensively studied by means of geometrical reconstruction, and numerical and analogue modelling. However, the detailed interaction between the kinematics of bounding listric normal faults and their hanging-wall deformation is not yet fully understood. In this study, we use 3D seismic-reflection data from the Forcados-Yokri area, western Niger Delta, Nigeria, to study the lateral linkage and landwards backstepping history of an array of listric normal faults, particularly focusing on their influence on the development and evolution of hanging-wall rollovers. Five individual, partly overlapping rollover structures have been studied with respect to their relative initiation and decay time, their spatial distribution, and their relationship to the tectonic history of their respective bounding faults. We demonstrate that the studied rollovers are highly dependent on the development of their bounding faults in terms of initiation time, lateral linkage, internal structural development and decay. Fault–rollover interaction is dynamic and changes through time depending on the temporal evolution of listric faults. Four genetic types of fault–rollover interaction were identified in this study: (1) the rotation of a rollover–crestal-collapse system, controlled by a changing lateral bounding-fault orientation during fault growth; (2) a stepwise shift of rollover–crestal-collapse systems associated with rollover abandonment, controlled by the initiation of a new fault in the footwall of an older structure; (3) a gradual shift of successive rollovers controlled by branching main faults; and (4) a general landwards and upwards migration of crestal-collapse faults within a rollover above stationary listric main faults.
Post-Caledonian extension in the West Norway–northern North Sea region: the role of structural inheritance
Abstract: The northern North Sea region has experienced repeated phases of post-Caledonian extension, starting with extensional reactivation of the low-angle basal Caledonian thrust zone, then the formation of Devonian extensional shear zones with 10–100 km-scale displacements, followed by brittle reactivation and the creation of a plethora of extensional faults. The North Sea Rift-related approximately east–west extension created a new set of rift-parallel faults that cut across less favourably orientated pre-rift structures. Nevertheless, fault rock dating shows that onshore faults and shear zones of different orientations were active throughout the history of rifting. Several of the reactivated major Devonian extensional structures can be extrapolated offshore into the rift, where they appear as bands of dipping reflectors. They coincide with large-scale boundaries separating 50–100 km-wide rift domains of internally uniform fault patterns. Major north–south-trending rift faults, such as the Øygarden Fault System, bend or terminate against these boundaries, clearly influenced by their presence during rifting. Hence, the North Sea is one of several examples where pre-rift basement structures oblique to the rift extension direction can significantly influence rift architecture, even if most of the rift faults are newly-formed structures.
The effect of deformation bands on simulated fluid flow within fault-propagation fold trap types: Lessons from the San Rafael monocline, Utah
Tectonic regime controls clustering of deformation bands in porous sandstone
Crustal stretching in the Scandinavian Caledonides as revealed by deep seismic data
Abstract The post-Caledonian tectonic history and landscape evolution of southwestern Norway are poorly understood, primarily owing to the lack of onshore post-Devonian sediments. To bridge this knowledge gap, low-temperature thermochronological techniques were applied to investigate vertical movements in the upper crust. New apatite fission track and apatite and zircon (U–Th)/He analyses on samples from southwestern Norway yielded Permian to Jurassic, Triassic to Cretaceous and Carboniferous to Triassic ages, respectively. Thermal history modelling indicates relatively high cooling rates (2–3 °C Ma −1 ) throughout Permian to early Jurassic times. Since the Jurassic, samples from coastal areas have remained close to the surface and were reheated to 30–50 °C during sedimentary burial in the Cretaceous. Inland samples experienced lesser amounts of Permo-Triassic exhumation, continued to cool slowly (<1 °C Ma −1 ) throughout the Jurassic–Cretaceous and did not reach the surface until the Cenozoic. Both fission track and (U–Th)/He ages are offset across faults, highlighting the importance of fault activity throughout the Mesozoic. In combination with previously published results, the new data suggest that the geomorphological evolution of southwestern Norway is closely connected to rift- and post-rift tectonics related to North Sea and North Atlantic rifting. The topographic relief was most likely repeatedly rejuvenated during periods of tectonic activity.
Insight into petrophysical properties of deformed sandstone reservoirs
Origin of contrasting Devonian supradetachment basin types in the Scandinavian Caledonides
Characterization of deformation bands associated with normal and reverse stress states in the Navajo Sandstone, Utah: Discussion
Soft faults with hard tips: magnitude-order displacement gradient variations controlled by strain softening versus hardening; implications for fault scaling
Fault linkage and graben stepovers in the Canyonlands (Utah) and the North Sea Viking Graben, with implications for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation
Extensional tectonics in the North Atlantic Caledonides: a regional view
Abstract Extensional structures characterize significant parts of the North Atlantic Caledonides. Silurian extensional deformation took place, particularly in the heated crust in the southern Greenland Caledonides, but the majority of the mapped extensional structures are Devonian (403–380 Ma). They formed by reactivation of low-angle Caledonian thrusts and by the formation of hinterland-dipping shear zones, of which the largest system is located in SW Norway and related to exhumation of the subducted margin of Baltica. The Devonian extension was concentrated to the central and southern part of the Caledonides, with maximum extension occurring in the area between the Western Gneiss Region of SW Norway and the Fjord Region of East Greenland. Kinematic data indicate that the main tectonic transport direction was toward the hinterland, and this pattern suggests that the main Devonian extension/transtension in the southern part of the North Atlantic region was postcontractional while strike-slip motions and possibly transpression occurred farther north. Late Devonian to enigmatic Early Carboniferous ages from UHP metamorphic assemblages in NE Greenland suggest that intracontinental subduction was going on in NE Greenland at a time when extensional deformation governed the rest of the orogenic belt.