Ediacaran fossils, obtained in stratigraphic context in 1993, 1995, and 1996, with the assistance of A. Seilacher, IGCP project 320 scientists, and the Geological Survey of Namibia, are described for the first time. Most are from the Kliphoek and Buchholzbrunn members of the Dabis Formation and the Huns and Spitskop members of the Urusis Formation, Witputs subbasin, but a significant number, including Pteridinium, are from the Kliphoek Member, Zaris Formation, and the Neiderhagen Member, Nudaus Formation, north of the Osis arch, which separates the two subbasins. We extend the stratigraphic ranges and geographic distributions of several important taxa, including Archaeichnium, Ernietta, Pteridinium, and Swartpuntia, provide reassessments of the paleobiology of these and other organisms, and describe a new sponge—possibly an unmineralized archaeocyath—Arimasia germsi n. gen. n. sp. We also describe and illustrate various ichnofossils (including the oldest known traces from the Nama Group), narrow down the first appearance of Treptichnus in the Nama succession, and reinforce the idea that there was a prolific infauna of micrometazoans during the latest Ediacaran by naming and describing previously reported microburrows found on the surfaces of gutter casts as Ariichnus vagus n. igen. n. isp.
UUID: http://zoobank.org/8c267425-135a-4b0a-98b6-cf726515cbf2
Non-technical Summary
This work describes and illustrates Ediacaran (latest Precambrian) body and trace fossils collected in Namibia with the assistance of the Geological Survey of Namibia during 1993–1996. All of the fossils are impressions left in sandstones by the remains or activities of soft-bodied animals that have no obvious living counterparts. The challenge has been to understand the morphology of these organisms, describe their anatomy, and find places for them in the tree of life. The focus is on three erniettomorphs, Ernietta, Pteridinium, and Swartpuntia; a problematical organism named Archaeichnium that may be related to sea anemones; a new simple unmineralized sponge (Arimasia); and tubular fossils and trace fossils, all attributable to worms. We show how these fossils fit into the well-established stratigraphic context of the Nama sedimentary basin and briefly comment on their importance for the evolution of early animal life.
The superbly exposed latest Ediacaran to earliest Cambrian succession in southern Namibia has produced some of the most outstanding body and trace fossils of soft-bodied Precambrian animals since first explored early last century (Gürich, 1933; Richter, 1955; Haughton, 1960; Pflug, 1970a, b, 1972; Germs, 1972a, b, 1973; Glaessner, 1978, 1979a; Crimes and Germs, 1982; Hahn and Pflug, 1985a, 1988; Narbonne et al., 1997; Jensen et al., 2000; Grazhdankin and Seilacher, 2005; Jensen and Runnegar, 2005; Wilson et al., 2012; Vickers-Rich et al., 2013; Elliott et al., 2016; Ivantsov et al., 2016, 2019; Buatois et al., 2018; Darroch et al., 2021; Turk et al., 2022; Bowyer et al., 2023). We continue that tradition by describing and interpreting new material from the southern (Witputs) and northern (Zaris) subbasins that house the Nama succession and extend the known distribution of Ediacaran organisms both stratigraphically and geographically. We first describe the stratigraphic context for our samples (Figs. 1–5), then deal with their systematics (Figs. 6–26) and conclude with a discussion of the implications of our findings.
This study began with a generous invitation from Dolf Seilacher for JGG and BR to participate in a field discussion of Seilacher's vendobiont hypothesis at the now-famous Amphitheatre site on Aar farm and subsequently at H.D. Pflug's home in Lich, as chronicled by Mark McMenamin in The Garden of Ediacara (McMenamin, 1998). During that trip, we also tried to re-collect Germs and Richter's localities at Arimas, Chamis, Kliphoek, Kuibis, and Vrede, with limited but encouraging success. Subsequent work in 1995 and 1996, with the assistance and support of the Geological Survey of Namibia, produced much of the material described here. The work was and is aimed at documenting the Ediacaran biodiversity of Namibia. We illustrate, describe, and discuss the taxa studied but do not deal with some other well-known Namibian forms, such as Rangea Gürich, 1930 (Gürich, 1930a), which are well treated elsewhere. A few uncommon taxa are illustrated but not described.
Geological setting
Lithostratigraphy and geochronology
The largely undeformed stratigraphy of the Nama Basin in southern Namibia was well described by Germs (1972a, 1974, 1983) and then put into a sequence stratigraphic framework by Saylor et al. (1995, 1998,2005), Smith (1999), and Saylor (2003). Briefly, the Nama Basin is divided into three subbasins by topographic highs that were present during sedimentation. Ediacaran fossils are found only in the two western subbasins, Zaris and Witputs, which are separated by the Osis arch (Fig. 1). Upper Nama Group sediments belonging to the Cambrian Fish River and largely Ediacaran Schwarzrand subgroups extend across the Osis arch; the older Ediacaran Kuibis Subgroup is thicker, more carbonate-rich, and apparently more complete in the north (Fig. 2). The only distinctive Kuibis unit that crosses the arch is the Kliphoek Member of the Dabis Formation, which projects as a tongue into the southern edge of the Zaris subbasin (Fig. 2; Germs, 1983, fig. 3; Germs and Gresse, 1991, fig. 3). Fortunately, the limestone overlying this tongue, which is clearly the Mooifontein Member of the Zaris Formation, preserves the older rising limb of a pronounced positive carbon isotope excursion (OMKYK, Figs. 2, 3; OME of Bowyer et al., 2022) that is well characterized from thick, carbonate-rich sections in the Zebra River area (Figs. 1–3; Grotzinger et al., 1995; Saylor et al., 1998; Smith, 1999; Wood et al., 2015) and is older than a prominent volcanic ash bed with a U–Pb age of 547.36 ± 0.23 Ma (Grotzinger et al., 1995; Bowring et al., 2007; Schmitz et al., 2020). As the peak of the Omkyk excursion can be followed southward in the Mooifontein Member (Fig. 3), its presence above fossiliferous horizons of the underlying Buchholzbrunn and Kilphoek members in the Witputs subbasin provides a minimum age of about 548 Ma for those assemblages (Fig. 2; Saylor et al., 1998).
A volcanic ash bed near Nooitgedacht (Fig. 1) at the “basal contact” of the siliciclastic Nudaus Formation, the oldest unit of the Schwarzrand Subgroup, has a U–Pb age of 545.27 ± 0.11 Ma (Nelson et al., 2022), thus implying an approximately 2 million-year hiatus between the Kuibis and Schwarzrand subgroups in the Witputs subbasin, where the Nudaus lies directly upon the Mooifontein (Fig. 2); carbonate and low-energy siliciclastic sedimentation seems to have continued through this hiatus in the north.
Another volcanic ash bed ~10 km southwest of Nooitgedacht in the Nasep Member of the heterogeneous Urusis Formation, which completes the Ediacaran section of the Schwarzrand Subgroup in the Witputs subbasin, has a U–Pb age of 542.65 ± 0.15 Ma (Fig. 2; Nelson et al., 2022). This constrains the fossiliferous intervals of the Schwarzrand Subgroup to between about 543 and 539 Ma in the Witputs subbasin, but the older Nudaus Formation is fossiliferous north of the Osis arch (UCLA 7320, Fig. 2; Darroch et al., 2016) and perhaps at Gründoorn, about 60 km from Karasburg (Figs. 1, 2; Haughton, 1960; Glaessner, 1978). The Nama section at Charliesput, ~95 km east of Karasburg, is almost entirely siliciclastic (Germs, 1972a, fig. 22; 1974, fig. 4). Glaessner (1978) followed Haughton (1960) in attributing the two slabs of sandstone that preserve the type specimens of Archaeichnium haughtoni Glaessner, 1963 to the Kuibis Formation equivalent, the Nababis Formation, but the stratigraphic range of Archaeichnium elsewhere suggests a younger, Schwarzrand equivalent provenance (Fig. 2).
The best-dated part of the Nama succession spans the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary (Grotzinger et al., 1995; Linnemann et al., 2019; Nelson et al., 2022), and the relevant U–Pb ages for this work are summarized in Figures 2 and 5. The Precambrian–Cambrian boundary has traditionally been placed at a profound erosional surface at the base of the Nomtsas Formation (e.g., Germs, 1972a; Grotzinger et al., 1995; Wilson et al., 2012), but recently it has been suggested that the boundary should be lowered into the underlying Spitskop Member of the Urusis Formation (Fig. 2) because trace fossils of the Treptichnus pedum (Seilacher, 1955) type have been found within the Spitskop Member (Linnemann et al., 2019; Bowyer et al., 2022) and treptichnids lower down (Jensen et al., 2000; Darroch et al., 2021). The significance of these observations remains a matter for debate; here we follow the traditional view on the grounds that bone fide examples of Treptichnus pedum are found abundantly in the Nomtsas Formation (Fig. 25.3, 25.4; Wilson et al., 2012) whereas those present in the Spitskop Member (Fig. 25.1, 25.2; Germs, 1972b, pl. 2, fig. 1; Jensen et al., 2000; Darroch et al., 2021; Turk et al., 2022) are treptichnids but not Treptichnus pedum, a pattern seen elsewhere (Jensen, 2003), including Nevada (Tarhan et al., 2020). The persistence of characteristically Ediacaran fossils such as Pteridinium and Swartpuntia to near the top of the Spitskop Member is mirrored by the presence of Ernietta and other Ediacaran taxa immediately beneath the well-characterized Precambrian–Cambrian boundary in Nevada and Sonora, Mexico (Smith et al., 2016, 2022; Hodgin et al., 2021; Nelson et al., 2023). Thus, we regard all of the fossils discussed in this work, with the exception of T. pedum from the Nomtsas Formation, to be Ediacaran, not Cambrian, in age.
The regional distribution of the Ediacara fauna and associated calcareous fossils and trace fossils was first documented by Germs (1972a–c, 1973). He showed that Ediacaran fossils (Rangea, Pteridinium, Ernietta) are common in the triangular area bounded by Aus (16.25°E, 26.67°S), Helmeringhausen (16.82°E, 25.88°S), and Goageb (17.22°E, 26.75°S) at the siliciclastic to carbonate transition from the Kliphoek to Mooifontein members, since separated out as the Buchholzbrunn Member (Germs and Gresse, 1991; Germs, 1995)—which we use here (Figs. 2, 3)—or as the Aar Member (Hall et al., 2013). Germs also found one specimen of Rangea higher in the succession, just above the Mooifontein limestone in the Neiderhagen sandstone Member, Nudaus Formation, at Chamis (17.00°E, 26.05°S), but as the fossil was not in situ, its stratigraphic position may be questionable. A rather different assemblage, interbedded with carbonates, was found at a single site in the base of the Huns limestone, Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup at Arimas (17.00°E, 27.70°S). Thus, there seemed to be two principal assemblages of Ediacaran organisms, an older one characterized by Pteridinium and Ernietta and a younger one that lacked both genera but yielded a variety of tubular and trace fossils, plus the new genus Nasepia (Germs, 1972a, c, 1973). This situation languished until Grotzinger et al. (1995) showed that Pteridinium and Swartpuntia (Narbonne et al., 1997) extended almost up to the disconformity that separates the Cambrian Nomtas Formation from older Schwarzrand units. There has been one recent report of an “indeterminate erniettomorph” in the Nomtsas Formation in South Africa (Nelson et al., 2022), but both the fossil and its stratigraphic level need further assessment.
In the carbonates, Germs (1972a, b) reported Cloudina from the Mara, Mooifontein, and Huns limestone members of the Wiputs subbasin, but all of the described material was from a bioherm, the Driedoornvlagte reef (Grotzinger et al., 2000, 2005; Adams et al., 2004; Wood et al., 2015), in the Zaris subbasin (Fig. 1). All occurrences of Cloudina in both subbasins were subsequently summarized by Grant (1990) and Yang et al. (2022). Namacalathus is found with Cloudina in the Driedoornvlagte reef (Germs, 1972c, pl. 1, fig. 4; Grotzinger et al., 2005; Penny et al., 2014; Wood et al., 2015) and in the Omkyk Member in the Zebra River section on Donker Gange (UCLA 7319; Grotzinger et al., 2000), but apparently without Cloudina in the pinnacle reefs of the Feldschuhhorn Member at Swartkloofberg, although both are present near ash 4 in the Dundas section on Swartpunt (Fig. 5; Wood et al., 2015, fig. 14).
Trace fossils have been important components of Nama Group biostratigraphy since the pioneering studies of Germs (1972a, c) and Crimes and Germs (1982). Their taxonomy has been reviewed and revised by Darroch et al. (2021), leading to the elimination of characteristically Phanerozoic genera such as Zoophycos and Diplocraterion. What was left are putative cnidarian resting or dwelling traces (Conichnus, Bergauria) and possible narrow, horizontal burrows (Helminthopsis) in the Kuibis Subgroup and more diverse ichnofossil assemblages in the Schwarzrand Subgroup (Darroch et al., 2021, fig. 18b). The only sizable, Cambrian-like traces are Streptichnus nabonnei Jensen and Runnegar, 2005 from the uppermost Spitskop Member (UCLA 7375, Fig. 5) and Parapsammichnites pretzeliformis Buatois et al., 2018 from lower in the Spitskop in the Fish River area; the rest are narrow, subhorizontal burrows or levée-lined trenches (Archaeonassa, Gordia, Helminthoidichnites, Helminthopsis) that are similar to co-occurring tubular body fossils and, when inadequately preserved, may be confused with them. Although Streptichnus is “Cambrian-like” and has been invoked to lower the eon boundary into the Spitskop Member (Linnemann et al., 2019), its only other known occurrence is in the Ediacaran of China (Xiao et al., 2021; Mitchell et al., 2022).
The taxon of greatest interest, first found by Germs (1972a, b), is an ichnospecies that Jensen et al. (2000) referred to Treptichnus, but not T. pedum (Fig. 25.1, 25.2; Darroch et al., 2021, fig. 13). Our work reinforces this picture (Fig. 2), but we present clear examples of horizontal burrows (Gordia sp.) in the Kiphoek Member (Fig. 24.11, 24.13, 24.14), provide evidence for bioturbation down to depths of several centimeters in the Nasep and Huns members, and show that Archaeichnium haughtoni (Figs. 20, 21) is a body fossil rather than a trace fossil (Glaessner, 1963; Turk et al., 2022). We also suggest that structures (Fig. 12) that Darroch et al. (2021) called “guitar strings” are the tool and mold marks of current-transported erniettomorphs—probably Pteridinium—rather than sponge wall fragments.
Carbonate hand samples, spaced 1 m apart where possible, were collected by MRS and BR from limestone sections measured by them and/or JGG from the Mooifontein Member on Aar, Mamba, Mooifontein, and Twyfel farms; from the Omkyk Member at Swartmodder on Omkyk; from the Urikos, Neiderhagen, and Vingerbreek members on Saurus; and from the Huns Member on Arimas and Swartkloofberg; but samples from only some of those sections were processed because of funding constraints. All isotopic data are tabulated in Supplemental dataset 1 and plotted against stratigraphic heights in Figure 2. Our results confirm previous and subsequent studies (Kaufman et al., 1991; Saylor et al., 1998; Smith, 1999; Wood et al., 2015). Overall, the record is monotonous apart from the Omkyk excursion, which stands out from background but is not well expressed elsewhere except, perhaps, South China (Bowyer et al., 2022). Whether or not the negative values from the Mara and other lower Kuibis members, which Bowyer et al. (2022) term the “basal Nama excursion” (BANE), represent a post-Shuram, pre-basal Cambrian excursion (BACE) negative event of intercratonic significance is uncertain, given the paucity of other occurrences (Chai et al, 2021; Yang et al., 2021). Conversely, the position of the BACE, which is missing from the Nama succession, remains unresolved. Previously, it was thought to have been eliminated by the basal Nomtsas disconformity, but recent U–Pb ages suggest other possibilities (Linnemann et al., 2019; Hodgin et al., 2021; Bowyer et al., 2022; Topper et al., 2022; Nelson et al., 2023). In summary, the positive Omkyk excursion and the lower Kuibis negative intervals are the only features of the carbon isotope record of the Nama Group that are potentially useful for more than regional correlation.
Stratigraphic information
Locality information
We used the UCLA locality numbering system (e.g., UCLA 7307) for sites, occasionally at the same place in stratigraphic order, and numbered each piece of rock collected accordingly. Important fossils were then given decimal numbers corresponding to localities (e.g., 7307.1, 7307.2, etc.). Parts of an individual fossil were given the same decimal number, and different fossils on the same slab are identified by letters (e.g., 7307.3A, 7307.3B, etc.). These UCLA numbers for individual fossils were replaced by National Earth Sciences Museum numbers (GSN F) after the collection was repatriated to Namibia, but the UCLA locality numbers (e.g., UCLA 7307) still pertain. Locality details are described in the Appendix. Because this work was carried out before GPS became widely available, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere, the geographic positions of localities were plotted on photocopies of the relevant 1:50,000 scale topographic maps of South West Africa issued by the Surveyor General, Department of Justice, Government of Namibia. These map records were used recently to find the exact locations of the sites on Google Maps and to obtain their decimal longitudes and latitudes ( Appendix); Google Maps uses the WGS84 standard.
Names of higher taxa
There is an emerging consensus that the majority of Ediacaran soft-bodied organisms are metazoans, but their phylum and class level assignments remain uncertain. To provide a framework for discussion, we assign taxa to some extinct higher taxa (e.g., class Archaeocyatha) and indicate under remarks and discussion where such plesions probably join the tree of life (e.g., stem Demospongiae).
Materials and methods
Most of the material used for this study was obtained during fieldwork carried out in Namibia in 1993, 1995, and 1996 with the assistance and cooperation of A. Seilacher, University of Tübingen (August 1993) and the participants in an International Union of Geological Sciences–International Geoscience Programme-funded field workshop on the Terminal Proterozoic System (May 1995) and the support and advice of the Geological Survey of Namibia (May 1995 and August–September 1996). In addition, we had access to the Pflug collection, housed in Germany before it was returned to Namibia (August 1993), to the Richter collection (Richter, 1955) in the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History, Frankfurt (July 1993), to the Haughton types and some of the Germs collection (Haughton, 1960; Germs, 1972a, 1973) in the Iziko South African Museum, Cape Town (August 1993), and to a large number of plaster casts of specimens of Pteridinium held by the State Museum of South West Africa, Windhoek. Those casts were made at UCLA in 1966 by LouElla Rankin Saul, then a Museum Scientist and curator of the paleontological collections (Groves and Squires, 2023), from material that was borrowed and returned about that time by Preston Cloud (Cloud and Nelson, 1966).
Stratigraphic sections were measured using a Jacob staff, and stratigraphic thicknesses were checked, where possible, with a Thommen Altitronic Traveller altimeter on the assumption that the dips are negligible in the sections measured. The accuracy but not precision of the altimeter was checked at the trigonometric station at the top of Dundas Hill on Swartpunt farm on 23 August 1996, when the altimeter recorded an elevation of 1,124 m versus the surveyed height of 1,169 m. There are, however, some discrepancies between our measurements and those of others who have studied the same sections. To illustrate these discrepancies, we tabulated the measured heights of these and other features, such as bed boundaries and distinctive rock types identified by us, Saylor (1996), and Turk et al. (2022) in the Arimas section (Fig. 4).
In the case of the Dundas section on Swartpunt farm (Figs. 1, 5), the fossiliferous interval includes a deformed slump or fault block that varies in thickness along strike and is, at least, slightly allochthonous, although its internal stratigraphy is thought to be intact (Saylor, 1996; Saylor and Grotzinger, 1996; Narbonne et al., 1997; Darroch et al., 2015; Linnemann et al., 2019). Differences between our measurements and those of other authors may therefore be partly attributable to the fact that we measured a thinner section of the slumped sequence. However, we also place the upper four of five dated volcanic ash beds at lower elevations in the profile than did Saylor (1996) and Linnemann et al. (2019), despite the fact that our thickness measurements agree with those of the other authors overall. As correct superpositional order is more important than absolute thicknesses, except for relocating sampled horizons, these discrepancies in measured thickness are not considered significant.
Preparation of the fossils has been minimal. Field photographs and images of specimens taken during the 1990s were made with a Minolta X700 35 mm FSLR camera equipped with Minolta MC Macro Rokkor-QF 50 mm lens using Kodak Ektachrome Professional film. Color slides and negatives were digitized using an Epson Perfection V700 Photo scanner. Digital images, taken more recently, were made with a Nikon D3100 DSLR camera equipped with Nikon AF-S Micro Nikkor 40 mm lens. Preparation of the figures was carried out with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Aldus Super3D, and Synergy KaleidaGraph.
Carbonate hand samples for isotopic analysis were collected at 1 m intervals, where possible. Carbonate powders were obtained, so far as was practical, from micritic sections of sawn and smoothed slabs, avoiding fractures and secondary cements. No attempt was made to vet the samples for diagenesis using chemical or optical methods on the grounds that diagenetically altered samples are relatively easy to distinguish using oxygen isotope measurements in densely sampled sections. All isotope measurements were made at Harvard University (Mooifontein section) or the University of California, Santa Cruz, using standard methods (e.g., Kaufman et al., 1991; Zachos et al., 1997).
Repositories and institutional abbreviations
Types, figured, and other specimens examined in this study are (or were) deposited in the following institutions: National Earth Sciences Museum, Ministry of Mines and Energy (GSN), Windhoek, Namibia; State Museum of South West Africa (SMSWA), Windhoek, Namibia; Iziko South African Museum (ISAM), Cape Town, South Africa; Senckenberg Museum of Natural History (SMNH), Frankfurt, Germany; Yale Peabody Museum (YPM), New Haven, Connecticut, USA; North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences (NCSM), Raleigh, North Carolina, USA; Department of Geology, University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA; Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History (LACMNH), Los Angeles, California, USA; Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, California, USA. Some specimens remain in the field, as noted in the figure explanations.
Systematic paleontology
Kingdom Animalia Linnaeus, 1758,
Phylum Porifera Grant, 1836,
Class Archaeocyatha? Bornemann, 1884
Order Monocyathida? Okulitch, 1935
Genus Arimasia new genus
Type species
Arimasia germsi n. gen. n. sp. from the Huns Member of the Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Arimas farm, Namibia.
As for the type species by montypy.
Named for Arimas farm, the type locality.
Nothing similar to Arimasia has been described from the Neoproterozoic or, so far as we are aware, from the Phanerozoic. It seems to be a one-walled, solitary, and sessile animal, preserved as a composite mold of both inner and outer surfaces, perhaps resembling an unmineralized version of a monocyathid archaeocyath or a vauxiid sponge.
Arimasia germsi new species
Figure 6
GSN F 1960H from the Huns Member of the Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, UCLA 7376, Arimas farm, Namibia.
Centimeter-scale, porous, rugose, horn-shaped skeletons that appear to have been unmineralized or, perhaps, demineralized.
The holotype (Fig. 6.1, 6.4) is a narrow, conical object, 2 cm long, that has a sealed rounded base and about eight irregular, co-marginal rugae in the lower two-thirds of the structure; the open end of the skeleton was apparently circular but is now flattened by compaction that extends downward toward the rugose part of the cone; the cone surface is evenly granular, giving the impression of a fine mesh, which cannot be fully resolved because of the finite grain size of the matrix; a paratype (Fig. 6.2, 6.3) displays the mesh more clearly; the cells are 200–300 μm apart and appear to be packed like honeycomb; other specimens are more regularly rugose (Fig. 6.6, 6.7) and eight of 10 individuals on one small slab seem to be preferentially oriented, suggesting that the cones may have been tethered to the substrate (Fig. 6.5).
Named for Gerard J.B. Germs, in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of his groundbreaking, University of Cape Town, Ph.D. dissertation on the stratigraphy and paleontology of the lower Nama Group (Germs, 1972a).
Eight specimens (GSN F 1953–1960), each with one or several specimens from UCLA 7376.
Antcliffe et al. (2014) reviewed all of the then published reports of the oldest fossil sponges and recommended caution in making such claims. They proposed two selection criteria that should always be met and summarized a passing grade as: “The characters claimed for are useful for detecting sponges in the fossil record and have been reliably shown to be present in the particular candidate fossil.” In their opinion, the oldest fossil sponges are siliceous hexactinellid spicules from the Fortunian of Iran (also China; Chang et al., 2017) and Archaeocyatha from the Tommotian (Cambrian Stage 2) of Siberia, a conclusion that has not been effectively challenged by subsequent reports of sponge-like fossils of Ediacaran or earlier ages (e.g., Turner, 2021). Antcliffe et al. (2014, p. 999) also concluded that “the ancestral archaeocyathan sponges must occur in the [Fortunian] Purella antiqua Zone and would have consisted of small, simple rounded cups, each provided with a single, weakly calcified wall, perforated by simple pores.”
Arimasia germsi appears to pass these two selection criteria by having the sponge characters described in advance by Antcliffe et al. (2014) if our interpretation of the granular texture of the fossil is correct. The cell size of the wall mesh, 200–300 μm (Fig. 6.3), is comparable to the average interpore distance in single-walled Archaeocyatha, such as Archaeolynthus contractus Hill, 1965 (~330 μm; Hill, 1965, pl. 1, fig. 1), but is larger than the diameter of the pores, which in double-walled Archaeocyatha is commonly ~100 μm or less (Gravestock, 1984; Antcliffe et al., 2019). Thus, Arimasia may be viewed as an unmineralized, apparently single-walled archaeocyath, and perhaps also as a stem group demosponge, if that is where the Archaeocyatha fit into the Porifera (Antcliffe et al., 2014). There are also possible similarities to the unmineralized vauxiid sponges, which first appear in the Cambrian Stage 3 Chenjiang biota (Wei et al., 2021) and are regarded by some as being on the pathway to the keratose demosponges, now thought to be the monophyletic or paraphyletic sister group of the spiculate Heteroscleromorpha (Erpenbeck et al., 2012; Wörheide et al., 2012; Plese et al., 2021).
Although there is widespread agreement that the Archaeocyatha are hypercalcified aspiculate sponges (Rowland, 2001; Debrenne et al., 2012; Antcliffe et al., 2014) rather than some kind of calcified alga (Kazmierczak and Kremer, 2022), their position within the poriferan total group remains so uncertain as to be almost ignored (e.g., Botting and Muir, 2018). Arimasia may provide a way forward in that it is demonstrably older than any known spiculate sponge, was apparently unmineralized, and is similar in body form to the organic-walled vauxiids (Rigby, 1980, 1986; Botting et al., 2013; Luo et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2021), which Luo et al. (2021) have suggested might be demineralized archaeocyaths. Alternatively, Arimasia, Vauxia, and the archaeocyaths may all have been aspiculate stem group sponges, and therefore the vauxiids are not demineralized archaeocyaths (Luo et al., 2021) but, instead, were unmineralized members of the lineage leading to the aspiculate demosponges. This hypothesis would require the acquisition of siliceous spicules independently in the Hexactinellida and the Demospongiae, a proposal that has been vigorously rejected by nearly all sponge paleobiologists (e.g., Botting and Muir, 2018) but has recently received some molecular support (Aguilar-Camacho et al., 2019).
Class Erniettomorpha Pflug, 1972,
Family Pteridinidae Richter, 1955
Genus Pteridinium Gürich, 1933
Type species
Pteridinium simplex Gürich, 1933 from the Kliphoek Member of the Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Aus district, Namibia, by monotypy.
Other species
Frondose organisms, up to at least 0.4 m long, that are made of three equal-sized organic-walled vanes that are set lengthwise about an axis that extends from the curved proximal end to the acute distal growing tip; each vane is constructed from sealed tubular modules that meet alternatively or oppositely at the axis, depending on their order about it, and are concave toward the distal end of the frond; margins of the vanes are defined by smooth, thickened edges against which the modules terminate without narrowing.
Kliphoek, Buchholzbrunn, and Mooifontein members of the Kuibis Subgroup and Nudaus, Nasep, Huns, and Spitskop members of the Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group, Namibia (Fig. 2; Appendix); basal Ediacara Member, Rawnsley Quartzite, South Australia (Glaessner and Wade, 1966; Gehling and Droser, 2013); Floyd Church Formation, Albemarle Group, North Carolina, USA (St. Jean, 1973; Gibson et al., 1984; McMenamin and Weaver, 2002); Syuzma/Verkhovks member, Ust-Pinega Formation, Onega Peninsula, Russia (>552.85 ± 0.77 Ma; Keller et al., 1974; Fedonkin, 1981; Ivantsov and Grazhdankin, 1997; Grazhdankin, 2004; Ivantsov et al., 2019); Shibantan Member, Dengying Formation, China (<550.1 ± 0.06 Ma; Chen et al., 2014; Xiao et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2021); doubtfully, Ukraine (Fedonkin, 1983), Canada (Narbonne and Aitken, 1990), and Iran (Vaziri et al., 2021).
It is not clear why Pflug's (1972) class Erniettomorpha has been widely adopted in preference to his Pteridinomorpha, which has page precedence, but we follow that practice for the probable clade (Dececchi et al., 2017) that includes Pteridinium Gürich, 1933, Ernietta Pflug, 1966, Phyllozoon Jenkins and Gehling, 1978, Swartpuntia Narbonne, Saylor, and Grotzinger, 1997, and perhaps Ventogyrus Ivantsov and Grazhdankin, 1997, and Miettia Hofmann and Mountjoy, 2010. Inkrylova lata, the type species of Inkrylova Fedonkin in Palij et al., 1979, appears to be a junior synonym of Pteridinium nenoxa Keller in Keller et al., 1974. The relationships of these and other species of Pteridinium are discussed under the description of P. simplex. Pteridium Gürich, 1930 (Gürich, 1930b) was a nomen nudum replaced, perhaps unnecessarily, by Pteridinium Gürich, 1933; Onegia Sokolov, 1976 is a nomen nudum applied to Keller's species nenoxa by Sokolov (1976) and Grazhdankin (2004). As discussed under the genus Ernietta Pflug, 1966, the holotype of the type species, E. plateauensis Pflug, 1966, appears to be a specimen of Pteridinium simplex, so technically Ernietta becomes a subjective junior synonym of Pteridinium. However, we propose that an application be made to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) to replace the holotype of E. plateauensis with a neotype, the holotype of Erniograndis sandalix Pflug, 1972, to retain current usage of this well-established name.
Pteridinium simplex Gürich, 1933
Figures 7–9, 10.1–10.4, 11.1–11.3, 11.6–11.8, 19.1, 19.2, 19.7
Pteridium simplex Gürich, p. 637, nomen nudum.
Pteridinium simplex Gürich, p. 144, fig. 4a–c.
Pteridinium simplex; Richter, p. 246, pls. 1–6, figs. 1–10, pl. 7, fig. 11.
Pteridinium simplex; Glaessner, p. 8, pl. 1, figs. 1–4, pl. 2, fig. 1.
non Pteridinium cf. P. simplex; Glaessner and Wade, p. 616, pl. 101, figs. 1–3.
Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, p. 22, pl. 1, figs. 1–7.
Pteridinium simplex; Cloud and Nelson, fig. 1A, C.
Pteridinium simplex; Germs, p. 173, pl. 21, figs. 1, 2.
Ernietta plateauensis; Pflug, p. 163, pl. 34, figs. 1–4, 6.
non Pteridinium simplex; Keller and Fedonkin, p. 926, pl. 2, fig. 4.
Pteridinium simplex; Grazhdankin and Seilacher, fig. 1, pl. 1, figs. 1–3.
Pteridinium simplex; Meyer et al., figs. 2–6.
Pteridinium simplex; Runnegar, p. 1103, fig. 9A.
Pteridinium simplex; Darroch et al., figs. 2–5.
non Pteridinium simplex; Darroch et al., fig. 7.
Gürich's (1933) specimens were lost during World War II so Richter (1955) nominated a neotype, a sandstone cast of part of a frond with two visible vanes (SMNH XXX 660f), probably from the Kliphoek Member, Kuibis Formation, on Plateau or Aar farm, Aus district, Namibia (Richter, 1955, pl. 1, fig. 1a, b; Darroch et al., 2022, fig. 1a, b).
A “three-vaned, ribbon-like frond” (Ivantsov et al., 2016, p. 540) in which the modules are less well expressed in the outer halves of the vanes.
Elongate, frondose organisms formed of three equal-sized, undivided vanes that radiate from a common axis and may exceed 0.4 m in length without signs of expansion or tapering in width; vanes are composed of curved to straight tubular modules that are commonly, but not always, more topographically expressed near the axis than the periphery; modules maintain a similar-sized cross section across the vane and terminate abruptly at the distal margins; vanes terminate axially in closed, polyhedral ends that either alternate with those of other modules in a zig-zag fashion or are directly opposed, depending on position around the axis (Fig. 8.8–8.10; Runnegar, 2022, figs. 9, 10); in two specimens with visibly narrowing vanes, the curvature of the modules is convex in the direction of narrowing and the angle of narrowing is 10° or less (Fig. 11.1, 11.2; Richter, 1955, p. 249, pl. 6, fig. 7; Runnegar, 2022, fig. 9a); whether the tapering of the vanes is unidirectional or bidirectional is unknown; vane margins are commonly obscure but when well preserved are delineated by a narrow differentiated edge (Figs. 9.2–9.4, 10.3) that was stiff enough to imprint other individuals (Fig. 7.3–7.5); vane curvature generally coaxial but inconsistent; two of the vanes are frequently opposite each other at the axis and either lie parallel to bedding or curve quasi-symmetrically to partially embrace the third vane (Fig. 11.6–11.8), thus producing W-shaped cross sections (Fig. 7.5).
Seven specimens (GSN F 1853–1859) from UCLA 7307; ~20 plaster casts of SMSWA specimens; ~20 specimens, mostly from Plateau and Aar farms in the SMNH collection (Richter, 1955); the Pflug (1970a) collection, plus numerous examples observed in the field at Aar farm and in the “museum” at Plateau farm, including the excavation and casting of the Seilacher slab and other specimens in 1993 (Fig. 10.1, 10.2; Crimes and Fedonkin, 1996; Seilacher, 1997, 2007; McMenamin, 1998; Grazhdankin and Seilacher, 2002; Ivantsov et al., 2019).
The numerous specimens that have been observed, extracted, and studied from the Amphitheatre site (UCLA 7307) on Aar farm (Figs. 3, 7–9, 10.1–10.4, 11.1–11.3; Richter, 1955; Grazhdankin and Seilacher, 2002; Vickers-Rich, 2007; Meyer et al., 2014a, b, Darroch et al., 2022) are all from a set of quartz sandstone beds that have been named the Aarhauser sandstone submember by Hall et al. (2013) (Fig. 3). The bed that was the source of the Seilacher slab is about 0.4 m thick, has a deeply erosive base (Fig. 7.2), a horizontally bedded to low-angle cross-stratified upper part (Fig. 8.1, 8.2, 8.4), a middle zone with cylindrical specimens of Pteridinium (Fig. 10.4; Crimes and Fedonkin, 1996, pl. 2c, d), and a thicker, poorly laminated lower part that is richly fossiliferous. P. simplex is widespread in the laminated to upper cross-stratified part, typically as long, straight segments of two-vaned fronds seen in plan view on bed surfaces, as W-shaped intersections on east–west joints, and as upright, stretched single vanes on the faces of north–south joints (Figs. 8.1, 8.2, 9.2–9.4; Darroch et al., 2022, fig. 5). Almost invariably, the axes of vanes seen on joint faces lie parallel to bedding and are commonly at the bottom of the vanes, even when the whole organism is twisted through 180° about a horizontal axis (Figs. 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.6, 8.7, 9.6, 11.6–11.8). There is no evidence that the upright middle vane, the “chaperone wall” of Grazhdankin and Seilacher (2002), routinely switches places with one of the other vanes during the 180° folding, as shown in the sketch (Fig. 8.5) from Grazhdankin and Seilacher (2002), as previously noted by Meyer et al. (2014a). That would require improbable twisting about two different rotational axes. The other common U-turn is a hairpin bend (Figs. 9.5, 9.7, 9.8, 19.1, 19.2; Richter, 1955, pl. 7, fig. 11; Vickers-Rich, 2007, fig. 108; Meyer et al., 2014a, figs. 3–6), in which the fold axis is vertical rather than horizontal. One such U-turn, found in situ in 1993 (Fig. 9.5, 9.7, 9.8), was at the upstream end of the hairpin-shaped fossil, as shown by the orientations and of 10 flat-lying specimens measured on the top surface of the same outcrop (Fig. 3). Thus, most if not all of the examples of P. simplex found in the upper, laminated to cross-laminated layers of the Aarhauser sandstone appear to have been transported by northward-flowing high-velocity currents, as suggested previously (Jenkins, 1985; Elliott et al., 2011; Darroch et al., 2022).
A middle zone of closely packed tubular fossils is more problematical but is almost certainly a death association, perhaps created by close packing of enrolled, hairpin-shaped individuals (Fig. 10.4) rather than a population of sealed underground sausage-shaped organisms, as envisaged by Crimes and Fedonkin (1996). As the horizon is less accessible, it has not been well studied.
The lower layers are filled with P. simplex preserved in a somewhat different fashion, as can be seen from an extracted block in the Richter collection (Darroch et al., 2022, fig. 2). The lower part of this block, a similar specimen figured by Glaessner (1979b, fig. 11.1b), and the far more extensive Seilacher slab (Fig. 10.1–10.4; Seilacher, 1997, 2007; Grazhdankin and Seilacher, 2002) have doubly curved fronds that—to some—resemble inverted bathtubs or boats (Figs. 8.3, 9.2; Grazhdankin and Seilacher, 2002, text-fig. 1). These are the shapes that have given rise to the canoe model for Pteridinium (Pflug, 1970a; Buss and Seilacher, 1994; Ivantsov and Grazhdankin, 1997; Grazhdankin and Seilacher, 2002; Meyer et al., 2014b; Droser et al., 2017; Darroch et al., 2022) and to the hypothesis that Pteridinium lived on, in, or wholly within the sediment (Crimes and Fedonkin, 1996; Seilacher, 1997, 2007; Grazhdankin and Seilacher, 2002; Darroch et al., 2022). However, these lower layers also preserve specimens that are folded like tacos. In these cases, two oppositely directed vanes are bent through 180° about a horizontal axis, and for geometrical reasons, the third vane must follow one of the other two (Fig. 9.6). This cannot be a life orientation, so the fact that this postmortem topology is found among the canoes is evidence that all were transported before burial. As no one has described or illustrated convergence of the three vanes to form the “prow” or “stern” regions of any specimen of P. simplex, the canoe hypothesis is not supported by observation. Thus, we consider all of the material in the Aarhauser sandstone to have been transported by high-energy events. In this context, the experiments in computational fluid dynamics carried out by Darroch et al. (2022) may help understand the fact that in the laminated upper part of the Aarhauser sandstone, the horizontal laminae intersect the vertical or steeply inclined vanes with no trace of edge effects (Figs. 8.2, 8.4, 9.2–9.4; Crimes and Fedonkin, 1996; Elliott et al., 2011; Darroch et al., 2022). This would be possible if the sediment were moving by laminar rather than turbulent flow when transport is parallel to the vanes, as shown by the calculated streamlines (Darroch et al., 2022, fig. 10C). In this scenario, the only individuals to be trapped and buried were those that were concave enough to receive and retain sediment; presumably, all of the rest were blown away like discarded plastic shopping bags in the surf (see artwork by John D. Dawson in Monastersky and Mazzatenta, 1998). Additional support for frequent transport may come from widespread bed base rake and bump structures (Fig. 12), which we interpret as tool marks generated by Pteridinium or another erniettomorph.
Pteridinium is an uncommon fossil except at Aar and Plateau farms. It is, therefore, difficult to find populations large enough to compare with P. simplex. The next most frequent occurrences are from localities on the Onega Peninsula, Russia, but there the fossils are fragmentary and frequently deformed (Keller et al., 1974; Fedonkin, 1981, 1985; Palij et al., 1983; Ivantsov and Grazhdankin, 1997; Grazhdankin, 2004). Fortunately, the second species of Pteridinium to be described, P. carolinaensis (St. Jean, 1973), seems to differ markedly from P. simplex, so we begin by examining the binary choice, simplex or carolinaensis? If all known specimens of Pteridinium can be comfortably referred to one of these two species, then this interim solution may serve until more quantitative information becomes available. If there are numerous intermediates that cannot be so allocated, then perhaps P. simplex should serve as the only known species of Pteridinium for the time being.
In a careful study of 18 specimens of carolinaensis and 25 specimens of simplex using modern morphometric methods, Meyer (2010) and Meyer and Xiao (2010) were unable to find any statistically significant differences between these two species on the basis of a landmark analysis designed to capture variability in size, vane shape, and module curvature. They therefore suggested that P. carolinaensis is a junior synonym of P. simplex. However, they could not incorporate rarely preserved features of the fossils, such as overall frond size and shape, in their analysis because these features are seen in too few specimens.
Perhaps the most striking feature of the seven specimens of P. carolinaenis that have been illustrated (St. Jean, 1973; Gibson et al., 1984; McMenamin and Weaver, 2002; Gibson and Teeter, 2011) is that six show terminations, even in specimens comparable in size (~20 cm) to many examples of P. simplex. Similar terminations are known from one specimen from the Spitskop Member (UCLA 7373) identified as P. carolinaensis by Narbonne et al. (1997) and from one of the ~50 then-known specimens of P. nenoxa Keller in Keller et al.,1974 (Fedonkin, 1981, pl. 5, fig. 2), but not from any of the numerous specimens of P. simplex. Whether this is a demographic difference is difficult to assess because all of the specimens in the Aarhauser sandstone at Aar could, conceivably, be members of a single long-lived cohort. Given the differences in frond size, module curvature, and module expression across the vanes, we continue to treat simplex and carolinaensis as separate species. P. nenoxa shares those characteristics with P. carolinaensis rather than P. simplex (Fedonkin, 1985), as do specimens of Pteridinium from Bed A (UCLA 7373) at Swartpunt farm (Figs. 10.5, 11.4, 11.5; Narbonne et al., 1997; Darroch et al., 2022, fig. 7), so we follow others in considering nenoxa to be a junior synonym of carolinaensis (Runnegar and Fedonkin, 1992; Narbonne et al., 1997; McMenamin and Weaver, 2002; Fedonkin et al., 2007). Inkrylovia lata Fedonkin in Palij et al., 1979 is probably a preservational variant of nenoxa resulting from expansion of the modules parallel to the axis as a result of soft sediment loading.
Pteridinium carolinaensis (St. Jean, 1973)
Figures 10.5, 11.4, 11.5, 11.9
Pteridinium cf. P. simplex Gürich, 1933; Glaessner and Wade, p. 616, pl. 101, figs. 1–3.
?Paradoxides carolinaensis (sic) St. Jean, p. 204, pl. 3, figs. A–D.
Pteridinium nenoxa Keller in Keller et al., p. 133, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5.
Onegia ?nenoxa Keller; Sokolov, p. 141.
Pteridinium simplex; Keller and Fedonkin, p. 926, pl. 2, fig. 4.
Inkrylovia lata Fedonkin in Palij et al., p. 70, pl. 56, figs. 1–4.
Pteridinium nenoxa; Fedonkin, p. 66, pls. 5–7, pl. 29, fig. 2.
Inkrylovia lata; Fedonkin, p. 68, pls. 8, 9.
Inkrylovia lata; Palij et al., p. 81, pl. 56, figs. 1–4.
Pteridinium nenoxa; Palij et al., p. 81, pl. 58, fig. 3.
Pteridinium nenoxa; Fedonkin, p. 99, pl. 11, figs. 1–4.
Inkrylovia lata; Fedonkin, p. 100, pl. 12, figs. 3–5.
Pteridinium carolinaensis; Runnegar and Fedonkin, fig. 7.5.9E.
Pteridinium carolinaensis; Narbonne et al., p. 956, fig. 5.1–5.4.
Pteridinium carolinaensis; McMenamin and Weaver, figs. 2–6.
Onegia; Grazhdankin, fig. 4.
Pteridinium simplex; Darroch et al., fig. 7.
Cast of distal end of frond (NCSM 4041; previously UNC 3062) from the Floyd Church Formation, Albemarle Group, Island Creek, Stanly County, North Carolina, USA (St. Jean, 1973, pl. 3A; Gibson et al., 1984, fig. 6; McMenamin and Weaver, 2002, fig. 2; Weaver and Ganis, 2013, fig. 4A), by original designation.
A three-vaned, leaf-like frond in which the modules are well expressed across the whole width of the vanes.
Frondose organisms apparently formed of three equal-sized, undivided vanes that radiate from a common axis; vane shape is approximately aerodynamic, with a pair of opposed vanes of larger specimens subtending an angle of ~20° at the distal end of the frond and rounded at the proximal end; vanes are composed of curved tubular modules that commonly taper in width across the vanes and terminate abruptly at the distal margins; vanes terminate axially in polygonal ends that alternate with those of other modules in a zig-zag fashion, so far as can be determined; when well preserved, vane margins are delineated by a narrow differentiated edge; vane curvature low to negligible, largely for taphonomic reasons; module curvature within vanes is convex toward the presumed proximal end of the frond (Fig. 10.5) and concave toward the opposite end (St. Jean, 1973; Gibson et al., 1984); consistency of vane curvature throughout suggests that the organism grew in only one direction.
Five reasonably complete specimens observed in the field at Dundas Hill, Swartpunt farm, three specimens described and illustrated by Narbonne et al. (1997), which were examined at Queen's University, and plaster casts of several specimens from White Sea localities kindly supplied by M.A. Fedonkin and the Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley.
All specimens of P. carolinaensis from the peri-Gondwanan Carolina terrane are from float (Meyer, 2010) so that only the nature of the sediments that enclosed them is known. The environment of deposition is thought to have been shallow marine adjacent to a volcanic arc, but there is little to indicate whether the fossils were preserved in place or transported before burial. According to Ivantsov and Grazhdankin (1997), the White Sea specimens of P. nenoxa are preserved in the Nama manner, and one actually stands vertically in the sediment (Fedonkin, 1981, pl. 29, fig. 2, 1985, pl. 11, fig. 1, 1992, fig. 26), although it is unclear why. The fossils are mostly biconvex, ovoid when viewed from below, and are preserved in sandstone that filled broad, erosive-based channels, similar to those seen in the Buchholzbrunn Member.
If the Peridinium from the Spitskop Member on Swartpunt farm is correctly identified as P. carolinaensis, then one specimen (Fig. 10.5) preserves the proximal end of the frond, as noted by Narbonne et al. (1997). The holotype, paratype, Rock Hole Creek, and Gleaning Mission Church specimens preserve the distal end of the fronds (Gibson et al., 1984, fig. 5; McMenamin and Weaver, 2002, fig. 4; Gibson and Teeter, 2011), and a small specimen from the Gleaning Mission Church has both (McMenamin and Weaver, 2002, fig. 5). These fossils show that the vanes of P. carolinaensis narrowed toward each end of the frond, but the curvature of the modules and overall shape of the frond remained unidirectional throughout growth. If P. simplex followed the same pattern of growth, then the specimen shown in Figure 11.1, 11.2 represents the proximal part of the frond, not its growing end.
Pteridinium sp.
Figure 11.10–11.13
Three specimens from the Nudaus Formation on Kyffhauser farm, north of the Osis ridge (Fig. 11.10, 11.12, 11.13), and one from the Buchholzbrunn Member, Namaland, west of Bethanie (Fig. 11.11) are referred to Pteridinium but not easily to either P. simplex or P. carolinaensis because of the narrowness of their modules.
Pteridinium tool marks?
Figure 12.1–12.8, 12.10, 12.11?
Marks on sandstone bed bases produced by a comb- or rake-shaped tool that had ~30 tines, each capable of producing rounded grooves, narrow channels, or pairs of closely spaced parallel scratches that are typically 2–5 mm apart. In one case, the paired grooves form a chevron-like pattern (Fig. 12.2).
Three examples, two from the Arimas (Fig. 12.3, 12.5A) and one from Kyffhauser (Fig. 12.4), are clearly erniettomorph in character. Presumably, they are impressions of parts of bodies or vanes thrust against the underlying eroded surface by the channel-filling sand that accompanied the transported bodies. In other cases, the tools merely raked or lightly scraped the surface. We interpret the rake marks as being due to the axes of Pteridinium fronds, rather than to bodies of Ernietta, because of the need for a wide head to the rake and because these structures extend well beyond the known stratigraphic range of Ernietta (Fig. 2; Darroch et al., 2021). Comparable tool marks have been reported from the Ingletonian of Yorkshire (Rayner, 1957), the Ordovician of Ohio (Osgood, 1970), the Silurian of Scotland (Trewin, 1979), and the Ordovician of Estonia (Vinn and Toom, 2016). Some are attributed to rolling hard fossils, such as crinoids and corals, but Rayner (1957) and Trewin (1979) were able to substantiate rake marks produced by graptolite stipes and their thecae, which served as the tines. These rake marks—if correctly interpreted—prove the presence of Pteridinium in the absence of body fossils, show that premortem transport was ubiquitous, and imply that the axes of the fronds were as stiff as graptolite stipes. The properties of the bump marks rule out both a spicular sponge source and a non-biological origin for these structures (Darroch et al., 2021). Tool marks attributed to Pteridinium were described by Fedonkin (1976) and Fedonkin in Palij et al. (1983) as the trace fossil Suzmites volutatus Fedonkin, 1976. Whether this name should be applied to the Namibian structures remains a matter for future investigation.
Genus Swartpuntia Narbonne, Saylor, and Grotzinger, 1997
Type species
Swartpuntia germsi Narbonne, Saylor, and Grotzinger, 1997 from the Spitskop Member of the Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Swartpunt farm, Witputs district, Namibia, by original designation and monotypy.
Other species
Swartpuntia germsi Narbonne, Saylor, and Grotzinger, 1997
Figures 13, 14.1–14.3, 14.6–14.8
?Nasepia altae Germs, p. 176, pl. 22, figs. 1–8.
?Nasepia altae; Germs, p. 8, fig. 2A–G.
Swartpuntia germsi Narbonne, Saylor, and Grotzinger, p. 956, figs. 4, 6, 9, 10.
?Swartpuntia-like frond, Jensen, Gehling, and Droser, p. 568, fig. 2b, c.
?Swartpuntia cf. S. germsi; Hagadorn and Waggoner, p. 351, fig. 4.
non cf. Swartpuntia sp., Hagadorn, Fedo, and Waggoner, p.735, fig. 3.1, 3.2.
non ?Swartpuntia sp., Weaver, McMenamin, and Tacker, p. 130, figs. 8–10.
non Nasepia sp., Gehling and Droser, fig. 2J.
Swartpuntia germsi; Hoyal Cuthill, p. 1211, fig. 1a.
non cf. Swartpuntia; Hoyal Cuthill, p. 1211, fig. 1b.
Swartpuntia germsi; Nelson et al., fig. 6A, B, C?
?non cf. Swartpuntia; Meinhold et al., fig. 4b.
Incomplete frond displaying parts of three vanes, one of which appears to have both upper and lower surfaces preserved, GSN F 238-H, from fossil bed B, Spitskop Member, Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Dundas Hill, Swartpunt farm, southern Namibia.
Cardioid to heart-shaped frond (Fig. 13.1), formed from at least three equal-sized vanes (Fig. 13.3) that are attached to a voluminous, knobbly axial structure (Fig. 14.6) so that the 50–100 narrow, tubular modules forming the distal parts of the vanes meet the axial structure at an angle of about 45°; those closer to the proximal end meet it nearly perpendicularly or even obtusely, and there is no evidence for a stem or stalk (Fig. 14.1, 14.8); confusion about the number of vanes arises because some appear to have been filled with fine sediment (Fig. 13.3; Narbonne et al., 1997, figs. 6, 7); in other cases, upper and lower surfaces of the vanes may be superimposed by composite molding so that the spacing of the modules may be halved.
Four specimens from UCLA 7374 (GSN F 1886–1889) and one from UCLA 7376 (GSN F 1890) on Swartpunt and Swartkloofberg farms, respectively.
Swartpuntia was originally reconstructed as a vertically oriented, three-vaned frond supported by a stout cylindrical stem that was attached to an unseen holdfast in the sediment (Narbonne et al., 1997, fig. 11; Narbonne, 1998, fig. 1). Only the holotype was thought to show evidence for a distinct stem, but the feature interpreted as the stem (Narbonne et al., 1997, figs. 6, 7) may well be just an elevated section of the matrix. Hoyal Cuthill (2022, p. 1211) wrote: “It is notable . . . that the stalk originally described in Swartpuntia (Narbonne et al. 1997) is not clearly visible even in the classic Namibian material.” We attempted to investigate this problem by collecting an in situ specimen preserved in relatively unweathered carbonate. Preparation of the proximal end revealed that opposing vanes are folded through ~90° across the axis of the putative stem and that the edge of one of the vanes can be followed to the axis (Fig. 14.1, 14.2, 14.8). There is no sign of a continuation of a voluminous axial structure beyond the margins of the frond.
The nature of the axial structure is not well understood, but it appears to have a surface formed of similarly sized, equally spaced, rounded projections that perhaps are arranged like the scales of a pineapple or the Fibonacci spirals of a pinecone (Fig. 14.6, 14.7). JGG found a possibly comparable axis at UCLA 7326 (Arimas), which became known as the “Arimas lycopod” (Fig. 14.5) because of its similarity to the bark of Paleozoic lycopods such as Leptophloeum. It was found at the same level as another float specimen (Fig. 12.9) with a fragment of a vane of Nasepia altae Germs, 1972 (Germs, 1972a, 1973), the only other example recovered subsequently from the type locality. Thus, the Arimas lycopod may be the decorticated axial structure of Nasepia judging from their co-occurrence and previously recognized similarities between the vanes of Swartpuntia and Nasepia (Fig. 14; Grotzinger et al., 1995; Narbonne et al., 1997). However, the syntypes of Nasepia are preserved in a carbonate conglomerate (Fig. 14.4), whereas the Arimas lycopod and the new Nasepia vane are both in blocks of sandstone, one of which also contains a poorly preserved specimen of Archaeichnium (Fig. 21.5). The only other penecontemporaneous fossil worthy of comparison with the Arimas lycopod seems to be Gibbavasis kushkii Vaziri, Majidifard, and Laflamme, 2018 (Vaziri et al., 2018, 2021) from the Ediacaran of Iran, but the similarities, although striking, are almost certainly superficial.
Swartpuntia has been positively or tentatively identified from the earliest Cambrian of South Australia (Jensen et al., 1998), the latest Ediacaran of Nevada and California (Hagadorn and Waggoner, 2000; Hagadorn et al., 2000), the early Cambrian of California (Hagadorn et al., 2000), the Ediacaran of North Carolina (Weaver et al., 2006), and the Spitskop Member just over the international border in South Africa (Nelson et al., 2022). Although the South African specimens are only parts of single vanes, their morphology and geographic and temporal proximity give confidence to the identifications. The same is not true for other reports, which should be treated skeptically on a case-by-case basis. The one American specimen that shows more than a fragment of a corrugated surface is LACNMH 12793 (Hagadorn and Waggoner, 2000, fig. 4.1, 4.2), which has two characters that may support an assignment to Swartpuntia: fine, dihedral linear striations that may be impressions of modules and an apparently knobbly axial structure. However, neither character is particularly convincing when compared with material from the type locality (Figs. 13, 14). The remainder of the referred specimens, including a sizeable surface from the Cambrian Poleta Formation of California (Hagadorn et al., 2000, fig. 3.2) may be pieces of erniettomorphs, but in the Cambrian at least, there are many other possibilities (e.g., MacGabhann et al., 2019; but see Hoyal Cuthill, 2022). However, the Swartpuntia-like fossils discovered by Jensen et al. (1998) deserve further investigation; there is more than one specimen, which is an important first step, and they display bilateral symmetry, discrete margins, and subdivisions reminiscent of erniettomorphs. They also occur very close to the local base of the Cambrian, which may be equivalent in age to the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary zone in both Namibia (Linnemann et al., 2019) and South Africa (Nelson et al., 2022).
Swartpuntia has been reported with Vendoconularia Ivantsov and Fedonkin, 2002, Ventogyrus Ivantsov and Grazhdankin, 1997, and Calyptrina Sokolov, 1965 from the Onega Peninsula of the White Sea area, northern Russia (Ivantsov and Fedonkin, 2002). According to Serezhnikova (2014), this association is approximately 550 million years old, which would make this the oldest record of the genus. However, until this material has been figured and described, affinity with the Nama occurrences cannot be evaluated. A frond-shaped fossil from northern Norway has been tentatively compared with Swartpuntia (Meinhold et al., 2022, fig. 4b). This too would represent an occurrence older than those of the Nama Group, but in view of the revised morphology of Swartpuntia presented here, this comparison now is unlikely.
In summary, Swartpuntia is a Pteridinium-like frond that probably had only three equal-sized vanes set about a knobbly, voluminous, axial structure, and it lacked any kind of stem or stalk. Its modules and vanes resemble those of the smaller frond, Nasepia altae, so the discovery of a lycopod-like fossil, similar to the axial structure of Swartpuntia, with Nasepia at its type locality provides circumstantial evidence for a close relationship between the two genera. Swartpuntia/Nasepia is known with certainty only from Namibia and nearby South Africa, but one fragmentary specimen from California may belong to Swartpuntia. All other identifications are based on specimens that are too fragmentary or too little studied to warrant confident assignment to the genus or even to the Erniettomorpha.
Family Erniettidae Pflug, 1972
Genus Ernietta Pflug, 1966
Type species
Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, 1966 from the Buchholzbrunn Member of the Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Aar farm, Aus district, Namibia, by original designation and monotypy.
Other species
Numerous other generic and specific names, as well as two new orders, four families, and five subfamilies, were proposed by Pflug (1972) for material on Aar farm that is essentially topotypic. In preparing the Precambrian section of the Introduction volume of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Glaessner (1979b) attempted to rationalize Pflug's excessive splitting by recognizing only two subfamilies and five genera: Ernietta, Erniofossa, Ernionorma (Erniettinae), plus Erniobeta and Erniograndis (Erniobetinae). Soon after, Richard Jenkins effectively overruled this assessment with the statement: “One of us (Jenkins) has examined Pflug's material and considers that all the specimens he refers to as the ‘Erniettomorpha’ belong to a single genus and species, Ernietta plateauensis Pflug” (Jenkins et al., 1981, p. 71). That interpretation has become the status quo. However, in his summary of the genus Ernietta, Glaessner (1979b, p. A101) wrote as follows: “Body compressed at base into U-shape; ribs strongly developed, separated by zig-zag median line; resembling a folded petaloid of Pteridinium.”
When Pflug (1966) first described E. plateauensis, he thought he had the dorsal carapace of a soft-shelled worm or isopod-like arthropod but noted that the zig-zag dorsal suture was more like a structure found in Pteridinium than any animal except, perhaps Dickinsonia. One distinctive feature was a triangular mark at the topographical pole of the holotype, which he designated segment z (Fig. 19.1). This, he thought, was matched by segment 0 on the opposite side of the axis, and the segments were numbered away from these structures on both sides of the body. If segment z is a real feature of the anatomy, it is not seen in any other known specimens of Ernietta. It is, however, seen occasionally in U-shaped specimens of P. simplex (Fig. 19.2; Pflug, 1972, pl. 34, fig. 1), and it appears to be a tear of the seam between two modules on one side of the organism. Thus, Glaessner's diagnosis of Ernietta was more perceptive than he realized because the holotype of E. plateauensis (Fig. 19.1) is probably the tip of a tightly folded, U-shaped specimen of P. simplex.
One argument against this interpretation is that the discovery site “C” is described as “slate between Kuibis quartzite and black limestone in the lower part of the Nama system” (Pflug, 1966, p. 22), which clearly places it within the Buchholzbrunn Member (Fig. 3). This is the level where Ernietta abounds and Pteridinium is rarely seen (Fig. 2; Elliott et al., 2016). However, together with Bob Brain, Mark McMenamin, and Friedrich Pflüger, an attempt was made to recollect Pflug's locality C in 1993. Mark McMenamin found the only fossil, a vertical vane of Pteridinium (Fig. 19.7; McMenamin, 1998), at about the same stratigraphic level and geographic position as the holotype. So far as we know, Pflug's site C has not been resampled since that time; it is ~1.5 km east of the eastern edge of the geological maps of Plateau and Aar farms in Hall et al. (2013) and Elliott et al. (2016).
If the holotype of E. plateauensis is a small specimen of P. simplex, as seems likely, then Ernietta becomes a junior subjective synonym of Pteridinium. That is an undesirable outcome, given the long history of the use of Ernietta for a well-understood generic concept (Elliott et al., 2016; Ivantsov et al., 2016). However, the holotype of E. plateauensis is already an unsatisfactory standard because, as Pflug (1972, p. 139) noted: “From the collection area around point C [Pflug, 1966, fig. 1b] come the [holotype and paratype] specimens of the genus Ernietta and the specimens numbered 393, 399 of Erniotaxis. Almost all other pieces, with the exception of an Erniobeta colony, were found in collection area E, F.” (~2 km south of the southern edge of the maps of Plateau and Aar and farms in Hall et al. [2013] and Elliott et al. [2016]). As discussed in the following, Erniotaxis is an unusual juvenile form of Ernietta, and a “colony of Erniobeta” could mean many things. Thus, it is very difficult to obtain a population of individuals of E. plateauensis on the basis of the topotypic principle that all similar specimens from a bed or set of beds at one place are likely to be conspecific. Without such a sample to assess intraspecific variability, application of the name plateauensis is difficult. For both of these reasons, we recommend that the holotype of another of Pflug's species, Erniograndis sandalix Pflug, 1972, be designated the neotype of E. plateauensis. This recommendation will need the approval of the ICZN before it can take effect; in the meantime, community input is invited. There are precedents for this type of action to preserve useful names.
If there are to be other valid species of Ernietta, then Namalia villiersiensis Germs, 1968 has priority over all of Pflug's species except plateauensis. Again, the holotype of N. villiersiensis (Germs, 1968, fig. 1, 1972a, pl. 23, fig. 1) is not ideal in terms of preservation and the availability of topotypic material, but even worse, it may be missing (it could not be found at the ISAM in 1993). The type locality, Buchholzbrunn, has yielded the juvenile specimens of Ernietta shown in Figure 16, but they are preserved in a very different fashion from the holotype of Namalia villiersiensis. A better comparison is with the sandstone cast of a fossil—similar to those commonly attributed to Namalia villiersiensis or Kuibisia glabra Hahn and Pflug, 1985 (Hahn and Pflug, 1985a)—from the Aarhauser sandstone at Aar (Fig. 19.8, 19.9). This specimen was uncovered by the Seilacher team during their excavation in 1993. Thus, Namalia villiersiensis may be the senior synonym of Kuibisia glabra, and both may or may not be conspecific with Ernietta plateauensis (Jenkins et al., 1981; Runnegar and Fedonkin, 1992; Vickers-Rich, 2007; Ivantsov et al., 2016; but see Grazhdankin and Seilacher, 2002). The apparent differences between N. villiersiensis/K. glabra and neotypic Ernietta plateauensis may be due to preservation in coarse sandstone instead of siltstone.
Returning to Glaessner's (1979b) revision of Pflug's taxa, do his generic categories help break up Ernietta into distinct morphotypes? His subfamily Erniobetinae comprised two genera, Erniobeta and Erniograndis. A swift survey of Pflug's material may be obtained from the reproductions of his 13 Palaeontographica plates by Vickers-Rich (2007). Excluding plate 34, which deals mainly with E. plateauensis, 10 of the plates are devoted to specimens that generally resemble the shapes shown in Figure 19.3–19.6. The remaining two plates, 38 and 39, illustrate the Erniobetinae—Erniobeta and Erniograndis—which are bulky, internal molds of large specimens such as the proposed neotype for plateauensis (Fig. 15.3; Pflug, 1972, pl. 38, 1, 2, 4; Vickers-Rich, 2007, fig. 124; Elliott et al., 2016, fig. 3). Thus, the Erniobetinae sensu Glaessner (1979b) may serve as a population concept for E. plateauensis if the proposed neotype is eventually adopted.
Pflug's plates 31 and 32 may best summarize the second morphotype, which Glaessner included in his subfamily Erniettinae; whether this morphotype may be specifically distinct from plateauensis is discussed in the following under the species description. Finally, plate 37, which shows specimens Pflug referred to Erniotaxis, is very different from all the others. Erniotaxis was one of five of Pflug's generic names that Glaessner (1979b, p. A102) dismissed as “unrecognizable.” Our discovery of this morphology on Twyfel farm, where it is associated with larger and more normal specimens (Fig. 17), allows us to show that Erniotaxis is a young growth stage that is allometrically different from larger individuals. The modified generic name “erniotaxid” may therefore serve as informal shorthand for this juvenile morphotype. Finally, we agree with Elliott et al. (2016) that Erniocarpus sermo Pflug, 1972 is not a specimen of Ernietta and suggest that while Erniocarpus orbiformis Pflug, 1972 may be, Erniocentrus centriformis Pflug, 1972 is certainly not.
Sack-shaped, organic-walled bodies, oval or stadium shaped in cross section and U to V shaped in lateral profile, formed of tubular modules that meet in a zig-zag suture at the base, are attached to the outer wall, generated an inner wall by packing together during growth, and terminate distally in either stubby lobes or conical tips.
Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, 1966
Figures 15–17, 19.3–19.6, ?19.8, ?19.9
non Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, p. 22, pl. 1, figs. 1–7.
?Namalia villiersiensis Germs, figs. 1, 2.
Ernietta plateauensis; Germs, p. 174, pl. 21, figs. 4–9.
?Namalia villiersiensis; Germs, p. 177, pl. 23, figs. 1–7.
non Ernietta plateauensis; Pflug, p. 163, pl. 34, figs. 4, 9.
Erniodiscus rutilus Pflug, p. 158, pl. 27, figs. 3, 4.
Erniodiscus clypeus Pflug, p. 158, pl. 27, fig. 1.
Erniaster apertus Pflug, p. 159, pl. 28, figs. 1–3, 5–7.
Erniaster patellus Pflug, p. 159, pl. 29, figs. 1, 4, 8.
Erniofossa prognatha Pflug, p. 159, pl. 27, figs. 2, 6, 7.
Ernionorma abyssoides Pflug, p. 160, pl. 29, figs. 6, 7, 10–12.
Ernionorma peltis Pflug, p. 160, pl. 30, figs. 1, 7, pl. 29, figs. 2, 5.
Ernionorma clausula Pflug, p. 160, pl. 31, figs. 2, 3.
Ernionorma rector Pflug, p. 161, pl. 32, figs. 4, 6–9.
Ernionorma corrector Pflug, p. 161, pl. 32, figs. 1–3, 5.
Ernionorma tribunalis Pflug, p. 161, pl. 31, figs. 4–8.
Erniobaria baroides Pflug, p. 162, pl. 31, figs. 11, 12, pl. 32, figs. 10, 11.
Erniobaris gula Pflug, p. 162, pl. 33, figs. 1, 2, 4.
Erniobaris epistula Pflug, p. 162, pl. 31, figs. 9, 10.
Erniobaris parietalis Pflug, p. 162, pl. 33, figs. 3, 5, 6.
Erniopelta scrupula Pflug, p. 163, pl. 33, figs. 7, 10.
Ernietta aarensis Pflug, p. 163, pl. 34, figs. 5, 7, 8.
Ernietta tsachanabis Pflug, p. 164, pl. 34, figs. 10–12.
Erniocarpus carpoides Pflug, p. 164, pl. 35, figs. 5–9.
Erniocoris orbiformis Pflug, p. 164, pl. 36, figs. 1–4.
Erniotaxis segmentrix Pflug, p. 165, pl. 37, figs. 1–8, pl. 35, fig. 10.
Erniograndis sandalix Pflug, p. 165, pl. 38, figs. 1, 2, 4, pl. 35, fig. 1.
Erniograndis paraglossa Pflug, p. 166, pl. 38, fig. 3, pl. 39, figs. 7–9, 11.
Erniobeta scapulosa Pflug, p. 166, pl. 39, fig. 6.
Erniobeta forensis Pflug, p. 166, pl. 39, figs. 2–5, 10.
Ernietta plateauensis; Jenkins, Plummer, and Moriarty, fig. 5A–E.
?Kuibisia glabra Hahn and Pflug, p. 5, pl. 2, 3.
Ernietta plateauensis; Ivantsov et al., figs. 5, 6.
Ernietta plateauensis; Elliott et al., p. 1019, figs. 3–5 (with additional synonymy).
Ernietta; Smith et al., fig. 3.
Ernietta plateauensis; Runnegar, p. 1104, fig. 3.
Proposed neotype
Body sack-like, composed of as many as 70 tubular modules arranged side by side around the circumference and joined proximally (ventrally) in a zig-zag seam; body cross section is elliptical to stadium shaped; basal profile at right angles to the zig-zag seam is U shaped or rounded V shaped, and parallel to the seam it is U shaped; upper part of body usually truncated postmortally, with the upper parts frequently assuming the cross-sectional shape of a four-pointed star (Fig. 15.5) that is aligned with the symmetry axes; modules are approximately constant in width for any growth stage until they approach the distal (dorsal) margin, where they start to separate from each other and taper toward pointed ends (Smith et al., 2017, fig. 3d; J.G. Hall et al., 2020, fig. 1b; Runnegar, 2022, fig. 3a; possibly Narbonne, 2005, fig. 4b); modules are circular in cross section in the tapering tips, square to rectangular in cross section throughout much of the upper part of the body, and triangular to D shaped near the base, where they are in contact with each other only at the outer wall (Fig. 17.6); rare internal molds (Fig. 15.7) show that the sides of adjacent modules approached each other during growth and then coalesced about one-third of the way to the top of the body.
Numerous specimens (GSN F 1860–1877, 1880, 1881) from UCLA 7317 and UCLA 7378 on Buchholzbrunn and Twyfel farms and rare specimens from UCLA 7312, UCLA 7313, UCLA 7314, UCLA 7315, and UCLA 7381, all west of the road from Bethanie to Helmeringhausen (Fig. 1).
Two sizeable blocks of sandstone, each part of a sand-cast gutter fill, were found on the floor of a small road metal quarry in the Buchholzbrunn Member on Buchholzbrunn by SJ and BR in 1995 (UCLA 7317; Fig. 16). The lower surfaces of these blocks preserve numerous small specimens of Ernietta that were transported with the sand and settled first, presumably because they behaved hydrodynamically like pebbles. The fossils are not well preserved, but they do display the modules well enough for them to be counted and compared with specimen size (Fig. 18.6). The smallest identifiable specimen, ~4 mm in diameter (E in Fig. 16.4, 16.5, 16.7), appears to have four modules (Fig. 16.7), although only three are visible in the gutter cast. An even smaller object to the upper left of it (Fig. 16.7) is preserved in the same fashion and may be an ~1 mm larval stage with only one module, such as the tiny White Sea specimens of Dickinsonia costata Sprigg, 1947 illustrated by Ivantsov and Zakrevskava (2022, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2). The subsequent growth of E. plateauensis is summarized in Figure 18.6, which is a plot of countable module number versus body size (length + width/2). The largest individual measured was a plaster cast of a specimen in the Plateau “museum” collection (Fig. 15.4, UCLA 7327.2, YPM 204 508; Seilacher et al., 2003, fig. 11, bottom row; Seilacher, 2007, fig. 1) that has ~70 modules. Thus, body size is a reasonable predictor of module number (Fig. 18.6), although Ivantsov et al. (2016) found a fairly constant number of modules (~26) in a cohort of similar-sized individuals preserved in a gutter cast. Presumably, modules are added at one or both ends of the zig-zag seam (Ivantsov et al., 2016), but it has not been possible to identify the most recently added modules in those areas because of inadequate preservation. At the base of the body, the modules terminate in separate, rounded ends (Fig. 15.7), so it is not obvious how new modules are generated; they may even be intercalated around the body during growth, as might be recorded by impressions of vertical seams on internal molds (Fig. 15.2, 15.4, 15.7; Jenkins et al., 1981, fig. 5B). However, these structures are better attributed to changes in module width and shape during growth, as discussed in the following.
One of Pflug's (1972) taxa, Erniotaxis segmentrix, is a puzzling set of small objects that Glaessner (1979b) dismissed as “unrecognizable” and Elliott et al. (2016, p. 1024) thought were “part of the midline of a fragmentary Pteridinium fossil.” Our discovery of two similar small specimens on Twyfel farm (Fig. 17.1–17.4) validates Pflug's recognition of the importance of his find, and the two small collections reveal the same features of the internal anatomy of young examples of E. plateauensis (Fig. 16.1–16.5). The striking feature of both is the depth of the walls of the modules and their concave lateral surfaces. In these specimens, the inner edges of the modules are blade-like and close to the axis of the body (Fig. 17.2). The concavity of their lateral walls suggests that there may have been open space between the modules and that they were in contact only at the outer wall. This morphology is seen more clearly in a larger but still youthful specimen from the same site (Fig. 17.6), which is best understood as an inverted fragment of the lower part of the specimen shown in Figure 17.10 (in both examples, the modules taper distally). In these specimens, the modules were filled with carbonate following burial, so the whole structure is preserved in three dimensions and could in one case be separated from the internal mold (Fig. 17.6). The two halves of this specimen show clearly that, at an early growth stage, the modules were D shaped in cross section and in contact with each other only at the seams of the outer wall, best seen in the external mold (Fig. 17.6, left) and modeled in Figure 18.7, 18.8. Larger, more mature individuals have modules that are wholly in contact laterally, resulting in square to rectangular cross sections (Fig. 15.4; Pflug, 1972, pl. 38, fig. 3; Jenkins et al., 1981, fig. 6C; Elliott et al., 2016, fig. 4.2), except toward their growing terminations, where the modules separated and assumed a hydrostatic (circular) cross section (Runnegar, 2022, fig. 3a). There are also some contentious components of the growth of Ernietta: (1) whether there were two or more layers of modules in the body wall; (2) the nature of the growing terminations of the body; (3) the significance of waist-like constrictions that are seen in many specimens, including the proposed neotype; (4) whether sand was incorporated into the body during life. These matters are reviewed in the following under remarks.
An evocative metaphor for the preservation of a mature individual of Ernietta is not a “rock in a sock” (Seilacher, 1992) but rather a “sock in a rock” (Knoll, 2003, p. 166; Fig. 15.1). Is this morphology the result of mass flow transport and burial or a life orientation? A recent consensus is the latter based on in situ specimens from localities west of the Aar homestead (Elliott et al., 2016) and sites on Weigkrup and Hansburg farms (Bouougri et al., 2011; Maloney et al., 2020), which are close to our localities UCLA 7378 and UCLA 7379 on Twyfel and Weigkrup (Fig. 1). Perhaps the best evidence for this interpretation is the fact that nearly all specimens are oriented with their zig-zag seams down and occur in clusters that are thought to have developed in depressions in the seafloor. However, some of these group occurrences appear to be secondarily transported (Ivantsov et al., 2016). At Twyfel, we also found that rare specimens in the same bed as the upright clusters are inverted, a configuration that is difficult to explain in an in situ community. Given the high probability that transported specimens partly filled with sand would aggregate seam downward in depressions, the life orientation of any of these clusters is questionable.
The carbonate infilling of the modules of the specimen shown in Figure 17.6 is unusual and previously unreported from Namibia. As the specimen is unique, no preparation of it was undertaken, so the identification of the fill, based on microscopic examination of fractured surfaces, is tentative. Another specimen found with it (Fig. 17.10) seems to be preserved in the same way and could be examined with computed tomography in the future. A possibly similar style of preservation has been reported by Ivantsov (2018) from the Ediacaran of Siberia.
Jenkins et al. (1981, fig. 6) published a reconstruction of Ernietta based on Pflug's material, which Jenkins had examined in Giessen with Pflug's assistance. Two key observations, based on an unfigured syntype of Erniograndis sandalix (Pflug no. 182), were the presence, near the base, of a small piece of sediment that had filled the interior of a second outer palisade of modules and an “enigmatic ‘budding’ suture” that encircled the upper part of the internal mold and is also present in the holotype (Fig. 15.3; Pflug, 1972, pl. 38, figs. 1, 2, 4; Vickers-Rich, 2007, fig. 124; Elliott et al., 2016, fig. 3; Maloney et al., 2020, fig. 3A) and several other specimens from Aar (e.g., Fig. 15.2). Jenkins also sketched three cross sections of Ernietta on the basis of sawn specimens, including a paratype of E. sandalix (Pflug, 1972, pl. 39, fig. 1; Jenkins et al., 1981, fig. 5B), which is shown as displaying a voluminous inner layer of modules crossed by rare septa and a tiny, attached fragment of a second layer of modules. Pflug's (1972, pl. 39, fig. 1) figure of the paratype shows a thick layer of white sediment near the base of the organism, comparable to that illustrated by Ivantsov et al. (2016, fig. 6E, F) in a similar sawn section, and two or three linear features that could be the intersections of septa. However, their convexity is in the opposite direction to the septa shown in Jenkins's sketch, and the thickness of the adhering second layer of modules is negligible. Furthermore, the other two cross sections sketched by Jenkins each have only one layer of modules. Thus, evidence for a second layer of modules is limited to a few fragments adhering to the bases of syntypic specimens of E. sandalix (e.g., Elliott et al., 2016, fig. 4.2) and an image of the polished sawn surface of GSN F-1243 from the Teapot locality on Aar (Elliott et al., 2016, fig. 5.3), which show two layers of honeycomb-like cells. Given that the orientation of the polished surface with respect to the fossil is not clear, that the section may intersect part of the ventral zig-zag seam, and that some mineralized cracks may mimic mineralized organic walls, it also does not provide strong support for the dual- or multiple-wall hypothesis that forms the basis for the remarkably similar reconstructions of Jenkins et al. (1981, fig. 6A) and Ivantsov et al. (2016, fig. 7). Because there is no evidence for more than a single wall in the great majority of specimens of Ernietta (Fig. 17.6; Pflug, 1972; Hall et al., 2020; Runnegar, 2022) or Namalia (Grazhdankin and Seilacher, 2002), caution is recommended until a complete individual or population of individuals showing evidence for more than one palisade wall becomes available. We tentatively attribute those few specimens that have some evidence of more than one layer near their bases to abnormal development, regeneration after injury, or some unidentified taphonomic process.
This suggestion may also apply to Jenkins's encircling suture, which interrupts the modules so severely that they may be significantly narrower above it and not in register with the modules below it (Fig. 15.2, 15.3; Jenkins et al., 1981, fig. 5B), details not captured in the reconstructions (Jenkins et al., 1981, fig. 6A; Ivantsov et al., 2016, fig. 7). Perhaps an explanation for these sutures is that they also represent a response to traumatic injury, such as truncation of the top of the organism by storm surge, followed by subsequent regrowth. This may explain why the suture is lower down in specimens from Twyfel (Fig. 15.9) than in those from Aar (Fig. 15.3).
The nature of the growing ends of the modules is another feature of the two reconstructions that deserves reassessment. In Jenkins's reconstruction, the modules terminate in lappet-like edges, which border a pair of wide lips formed from three concentric palisades of modules (Jenkins et al., 1981, fig. 6A). Ivantsov et al. (2016, fig. 7) show two concentric rows of similar lappets that flare outward, away from the symmetry axis. These reconstructions contrast with the ones by Monastersky and Mazzatenta (1998), based on undescribed specimens of Ernietta from Nevada (Horodyski et al., 1994), which have the modules terminating in narrowly tapering cones with pointed ends (Runnegar, 2022, fig. 3a). The holotype of Kubisia glabra has lappet-like terminations (Ivantsov et al., 2016, fig. 8D), adding support for the Jenkins–Ivantsov reconstruction, but another specimen of Ernietta from Namibia seems to have distal terminations like the Nevada examples (Narbonne, 2005, fig. 4b; Smith et al., 2017, fig. 3d; Hall et al., 2020, fig. 1b; Runnegar, 2022, fig. 3a). Does this mean that Ernietta could withdraw and collapse its tentaculate terminations like anemones exposed at low tide, or that there are two distinct, co-existing morphotypes? These questions deserve further investigation.
As mentioned previously, Glaessner's (1979b) Erniettinae, best exemplified by the specimen shown in Figure 19.4, 19.5, may prove to be another distinct morphotype/species of Ernietta. If so, Pflug's Ernionorma abyssoides may be the name to use, which is why we re-illustrate an epoxy cast of the holotype (Fig. 19.3; GSN F 485; Pflug no. 280). This morphotype is commonly found as basal pieces formed of numerous closely spaced modules (Fig. 19.5, white dots) but may also have highly variable module widths (Fig. 19.6). A morphometric analysis of populations tied to the type localities for the holotypes of E. sandalix and E. abyssoides will be needed to answer this question.
A fourth area of concern for understanding the biology and taphonomy of Ernietta is the long-standing questions as to whether they were epibenthic or endobenthic, whether they received sediment passively in their body cavities during life or actively incorporated sediment into their body tissues to enable them to remain upright if disturbed. There is no doubt that many are preserved with their modules filled with sediment, which is often coarser and better sorted than the matrix that surrounds them (Pflug, 1972; Ivantsov et al., 2016; Hall et al., 2020). This is particularly noticeable in Nevada, where the modules of corrugated bodies or their degraded bag-like remnants are full of clean quartz sand, quite unlike the deep-water, silty matrix in which they are interred (Hall et al., 2020). This suggests that only those bodies that were torn and filled with coarse grains during high-velocity transport were preserved. However, Ivantsov et al. (2016) opted for a division of function along the length of the modules, with active incorporation of sand in their basal parts, a fluid-filled hydrostatic function for their middle parts, and an aerobic/osmotic function for their distal parts. Evidence for sediment incorporation came from longitudinal thin and polished sections, which showed a wide zone of clean quartz sand between the outer and inner walls and sequential fill of less coarse sediment within the body cavity (Ivantsov et al., 2016, fig. 6E, F), similar to the sawn section illustrated by Pflug (1972, pl. 39, fig. 1; Jenkins et al., 1981, fig. 6B). However, the problem with these cross sections compared with internal molds of the E. sandalix type is that there is the paucity of partitions attributable to septa—even allowing for the small angles between sections and septa—and the distance between the inner and outer walls is proportionally large compared with the module depths recorded by internal molds. These discrepancies raise the possibility that, although the inner and outer walls were largely intact, the walls and septa had been sufficiently breached to allow coarse suspended grains to enter the wall cavity during transport. Thus, the Namibian and Nevadan specimens may have been preserved under similar conditions. The highly structured nature of the filling of the body cavity of a Namibian specimen (Ivantsov et al., 2016, fig. 6B, C) may provide a reason to doubt this interpretation, but it may also be explicable by waning storm surge sedimentation if the bodies had sufficient mechanical strength to remain open during burial.
Subkingdom Eumetazoa Bütschli, 1910,
Phylum Cnidaria? Verrill, 1865,
Family Mackenziidae? Conway Morris, 1993
Genus Archaeichnium Glaessner, 1963
Type species
Archaeichnium haughtoni Glaessner, 1963 from the Kuibis? or Schwarzrand Subgroup, Karasburg district, Namibia, by monotypy.
Other species
None. Two species of Archaeichnium erected on Paleozoic material, Archaeichnium kunmingensis Luo in Luo et al. (1994), from the lower Cambrian of Yunnan, China, and Archaeichnium(?) xizangensis Yang in Yang et al. (1983), from the Upper Carboniferous of Tibet, are trace fossils with longitudinal striations.
Narrow conical organism with about 10–12 longitudinal ridges that may be the edges of, and internally septate, pleated body wall, possibly enclosed in similarly corrugated unmineralized epitheca.
Archaeichnium haughtoni Glaessner, 1963
Figures 20, 21
?archaeocyathid Haughton, p. 38, pl. 3–5, pl. 3, fig. 1;.
Archaeichnium haughtoni Glaessner, p.117, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2.
Archaeichnium haughtoni; Glaessner, figs. 1, 2.
non cf. Archaeichnium sp., Hagadorn and Waggoner, p. 351, figs. 3.5, 3.6.
non Archaeichnium sp., Gehling and Droser, fig. 2M, N.
microbially induced crack, Buatois and Mángano, fig. 2.7c.
indeterminate trace fossils, Turk et al., p. 9, figs. 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5.
One of several specimens probably preserved in convex hyporelief on a small slab of sandstone, ISAM K4812, ostensibly from the Nababis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, on Gründoorn farm, near the Ham River, ~60 km east of Karasburg, southern Namibia (Fig. 20.1; Haughton, 1960, pl. 4, 5; Glaessner, 1963, pl. 2, fig. 1, 1978, fig. 1), but possibly from the younger Schwarzrand Subgroup in the same section (near 19.295356°E, 28.094153°S); by original designation and monotypy.
Longitudinally ridged, tubular fossils that taper gradually or rapidly to a closed end (Figs. 20.5, 21.1), which may have been fixed to the substrate (Fig. 21.1, 21.4); the greatest diameter is typically ~5 mm, and the tubes may exceed several cm in length; the number of longitudinal ridges is ~10–12 assuming that external molds, which have ~3.5 ridges (Fig. 21.6), represent about a third of the circumference; perimortem kinks (Fig. 21.2) and twists (Fig. 20.1) in the tubes suggest that they were unmineralized and flexible; a remarkable specimen (Fig. 20.3, 20.4, 20.6, 20.8) shows either an impression of the side of one ridge or the side view of a flange that either extended outward from the ridge crest or is an internal extension from the body wall; the structure has evenly spaced, radially oriented ridges that are about 0.5 mm apart and of similar length that may have provided structural support or had some other function (see Remarks); rare external molds suggest that, in life, the ridges were narrow and stiff and the intervening wall segments were concave so that the cross section resembled a concave or parabolic star with 10–12 points (Fig. 21.6).
Six pieces of sandstone from Arimas (UCLA 7309), two from the Holoog River (UCLA 7325), and one from Kyffhauser (UCLA 7320), most having more than one specimen of Archaeichnium, plus an image of a specimen (Fig. 21.6) figured by Buatois and Mángano (2016, fig. 2.7c), generously provided by Luis Buatois.
The holotype and other specimens on the same surface are tubular fossils that are longitudinally ridged and may or may not taper to pointed ends. Haughton (1960) thought the pointed ends were closed and possibly attached to the seafloor; Glaessner (1963, 1978) rejected Haughton's comparisons to archaeocyathids and thought that the tapering of the tubes was caused by their trajectory out of the bedding plane. We are confident that the tubes tapered to closed ends because they overlay surfaces sealed by microbial mats before being buried by event sands and do not leave those surfaces (Fig. 21.1, 21.2).
Glaessner (1978) thought Archaeichnium was some kind of agglutinated sand worm tube, and Turk et al. (2021, 2022) have compared it to priapulid burrows, but it is clear from the specimen discovered by JGG at Arimas (Fig. 20.6) that Archaeichnium must be a body fossil, not a trace fossil. Presumably, the ladder-like feature preserved in this specimen is part of a tubular and perhaps pleated body wall. As it associated with one of the longitudinal ridges, it may be one of numerous similar structural elements, each comprising part of one of the ridges. If the external molds shown in Figure 20.7, 20.8 do represent casts of the exterior of Archaeichnium, on the basis of their co-occurrence, then all of the wall complexity would presumably lie inside this unmineralized epitheca. Thus, the ladder-like feature (Fig. 20.6) may have extended inward from the ridge crest in the form of a longitudinal septum. An associated external mold (Fig. 20.7) is another similar-sized, tubular object, but it also has ~8 longitudinal corrugations and regularly spaced commissural flanges. It may represent an external mold of a piece of the epitheca of Archaeichnium such that each longitudinal corrugation would house a projecting flange.
We also tentatively assign several specimens on the base of the slab from Kyffhauser (UCLA 7320; Fig. 21.3, 21.4) to Archaeichnium, although they may represent a completely different organism. However, they are conical, taper to a pointed and apparently attached end, are longitudinally ridged, and are comparable to Archaeichnium in size but not in length. Apart from their length/width ratios, they are similar to other specimens of Archaeichnium (e.g., Fig. 21.5). Whether the Kyffhauser specimens are assigned to Archaeichnium makes little difference to the biological interpretation of the fossil. In that context and starting from first principles, Archaeichnium appears to have had radial symmetry and a stiff but flexible body wall and probably lived attached to the substrate. Some of the Kyffhauser specimens somewhat resemble the Cambrian demosponge Takakkawia Walcott, 1920 (Rigby, 1986; Botting 2012), but the lengths of the longer ones and the flexibility of the walls effectively rule out a poriferan affinity. Perhaps a more plausible possibility is some connection with those “Precambrian macroorganisms” (Protechiuridae; Ivantsov and Fedonkin, 2002; Ivantsov et al., 2019) that possess unmineralized conical thecae. Although most are vastly different (e.g., Protechiurus edmondsi Glaessner, 1979a), there are intriguing similarities to some (e.g., Vendoconularia triradiata Ivantsov and Fedonkin, 2002) in the pleating of the walls, the hint of duodeciradial symmetry, and the possibility of longitudinal flanges. Ivantsov et al. (2019) pointed out some similarities of the protechurids to conulariids and anabaritids and suggested that all three groups might be basal scyphozoans, so a cnidarian affinity for Archaeichnium is one potentially viable possibility. The reconstruction of the putative Ediacaran anthozoan Auroralumina attenboroughii (Dunn et al., 2022) is also similar in some respects to Archaeichnium, most notably in its longitudinally pleated cup and stem. A third, and perhaps even better, cnidarian comparison is with the Cambrian Stage 4 “tubicolous enigma” Gangtoucunia aspera Luo and Hu in Luo et al., 1999, which is thought to be a sessile, tube-dwelling stem or early crown medusozoan (G. Zhang et al., 2022). Some specimens of Gangtoucunia aspera have 16–19 mesenteric septa that appear to extend along the length of the body. The tube is phosphatic and densely annulated like some Schwarzrand Subgroup tubes (Fig. 23), so it is possible that our speculative association of a radially fluted tube (Fig. 20.7) with the longitudinally ridged and possibly septate body of Archaeichnium may prove to be correct.
Another, and more likely, possibility is a relationship to the Burgess Shale and Chenjiang mackenziids Mackenzia Walcott, 1911 (Conway Morris, 1993) and Paramackenzia Zhao et al. 2021. Each has an elongate, sausage-shaped body with 10–20 longitudinal elements that are thought to be radial septa, either of the cnidarian type (Conway Morris, 1993) or the kind found between the modules of Ernietta (Zhao et al., 2021). However, in Paramackenzia, each septum houses shallowly inclined tubular structures that are ~1–2 mm long, ~1 mm apart, and ~0.25 mm in diameter, which are comparable in organization and dimensions to the ladder-like feature of Archaeichnium (Fig. 20.6). The tubular structures are thought to represent pore canals that were used to pump water into the body cavity of an Ernietta-like organism (Zhao et al., 2021), and some are filled with sediment, giving them the kind of topographic relief seen in the ladder-like feature of Archaeichnium. Although Zhao et al. (2021) advanced a strong case for Ernietta-like modular construction of Paramackenzia, the presence of an inner body wall is still debatable. Conway Morris's (1993, p. 610) description of the body wall of Mackenzia is closer to our concept of Archaeichnium (see Fig. 21.6): “It is conjectured that in life the circumference of the body was not simple but thrown into relatively deep folds and intervening ridges, the expression of which is now seen in the elevated lines and displaced margins. Further support for this comes from the distal end of some specimens which have a lobate appearance.” Thus, it is possible that even the mackenziids are total group cnidarians, although the inferred pore–canal system of Paramackenzia has no counterpart in the Cnidaria. Nevertheless, for all of these reasons, we tentatively refer Archaeichnium to the Cnidaria while acknowledging that new discoveries are needed to further explore that possibility.
Tubular fossils
It is well known that the terminal part of the Ediacaran is replete with tubular fossils preserved in different ways: organic films, which may or may not be phosphatic or phosphatized; composite molds in siliciclastic sediments; calcareous skeletons, frequently originally aragonitic and recrystallized; and siliceous replicas of originally calcareous skeletons. Although the nature of the inhabitants of most of these tubes remains uncertain, the time immediately before the “Cambrian explosion” has become known as “Wormworld” (Schiffbauer et al., 2016; Darroch et al., 2018; Chai et al., 2021) or—less restrictively—as “tube world” (Budd and Jackson, 2015). The Nama biota is characteristic in that the dominant fossils through much of the succession are vendotaeniids (Cohen et al., 2009), mineralized tubes of Cloudina (Grant, 1990; Yang et al., 2022), composite molds of the bodies of Archaeichnium, and a variety of smooth or annulated tubes typically filled or cast in positive or negative hyporelief by sandy event beds (Figs. 20–23).
Order Sabelliditida Sokolov, 1965
Similarities in the collar-in-collar construction of the tubes of Saarina hagadorni (Selly et al., 2020) and Cloudina hartmannae Germs, 1972 (Germs, 1972b) (Yang et al., 2020, 2022) have given rise to the term “cloudinomorph” as a group name. If these similarities are thought to be due to relatedness rather than convergent similarity, then the family and group names Saarinidae, Sabelliditidae, and Sabelliditida (Sokolov, 1965) should take precedence over Cloudinidae Hahn and Pflug, 1985 (Hahn and Pflug, 1985b) and cloudinomorph.
Siboglinid annelid worms abound in Russian Arctic waters because of the widespread availability of methane from seafloor clathrates and cold seeps (Karaseva et al., 2022). Discovery of this biodiversity (Ivanov, 1954, 1963) led to temporary acceptance of the phylum Pogonophora for the gutless siboglinids (Pleijel et al., 2009) and presumably to Sokolov's (1965, 1967) hypothesis that his Ediacaran genera Calyptrina, Paleolina, and Saarina—as well as Sabellidites Yanishevsky, 1926—are Precambrian examples of the phylum. A recent in-depth study of the tubes of Sabellidites has supported Sokolov's hypothesis (Moczydłowska et al., 2014), but the discovery by Schiffbauer et al. (2020) of a one-way gut in a cloudinomorph—which may be either Saarina or the related genus Costatubus (Selly et al., 2020)—would reinforce molecular evidence that the Siboglinidae are a significantly younger, highly derived clade of the Annelida (Hilário et al., 2011; Vrijenhoek, 2013; Georgieva et al., 2019, 2021; Capa and Hutchings, 2021). However, Eoalvinellodes annulatus (Little et al., 1999) is a pyritized annulated worm tube from a Silurian fossil hydrothermal vent site in Russia (Georgieva et al., 2019), which may imply that it had a chemosymbiotic lifestyle. Some other tube-dwelling polychaetes that inhabit vents and seeps obtain nutrients from bacterial symbionts in their respiratory crowns (Goffredi et al., 2020), a less-derived mode of chemosymbiosis that may have been in operation lower in the annelid tree. Thus, a non-siboglinid annelid affinity for the sabelliditid tubes remains a prime possibility and is compatible with the existence of a non-siboglinid, tube-dwelling polychaete (Dannychaeta) in a Cambrian Stage 3 fauna in China (Chen et al., 2020).
Landing et al. (2021) have also argued for extending the stratigraphic range of siboglinid and sabellid polychaetes into the Ediacaran on the basis of their reinterpretation of the early Cambrian stem gastropod Pelagiella exigua (Resser and Howell, 1938), which preserves two fan-shaped arrays of chitinous chaetae (Thomas et al., 2020). Their new sabellid genus Pseudopelagiella is based on P. exigua but is considered characteristic of species such as Pelagiella subangulata (Tate, 1892), which have triangular apertures (e.g., Mghazli et al., 2023) and an inner shell layer made from foliated aragonite (Runnegar in Bengtson et al., 1990, fig. 169B). The presence of an identical microstructure in Aldanella attleborensis (Shaler and Foerste, 1888; Qiang et al., 2023), which Landing et al. (2021) accept as a stem gastropod, and in the stem lineage bivalves Fordilla troyensis (Barrande, 1881) and Pojetaia runnegari (Jell, 1980; Runnegar and Pojeta, 1992; Vendrasco et al., 2011), makes the probability that species referred to “Pseudopelagiella” are annelids rather than mollusks vanishingly small.
Bobrovskiy et al. (2022) have recently redescribed one of Sokolov's sabelliditid species, Calyptrina striata Sokolov, 1967, and have extracted biomarker molecules from an organically preserved specimen of its tube. The proportion of cholestane, the diagenetically derived end product of cholesterol, was ~9% in Calyptrina, a little less than the background average for the Lyamtsa locality (~11%; Bobrovskiy et al., 2020) and thus very different from the much higher average amount (~50%) found in large specimens of Dickinsonia from the same site (Bobrovskiy et al., 2018). Furthermore, the ratio of two cholestane isomers (5ß/5α) was extraordinarily high (~4) in Dickinsonia but similar to that expected from diagenesis (~0.65) in Calyptrina. Conversely, other lighter and heavier steranes from Calyptrina have unusually low 5ß/5α ratios (~0.2) compared with Dickinsonia, where the average value (~0.7) is indistinguishable from the diagenetic expectation. Bobrovskiy et al. (2022) used these and other data to conclude that almost all of the steranes in Dickinsonia were derived from cholesterol in body tissue that had been decomposed by anaerobic bacteria rather than from dietary cholesterol in a one-way gut, the usual source of 5ß-cholestane in younger paleobiological, archaeological, and forensic contexts (Runnegar, 2022). Calyptrina, they suggested, had lost its tissue cholesterol by not being decomposed by anaerobes, and the low 5ß/5α ratios of its other steranes was due to the processing of dietary sterols derived from algal food sources by aerobic bacteria. This complex argument depends on many questionable assumptions, including a comparison with Kimberella (Glaessner and Wade, 1966), which they assumed to be a bilaterian with an alimentary canal. If that assumption is incorrect, then the case for a gut in Calyptrina, based on biomarkers, is even weaker. Given that 88% of the total steranes detected in Calyptrina come from green algae and that the clay underlying Calyptrina is similar to bulk rock extracts from the White Sea area (Bobrovskiy et al., 2020, table S1, 2022, table S1), perhaps the simplest explanation is that the part of the tube analyzed was not inhabited at the time of fossilization.
Family Saarinidae Sokolov, 1965
Calyptrina Sokolov, 1965
Type species
Calyptrina partita Sokolov, 1965 by original designation.
Other species
Coarsely and regularly annulated tubes, cf. Calyptrina striata Sokolov, 1967
Figure 22.2–22.6
Sand-filled tubes, ~5 mm in diameter and up to 10+ cm long, that were probably originally circular in cross section, now slightly flattened, are in places ornamented with regularly spaced well-separated circumferential ridges, which presumably strengthened the tube wall.
Eleven sandstone gutter casts, each containing several to many individual tubes, from Kyffhauser (UCLA 7320) and single specimens, possibly of the same form, on bed bases from Arimas (UCLA 7309) and the Holoog River (UCLA 7325).
It is not known whether the corrugated parts of these tubes represent a different stage of growth from the smooth and seemingly thicker parts or are due to differences in preservation. However, there is little doubt that these corrugated tubes are neither body fossils nor trace fossils but rather the secreted dwelling structures of a worm-shaped animal. Rare specimens from the Holoog River (Fig. 22.5) and Arimas (Fig. 22.6) are tentatively included in this form taxon.
A variety of sparsely annulated tubular fossils have been assigned to Calyptrina striata, which was based on a single compressed pyritized specimen (Sokolov, 1967; Bobrovskiy et al., 2022, fig. S4H, I). The redescription of the species from numerous White Sea examples preserved in different ways (Bobrovskiy et al., 2022) revealed that the apertural part of the tube had regularly spaced wall thickenings that were robust enough to leave deep grooves in external molds and are clearly visible in mineralized compressions (Bobrovskiy et al., 2022, fig. S4D, H, I).
Between the thickened annulations, the wall has fine longitudinal costae that would not be visible in our material because of the grain size of the sandstone gutter casts. Bobrovsky et al. (2022) also provided excellent evidence that the apertural end of the tube projected above the seafloor during life and that the longer, buried portion of the tube ran horizontally and changed character gradationally along its length to become finely and regularly annulated or finely and irregularly annulated, features we found in tubular fossils from other localities (Fig. 23.1–23.3, 23.6, 23.9). However, as there is no direct evidence for a biological connection between these variously ornamented tubes, we describe the finely annulated ones separately. Annulated structures from Ediacara identified as the meniscuate trace fossil Taenidium cf. T. serpentinum (Heer, 1877) by Jenkins (1995) are superficially similar to C. striata but are consistently short and banana shaped (Reid et al., 2017) and probably not circular in cross section.
Family uncertain
Genus Sinotubulites Chen, Chen, and Qian, 1981
Type species
Sinotubulites baimatuoensis Chen, Chen, and Qian, 1981, from the Shibantan Member of the Dengying Formation, Shibantan of Yichang City, China, by original designation.
We tentatively refer some regularly annulated tubular fossils to this species, which is based on rather poorly preserved type material and has been identified from Ediacaran deposits in many parts of the world (Yang et al., 2022). As currently diagnosed, the species is a form taxon that is sufficiently broadly defined to accommodate the Namibian material for the time being. There are also some similarities to Wutubus annularis (Chen et al., 2014) as discussed in the following.
Finely annulated tubes, cf. Sinotubulites baimatuoensis Chen, Chen, and Qian, 1981
Figure 23.1–23.3, 23.6, 23.9
External molds preserved in calcareous siltstone and sandstone of a an originally cylindrical finely annulated tube, having either dispersed irregular narrow ridges (Fig. 23.1, 23.2) or tightly packed narrow annulations (Fig. 23.3, 23.6, 23.9); length of tube at least 140 mm, diameter 2–6 mm; longest known tube appears to taper from ~3.5 to ~2 mm; severely kinked specimen (Fig. 23.1) demonstrates that the tube wall was unmineralized and flexible.
One large, kinked specimen from Swartkloofberg (UCLA 7377), three slabs with five specimens from Zaris (UCLA 7383), five slabs with one or more specimens from Zaris Pass (UCLA 7384C), and eight slabs from the Holoog River (UCLA 7325), only some of which may be tentatively included in this category.
There are similarities to some specimens of Calyptrina striata (e.g., Bobrovskiy et al., 2022, figs S2E, S4C), but in the absence of examples with widely spaced coarse rugae, membership of that species is unlikely. Sinotubulites baimatuoensis has fewer distinctive features, being simply an irregularly to regularly annulated tube, but we tentatively refer these Namibian tubes to that form species. Wutubus annularis (Chen et al., 2014) is also similar, but some specimens taper rapidly to a closed apex that is presumed to be the site of attachment to the substrate. Our material tapers far more slowly (Fig. 23.6), and there is no evidence for a closed end. Annulatubus flexuosus (Carbone et al., 2015) is more regularly annulated and fits better with the Sekwitubus–Corumbella–Shaanxilithes morphotype according to the analysis by Dunn et al. (2022).
Regularly annulated tubes, cf. Sekwitubulus annulatus Carbone et al., 2015
Figure 23.4, 23.5, 23.7, 23.8
Cylindrical tubes, 2–3 mm in diameter, ornamented with regularly spaced angular ridges that are not obviously collar shaped, are not tapered, and do not appear to have been mineralized.
About half a dozen short pieces of tubular fossils found as external molds on the bases of slabs from Arimas (UCLA 7309), the Holoog River (UCLA 7325), and Zaris (UCLA 7383).
There are many similarly ornamented tubular structures in the Ediacaran, and the morphology persists to the present, as exemplified by the living terebellid annelid Glyphanostomum pallescens (Georgieva et al., 2019). Sekwitubulus annulatus is a comparable, incompletely known regularly annulated tubular fossil from the Blueflower Formation, northwest Canada, described by Carbone et al. (2015), who compare it with previously described Ediacaran genera.
Other body fossils and body traces
Figure 24.1, 24.3, 24.4, 24.6–24.9
We illustrate but do not describe specimens of Aspidella sp. and Beltanelliformis brunsae Menner in Keller et al., 1974 from Aar (UCLA 7307) and Palaeopascichnus sp. from the Namaland (UCLA 7315) for the sake of completeness. One locality has yielded three specimens of Pseudorhizostomites (Sprigg, 1949; Fig. 24.6), best interpreted as the removal trace of a frond (Tarhan et al., 2015). We also show two examples of scratch circles (Osgood, 1970; Jensen et al., 2018), one of which is on a bed base and has a conical plug at its center (Fig. 24.7) that resembles structures described (Darroch et al., 2021) as the conical burrows Conichnus (Männil, 1966) and Bergaueria (Prantl, 1946) and presumably was the entrance to the home of the producer. Other blister-like structures on bed bases (Fig. 24.5) are best interpreted as incipient syneresis cracks.
The Ediacaran ichnofossil record of Namibia has recently been reviewed by Darroch et al. (2021) and Turk et al. (2022). Our contribution is focused on bilaterian traces from the Kliphoek Member (Fig. 24.11–24.13) and evidence for a substantial infauna of small animals during Schwarzrand time (Figs 25.5, 26.1–26.8). We also discuss the evidence for the first occurrence of treptichnids in the Nama succession and briefly review ichnological arguments for and against treating the upper part of the Spitskop Member as earliest Cambrian.
Ichnogenus Archaeonassa Fenton and Fenton, 1937
Type ichnospecies
Archaeonassa isp.
Figure 24.10
A single specimen, GSN F 1979, from the base of the Huns Member at Holoog River (UCLA 7325) shows the characteristic U-shaped end of this groove and ridged trace; better examples were illustrated by Turk et al. (2022, fig. 7.1) from their Canyon Roadhouse site. Archaeonassa Fenton and Fenton, 1937 ranges from the late Ediacaran to the present (Jensen, 2003; Uchman and Martyshyn, 2020).
Ichnogenus Ariichnus new ichnogenus
Type ichnospecies
Ariichnus vagus n. igen. n. isp. from the Huns Limestone Member, Urusis Formation, Arimas farm, Southern Namibia.
As for the type species by montypy.
Contraction of Arimas (farm) and ichnos, Greek for footprint or track.
Ariichnus vagus new ichnospecies
Figures 25.2, 26.1, 26.2, 26.4–26.8
thin, straight, or curved thread-like trails, Germs, p. 208, pl. 26, fig. 5.
very thin, straight, or curved thread-like trails, Germs, p. 866, pl. 1, fig. 5.
smaller ?trace fossils, Jensen et al., fig. 2.
sub-millimeter scale burrows, Darroch et al., p. 15, fig. 9b, c.
meiofaunal traces, Turk et al., p. 11, fig. 8.
Burrow shown in insert of Figure 26.6, on slab GSN F 1931, from the Huns Limestone Member, Urusis Formation, Arimas farm, Southern Namibia.
Narrow, subhorizontal, dichotomously branching burrows that follow irregular paths and occasionally cross over each other.
Narrow, subhorizontal cylindrical burrows, ~0.3 mm in diameter, exhibiting occasional Y-shaped junctions that multiply the total number of terminations away from the burrow entrance; in the holotype, adjacent branches are irregular in the forward direction and cross each other without intersecting (see also Darroch et al., 2021, fig. 9c, right arrow; Turk et al., 2022, fig. 8.3); numerous circular cross sections presumably represent vertical segments that connect the subhorizontal tunnels into a complex three-dimensional network.
Latin, vagus (roving, wandering), in reference to the paths of the primary branches of the burrows.
Six sandstone gutter casts, GSN F 1924–1931, from the same locality, each with numerous examples of microburrows intersected and cast by the sandstone channel fills plus the specimen collected by Germs at Arimas.
The three-dimensional geometry of these microburrow systems is difficult to reconstruct from the curved two-dimensional surfaces on which they are observed. It does, however, appear that they formed systems with true branching and are not merely the result of coincidental interference. The surface expression resembles planar sections of Chondrites burrow systems seen in thin and polished sections and core slices (Ekdale and Bromley, 1982; Bromley and Ekdale, 1984; Baucon et al., 2020). The diameter of the burrows is smaller than that of most ichnospecies of Chondrites but overlaps with Chondrites intricatus (Brongniart, 1828), in which the strings are smaller than 1 mm (Fu, 1991); Ekdale and Bromley (1982) and Uchman (1999) also recorded occurrences with a burrow diameter as narrow as 0.2–0.3 mm. The wandering pathways their primary branches seem to follow (Fig. 26.6; Darroch et al., 2021, fig. 9c; Turk et al., 2022, fig. 8.3) distinguish Ariichnus vagus from all previously described ichnospecies of Chondrites.
Reconstruction of the three-dimensional geometry is problematic because of the small size and style of preservation, but it appears to be less complex than is typical for Chondrites, so attribution of the new ichnospecies to Chondrites was not desirable. It should be noted that this would have been the first Ediacaran record of Chondrites, earlier reports of this age having been rejected (Jensen and Runnegar, 2005; L. Zhang et al., 2022). The ichnogenus is rare also in the Cambrian, without a single accepted Terreneuvian or Series 2 occurrence (Mángano and Buatois, 2014; but see Baucon et al., 2022 for possible exception). Chondrites from the Teltawongee Group of New South Wales, Australia (Webby, 1984), sometimes cited as Terreneuvian (e.g., L. Zhang et al., 2022), is in strata of poorly constrained age. Webby (1984) considered the occurrence to be no older than early or middle Cambrian, on the basis of the trace fossils, and they remain the main criteria for the maximum depositional age of the group, with minimum depositional ages obtained from cross-cutting volcanics dated at 505 and 515 Ma (Johnson et al., 2016).
An alternative ichnogeneric assignment of the Nama material could have been to Pilichnus, an ichnogenus that Uchman (1999) erected as part of the Chondrites group of branched structures. The Cretaceous type material has straight to winding strings 0.15–0.35 mm wide, with dichotomous branches. Subsequent reports have extended this ichnogenus to the Terreneuvian (e.g., Buatois and Mángano, 2012). The latest Ediacaran Pilichnus from the Tamengo Formation, Brasil (Adôrno, 2019) has larger dimensions and rare branching. A possible difference of the Nama material from Pilichnus is that the orientation of Pilichnus is mainly along a horizontal plane, although comparison of this ichnogenus with modern traces has been made with more vertically oriented traces (Hertweck et al., 2007).
At the type locality, the microburrows are preserved on the sides and bases of sandstone gutter casts such as the one from the Buchholzbrunn Member seen in outcrop (Fig. 26.3). The Arimas gutter casts were float samples, but the level from which they came is well constrained (Fig. 4; Turk et al., 2022). The microburrows are confined to certain parts of the channel walls and are not found below or above the presumed bioturbated interval that is ~3 cm deep and lies 1–2 cm below the surface (Fig. 26.7, 26.8). This distribution eliminates all four of the hypotheses proposed by Turk et al. (2022) for their formation: opportunistic colonization of exposed sediment in gutters, selective preservation in gutters of a ubiquitous infauna, lithologic contrast between gutter-filling sandstone and guttered substrate, and reborrowing of the channel surface by small animals carried with the eroding fluid. However, they also said that “small bilaterian traces … might be more widespread in these intervals than is currently recognized,” as we suggest. As the tops of the channel sands are rippled (Fig. 26.5), the original height of the seafloor was probably lower than the tops of the channel-filling sand (Fig. 26.1, 26.3, 26.5, 26.8). Nevertheless, it is clear that the microburrowed interval began at least 1 cm below the sediment–water interface and continued downward for ~3 cm. This suggests that the tracemakers were exploiting a particular part of the redox gradient and, like Chondrites, may have been adapted to dysaerobic conditions (Bromley and Ekdale, 1984; Savrda and Bottjer, 1987).
Parry et al. (2017) described a dense occurrence of “meiofaunal ichnofossils” from the terminal Ediacaran of Brazil and identified them as Multina minima Uchman (2001), an Eocene species of Multina Orlowski in Orlowski and Zylinska, 1996 from the late Cambrian of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland (Orlowski and Zylinska, 1996). However, both of these ichnospecies of Multina are meshes, not networks, and even M. minima has a much larger tunnel diameter than the Brazilian meiofaunal burrows. There is a better size comparison with the Namibian structures, but although the Brazilian traces are described as having “rare dichotomous branches” (Parry et al., 2017, p. 1456; Adôrno, 2019), the tomographic reconstructions show little evidence for branching. On the basis of the small diameter of their narrowest burrows, Parry et al. (2017) were able to exclude most bilaterian phyla as possible tracemakers and opted for a nematode-like worm that lacked the ability to move by peristalsis. We think that is unlikely for the Namibian microburrows because of the irregularity of the trajectories of the tunnels. Nematodes move by bending their bodies in a sinusoidal fashion and either make sinusoidal traces (Balinski and Sun, 2015) or generate “meioturbation” rather than well-defined burrows (Schieber and Wilson, 2021). Thus, it seems more likely that the Namibian microburrows were produced by small animals using hydrostatic processes. The significance of a sizeable bioturbated zone, well below the sediment–water interface and apparently decoupled from the widely assumed Ediacaran microbial mat communities, is explored under Discussion. Another kind of subterranean trace fossil community is indicated by Planolites-like burrows intersected by a gutter cast in the top of the Nasep Member on Swartkloofberg (UCLA 7322; Fig. 25.5). Thus, it seems that by the close of the Ediacaran, some bioturbation had moved well below the level of microbial mats. Although probably morphologically distinct, the Nama microburrows compare to, and predate, Fortunian material of Olenichnus irregularis Fedonkin in Sokolov and Iwanowskii (1985) from Siberia that Marusin and Kuper (2020) interpreted as complex three-dimensional endobenthic tunnel systems made by bilaterians.
Trace fossils are rarely preserved in pot and gutter casts and, if present, are thought to be post-depositional (Myrow, 1992; Jensen, 1997; Mángano et al., 2002). However, the Planolites-like burrows from the Nasep Member are interrupted by the gutter cast wall (arrow, Fig. 25.5), and the microburrows from Arimas were clearly exposed by the erosive action that created the gutters. By contrast, the body fossils, which are occasionally preserved in gutter casts or on the bases of channels (Figs. 12.3–12.5, 16, 21.3, 21.4, 22.4), are thought to have been transported by the eroding events and are, like the tool marks, synchronous with them.
Ichnogenus Gordia Emmons, 1844
Type ichnospecies
Gordia ispp.
Figures 24.11, 24.13, 24.14, 25.6
Three small slabs from Twyfel, GSN F 1920–1922, one specimen from Arimas, GSN F 1925, and other examples observed in the field.
Gordia is one of four Ediacaran ichnogenera/behaviors identified in simple horizonal trails (Buatois and Mángano, 2016) and is characterized by common self-crossings. The examples we illustrate are typical, but those from the Kliphoek Member on Twyfel (Fig. 24.11, 24.13, 24.14) are older than previous records from Namibia and extend this kind of behavior downward from the Schwarzrand Subgroup (Darroch et al., 2021, fig. 18b) into the Kuibis Subgroup. There has been some difference of opinion about the stratigraphic position of the fossiliferous intervals on Twyfel, Weigkrup, Hansburg, and Zuurberg farms (Bouougri et al., 2011; Maloney et al., 2020), but we agree with Maloney et al. (2020) in identifying these horizons as either upper Kliphoek Member or Bucholzbrunn Member rather than Kanies Member. Thus, these specimens of Gordia isp. and some associated finer trails are the oldest known trace fossils from Namibia. A looped trace from the Huns Member on Arimas (Fig. 25. 6) may also be referred to Gordia isp., but it is clearly different in detail from the Twyfel examples.
Ichnogenus Helminthopsis Heer, 1877
Type ichnospecies
Helminthopsis isp.
Figures 24.12, 25.1
Only two possible examples of many similar structures are illustrated. The long continuous trace in Figure 25.1 is best characterized as the form genus Helminthopsis but may, in fact, have been generated by the producer of Treptichnus isp? (Fig. 25.1, arrows).
According to Buatois and Mángano (2016, p. 41) “Helminthopsis displays a tendency to meander,” so we refer simple cylindrical traces with this property to Helminthopsis. However, as noted by many others, it may be difficult to distinguish such ichnofossils from tubular body fossils. The specimen shown in Figure 25.1 is fairly clearly a trace fossil and may, in fact, be a variety of Treptichnus, which occurs next to it on the same slab. The one shown in Figure 24.12 is more ambiguous, and there are many more poorly preserved traces like this in the Schwarzrand Subgroup that could be either trace or body fossils.
Ichnogenus Streptichnus Jensen and Runnegar, 2005
Type ichnospecies
Streptichnus narbonnei Jensen and Runnegar, 2005 from UCLA 7375, uppermost Spitskop Member, Urusis Formation, Swartpunt farm, southern Namibia, by original designation and monotypy.
Streptichnus narbonnei Jensen and Runnegar, 2005
One of two adjoining slabs, GSN F 626 (Jensen and Runnegar, 2005, fig. 2b), from the Spitskop Member, Urusis Formation, UCLA 7375, 13 m below the summit of Dundas Hill, Swartpunt farm, southwestern Namibia.
The complexity of the Streptichnus burrow system is comparable to that of Treptichnus pedum, so Linnemann et al. (2019) advocated lowering the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary to just below the level of Streptichnus in the Dundas Hill section on Swartpunt (Fig. 5). However, the subsequent discovery of Streptichnus in the Shibantan Lagerstätte of South China (Xiao et al., 2021; Mitchell et al., 2022) confirms that it is associated with typical Ediacaran taxa.
Ichnogenus Treptichnus Miller, 1889
Type ichnospecies
Treptichnus pedum (Seilacher, 1955)
Figure 25.3, 25.4
Three specimens from the Nomtsas Formation on Sonntagsbrunn, GSN F 1950–1952.
See Wilson et al. (2012) for a full description of this species and its occurrence in Namibia.
Treptichnus isp.
Figure 25.1, 25.2
Discontinuous trails with three ridges, Germs, p. 208, pl. 26, figs. 5, 7, pl. 27, fig. 1.
Trails with three parallel ridges, Germs, pl. 1, figs. 5, 7, pl. 2, fig. 1.
Treptichnus; Jensen et al., fig. 2A–E.
treptichnids; Buatois and Mángano, fig. 4b, c.
treptichnids; Mángano and Buatois, fig. 2a.
burrow similar to Torrowangea Webby; Darroch et al., fig. 9a.
treptichnid-type traces; Darroch et al., fig. 13a–e.
Germs's discovery slab was not in place, so the stratigraphic level from which it was derived is uncertain. Germs (1972b, fig. 2) showed the horizon as being immediately beneath the base of the Huns Limestone Member as he then defined it, which would probably place it above the level of UCLA 7326 (Fig. 4). Jensen et al. (2000) placed Germs's specimen lower down in the Arimas section on the basis of field observations of similar traces by JGG in 1993, and Turk et al. (2022, fig. 4) indicated a comparable level, just below their “gutter cast horizon” (= UCLA 7326). Buatois and Mángano (2016, fig. 4) suggested that treptichnids occur even lower down, well below the first prominent limestone bed, in the vicinity of UCLA 7309 (Fig. 4). The only sample in our collection we can confidently place in the stratigraphic section is the one shown in Figure 25.1, which was removed from outcrop by SJ in 1996. The similar slab collected by Germs could easily have moved downslope from that level. Thus, UCLA 7371 (Fig. 4) is the oldest certain occurrence of Treptichnus in Namibia.
We refer these traces to Treptichnus because of the great range of preservational variants found in some examples of the type species, including structures that closely resemble Germs's “discontinuous trails with three ridges” (Getty et al., 2016, fig. 4.1, 4.2). In any case, Treptichnus is a form taxon, which could have been produced by different kinds of animals in the Ediacaran and the Cambrian, so our use of the generic name does not necessarily imply biological continuity across the eon boundary.
Recently published U–Pb ages for the Witputs subbasin (Linnemann et al., 2019; Nelson et al., 2022) have allowed us to postulate a hiatus of ~2 million years at the base of the Schwarzrand Subgroup south of the Osis arch (Fig. 1), but there is little biostratigraphic evidence for this break (Fig. 2). Our carbon isotope data from a section at Mamba, just north of the Osis arch, confirms the correlation of the peak of the OMKYK positive excursion, first identified by Grotzinger et al. (1995), with the top of the Mooifontein Member in the heart of the Witputs subbasin (Fig. 3). On the basis of these correlations, we propose a revision of the sequence stratigraphic terminology for the Nama Group (Fig. 2). We also constrain and extend the stratigraphic and geographic ranges of the key Ediacaran taxa: Archaeichnium, Ernietta, Pteridinium, Swartpuntia, and Treptichnus (Fig. 2). A conservative estimate for the first appearance of the genus Treptichnus is at the top of the Huns Limestone Member, higher than previously thought (Fig. 4), but the diagnostic basal Cambrian species of Treptichnus, T. pedum, has not been found below the Nomtsas Formation. Suggestions to lower the eon boundary to beneath Streptichnus narbonnei (Linnemann et al., 2019) are not supported by the recent discovery of Streptichnus with characteristic Ediacaran taxa in the Shibantan Lagerstätte of South China (Xiao et al., 2021: Mitchell et al., 2022).
Taphonomy and paleoecology
All of the evidence presented here indicates that few if any of the Ediacaran soft-bodied organisms were preserved in life orientation in their original habitats. That includes specimens from the Aarhauser sandstone at Aar excavated by Seilacher and his team that formed the basis of the canoe hypothesis for Pteridinium (Ivantsov and Grazhdankin, 1997; Seilacher, 1997; Grazhdankin and Seilacher, 2002) as well as the beds with abundant Ernietta on Aar, Twyfel, Wegkruip, Hansburg, and Zuurberg farms that have been used to propose and model a totally infaunal or partly buried lifestyle for Ernietta (Crimes and Fedonkin, 1996; Meyer et al., 2014a, b; Elliott et al., 2016; Ivantsov et al., 2016; Gibson et al., 2019; Hall et al., 2020; Maloney et al., 2020). All of the unmineralized tubular fossils we have studied appear to have been transported or perhaps toppled (Fig. 21.4) by water motion, as are most specimens of Cloudina. The only taxa that are unquestionably in situ are the trace fossils, Palaeopascichnus, and frond holdfasts such as Aspidella and Pseudorhizostomites.
Tool-marked bed bases are a prominent feature of the Nama Group succession. Comb and rake structures previously attributed to the transport of spicular sponge skeletons (Darroch et al., 2021) are shown to be bump and drag marks of erniettomorphs, most probably vanes of Pteridinium. Microscopic trace fossils on gutter casts are referred to new ichnogenus and ichnospecies Ariichnus vagus. These microburrows were produced by tiny animals that seem to have inhabited a 2–3 cm thick dysaerobic zone that began ~1 cm below the sediment–water interface.
The holotype of the type species of Ernietta, E. plateauensis, appears to be a small, deformed specimen of Pteridinium simplex, and we recommend that it be replaced by a neotype, the holotype of Ernietta sandalix, to retain the use of Pflug's iconic generic name. The discovery of a problematicum—the Arimas lycopod—at the type locality of Nasepia, and its resemblance to the axis of Swartpuntia, raises the possibility that Swartpuntia is either a junior synonym or close relative of Nasepia. New evidence suggests that Swartpuntia lacked a stem and holdfast, which puts it closer in body plan to Pteridinium than previously thought.
Arimasia germsi n. gen. n. sp. from the Huns Limestone Member is described as a simple sponge, which may have resembled an unmineralized, one-walled archaeocyath. We suggest that Arimasia, the Archaeocyatha, and the unmineralized vauxiid sponges may all have been aspiculate stem members of the Demospongiae. This hypothesis requires the independent origin of siliceous spicules in the Hexactinellida and the Demospongiae (Aguilar-Camacho et al., 2019).
Juvenile specimens of Ernietta from Buchholzbrunn (Fig. 16) show that growth proceeded from a stage with four or fewer tubular modules to an observed maximum of ~70 modules in the largest specimens (Fig. 18.6). The evidence for more than one layer of modules in the body wall is limited, so Ernietta is considered to be an epifaunal, bag-shaped organism formed of a single layer of tubular modules that were generated at the outer wall and coalesced in a proximal to distal direction during growth. New modules may have arisen at the ends of the zig-zag basal seam and/or by intercalation. Growth interruptions, which are obvious on many internal molds, are attributed to zones of damage and repair during life.
Archaeichnium haughtoni, previously thought to be an archaeocyath, an agglutinated worm tube, or a trace fossil, is shown to be a body fossil with a complicated, pleated body wall that resembles to some extent the polyp-like bodies of the Cambrian animals Mackenzia and Paramackenzia (Zhao et al., 2021). Consequently, Archaeichnium and the mackenziids are tentatively considered to be anemone-like cnidarians rather than Ernietta-like vendobionts.
Three different kinds of unmineralized, annulated tubes are illustrated and briefly described as possible examples of Calyptrina, Sinotubulus, and Sekwitubulus. Those identified as “cf. Calyptrina striata Sokolov” compare well to White Sea examples of that species illustrated and analyzed for biomarkers by Bobrovskiy et al. (2022). Although the biomarker argument for a one-way gut in Calyptrina is debatable, there is a developing consensus that at least some of these Ediacaran tubular structures were produced by annelid grade worms.
Glaessner (1979b, p. A96) tentatively referred Pflug's “Petalonamae” to four families, Pteridiniidae, Rangeidae, Charniidae, and Erniettidae “until clear distinctions between observable and hypothetically postulated characters can be drawn.” The removal of the Rangeomorpha as an order of Octocorallia (Jenkins, 1985) or more plausibly as a plesion of the Eumetazoa (Dunn et al., 2022) leaves Pteridinium, Ernietta, Swartpuntia, and their candidate synonyms (Namalia, Nasepia, Inkrylovia, Kuibisia) as another potentially monophyletic clade, the Erniettomorpha (Pflug, 1972; Erwin et al., 2011). However, finding shared derived characters to support a monophyletic Erniettomorpha as distinct from other Ediacaran fronds has been challenging to impossible (Dececchi et al., 2017; Hoyal Cuthill and Han, 2018). If our interpretation of the anatomy of Swartpuntia germsi is correct, then it is far more similar to Pteridinium carolinaensis than previously suspected, and the question about the monophyly of the Erniettomorpha reduces to whether Pteridinium and Ernietta are closely related and whether Phyllozoon (Jenkins and Gehling, 1978; Gehling and Runnegar, 2022)—or any other taxon—is another member of this clade. The synapomorphies identified by Dececchi et al. (2017) for Ernietta, Pteridinium, and Swartpuntia—“undifferentiated tubular elements (modules) that are parallel to each other and all of the same width”—also apply to Phyllozoon but are insufficient to assess possible ingroup relationships. As these taxa show little if any sign of whole-body differentiation, their position outside the Rangeomorpha and/or Arboreomorpha seems secure. But are they similar to each other as a result of inheritance, convergence, or merely simplicity?
Unique features of some or all erniettomorphs include tubular modules that coalesce during early growth (Ernietta) and are in contact laterally via linear not planar seams (Ernietta, Pteridinium, Phyllozoon) as well as triradial symmetry about a unipolar growth axis (Pteridinium, Swartpuntia). The apparently bipolar growth of Ernietta may be an attribute of its topology, and it is conceivable that Ernietta inherited the unipolar patterning of most Ediacaran fronds (Runnegar, 2022). Thus, the bipolarity of Ernietta may be an adaptation to an epibenthic lifestyle, as it apparently was for Fractofusus within the Rangeomorpha (Gehling and Narbonne, 2007; Dececchi et al., 2017). If so, the case for a monophyletic Erniettomorpha remains viable but barely so. In the remaining part of this brief discussion, we address two interwoven topics, both ultimately dependent on taphonomy: paleoecology and extinction.
Pteridinium has been found only in distal mass-flow deposits in South Australia even though it must have persisted during the deposition of the classical Ediacara-style bedforms of the Ediacara Member (Glaessner and Wade, 1966; Wade, 1971; Gehling and Droser, 2013). So where did it live, given that many richly fossiliferous beds have been sequentially excavated at the Nilpena Ediacara National Park (Droser et al., 2019) without revealing a single specimen of Pteridinium? The same question could be asked about Ernietta in Namibia and Nevada (Smith et al., 2017; Hall et al., 2020), some of which are filled with clean quartz sand quite unlike the downslope silty matrix in which they are found. Perhaps the answer lies with Phyllozoon, which seems to have inhabited sites that were below storm wave base in South Australia (Gehling and Runnegar, 2022) or with unsuspected anchoring structures that are in plain sight, such as one of the many “triradialomorphs” (Hall et al., 2020). Conversely, where are the discoidal holdfasts and epibenthic recliners that are so characteristic of South Australian and Avalonian assemblages? The obvious answer is differential extinction between the White Sea and Nama assemblages (Darroch et al., 2015, 2018; Evans et al., 2022), but the almost complete absence of Ediacara-style bed surfaces in Namibia (UCLA 7315 being a notable exception) suggests that differential preservation may be just as important. If only the mass-flow deposits in South Australia were fossiliferous, then Ediacara and Nilpena would be “Nama” rather than “White Sea” sites (Gehling and Droser, 2013). Last but not least, increasingly sophisticated phylogenomic studies continue to require substantial Precambrian histories for the crown group clades such as the Cnidaria (McFadden et al., 2021) and the Ecdysozoa (Shi et al., 2022; for a contrary view, see Holmes and Budd, 2022). Although magnificently exposed, the Nama succession is sparsely fossiliferous and thus may represent only a small sample of late Ediacaran biodiversity.
For assistance in the field and elsewhere, we thank J.E. Almond, R. Birenheide, C.K. (Bob) Brain, M.L. Droser, D.H. Erwin, G.J.B. Germs, J.P. Grotzinger, A.J. Kaufman, A.H. Knoll, M.A.S. McMenamin, G. Narbonne, G. Oertel, V. Rai, B.Z. Saylor, A. (Dolf) Seilacher, and M.R. Walter. H. Mocke, B. Hoal, G. Schneider, H-K. (Charlie) Hoffmann, M. Dunaiski, C. Kangueehi, N. Mieze, and Sidney—(unrecorded)—all of the Geological Survey of Namibia, generously provided field assistance, logistical support, and curatorial assistance. We are grateful to A. and L. Vollersten, Helmeringhausen Hotel, M. and K. van der Merwe, Rosh Pinah Guesthouse, W. van der Merwe, Bahnhof Hotel at Aus, and A. and G. Porteus, Hammerstein Rest Camp, for welcoming hospitality. Landowners or managers at the following farms kindly allowed access to their properties and in many cases assisted with local advice and communications: H. Erni, Aar (16), W. Erni, Plateau (38), P.F. Cilliers, Chamis Sud (49), J. and H. Gaugler, Dabis (15), Mrs. van der Merwe, Grünau (14), J. Scholtz, Klipdrif (134), E. Dreyer and J. Richter, Kyffhauser (18), D.C. Jankowitz, Saraus (18), W. van der Westhuizen, Swartpunt (74), R. Magson, Donker Gange (161), K. van Staaden, Wegkruip (130), Christoff, Zaris (103), M. and R. Field, Zebra River (122), and the owners of Buchholzbrunn (142), Mamba (125), Mooifontein (50), and Vrede (140). Funding was provided by A. Seilacher from his 1992 Crafoord Prize, the U.S. National Science Foundation (EAR-9627924), the Division of Physical Sciences, UCLA, the Leverhulme Trust, and the National Environment Research Council, U.K. Field and laboratory assistance was supplied by the Geological Survey of Namibia, and permission to collect and export the material studied was obtained with the approval of landowners via applications and permits from the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Ministry of Trades and Industry, and the National Monuments Council of Namibia, with the assistance of staff at the Geological Survey of Namibia. S. Moran, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, kindly helped track down all known specimens of Pteridinium carolinaensis and supplied curatorial information. H. Mocke received and curated the collection at the National Earth Sciences Museum in Windhoek, and L. Buatois, A. Ivantsov, and a third anonymous reviewer provided many helpful comments on the manuscript.
Declaration of competing interests
The authors declare none.
Author contributions
Fieldwork was carried out in 1993 by JGG and BR, in 1995 by SJ and BR, and in 1996 by JGG, SJ, MRS, and BR; stratigraphic sections were measured by JGG, MRS, and BR; samples for carbon isotope analysis were collected by MRS and BR and prepared for analysis by MRS; the fossils were studied at UCLA by JGG, SJ, and BR; BR carried out all of the photographic work, prepared the illustrations, and wrote the manuscript; all authors reviewed the manuscript and contributed to its final form.
Data availability statement
Supplemental dataset 1—Tabulated carbon isotope samples and analyses.
Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.fxpnvx0zj
Appendix. Descriptions of fossil localities explored for this study
UCLA 7307. Aar (Amphitheatre). One meter-thick quartz sandstone, ~32 m above base of Kliphoek Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group on Aar farm, 27 km east southeast of Aus, southern Namibia; Schakalskuppe 1:50,000 map sheet (2616DA), 16.532737°E, 26.720682°S; 3–6 August 1993, C.K. Brain, J.G. Gehling, M.A.S. McMenamin, F. Pflüger, B. Runnegar, A. Seilacher; 29–30 August 1996, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus, M.R. Saltzman.
Beltanelliformis brunsae Menner in Keller et al., 1974
Aspidella sp.
Namalia villiersiensis Germs, 1968
Pteridinium simplex Gürich, 1933
UCLA 7308. Aar East. Type locality of Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, 1966. Buchholzbruun Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group on Aar farm, 28 km east southeast of Aus, southern Namibia; Schakalskuppe 1:50,000 map sheet (2616DA), 16.564213°E, 26.726652°S; 4 August 1993, C.K. Brain, J.G. Gehling, M.A.S. McMenamin, F. Pflüger, B. Runnegar.
Pteridinium simplex Gürich, 1933
UCLA 7309. Armias. Type section of Nasepia altae Germs, 1972. Quartz sandstone float specimens mostly from lowest part of Huns Limestone Member (sensu Saylor et al., 1995), 0–12 m above Nasep Sandstone Member, Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group, 1 km west of old dwelling on Arimas farm, about 35 km north northeast of Rosh Pinah, southern Namibia; Uitsig 1:50,000 map sheet (2717CA), 17.019382°E, 27.696984°S; 11–12 August 1993, J.G. Gehling, B. Runnegar; 9–10, 12–13 May 1995, S. Jensen, B. Runnegar, B.Z. Saylor; 22 August 1996, J.E. Almond, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, B. Runnegar, M.R. Saltzman.
Archaeichnium haughtoni Glaessner, 1963
Arimasia germsi n. gen. n. sp.
Nasepia altae Germs, 1972a
cf. Calyptrina striata Sokolov, 1967
Ariichnus vagus n. igen. n. isp.
Helminthopsis isp.
Treptichnus isp.
UCLA 7310. Helmeringhausen. Lower part of Mooifontein limestone just above nonconformity with granitic basement, Mooifontein Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group on road D414 to Gibeon, 10 km east northeast of Helmeringhausen, southern Namibia; Helmeringhausen 1:50,000 map sheet (2516DD), 16.901393°E, 25.864823S; 8 August 1993, C.K. Brain, J.G. Gehling, B. Runnegar; 29 May 1995, S. Jensen, B. Runnegar.
Cloudina hartmannae Germs, 1972b
UCLA 7311. Kliphoek 1. Finer-grained beds just above prominent ledge of quartzite near top of Kliphoek Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group on Kliphoek farm, 200 m south of track running east from road P727 about 1 km north of Kliphoek homestead; Geelperdhoek 1:50,000 map sheet (2716BD), 16.796368°E, 27.283205°S; 9 August 1993, C.K. Brain, J.G. Gehling, B. Runnegar.
Beltanelliformis brunsae Menner in Keller et al., 1974
UCLA 7312. Nooitgedacht. Thin sandstone with tool-marked base 3.5 m below base of Mooifontein Limestone, Kliphoek Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group on hill 1,354 m on east side of road D727, 0.8 km east southeast of Nooitgedacht ruins; Diamantpoort 1:50,000 map sheet (2716BB), 16.785454°E, 27.250061°S; 12 August 1993, J.G. Gehling, B. Runnegar.
Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, 1966
UCLA 7313. Klipdrif. Shale interval immediately below base of Mooifontein limestone, top of Kliphoek Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group, in small quarry on north side of road P437 from Bethanie to Farm Vrede, 6.3 km east of Klipdrif homestead, 4.1 km east of boundary of Klipdrif, and 17.3 km by road from Bethanie; Buchholzbrunn 1:50,000 map sheet (2617CA), 17.029624°E, 26.522701°S; 13 August 1993, J.G. Gehling, B. Runnegar.
Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, 1966
UCLA 7314. Namaland 1. Shale interval immediately below base of Mooifontein limestone, top of Kliphoek Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group, in small quarry on east side of road P435, 2.4 km from Goageb–Aus road (B4), southern Namibia; Buchholzbrunn 1:50,000 map sheet (2617CA), 17.095833°E, 26.649938°S; 13 August 1993, J.G. Gehling, B. Runnegar.
Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, 1966
UCLA 7315. Namaland 2. Shale interval immediately below base of Mooifontein limestone, top of Kliphoek Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group, in small quarry on west side of road P435, 6.7 km from Bethanie–Goageb road (C14), southern Namibia; Buchholzbrunn 1:50,000 map sheet (2617CA), 17.1420961E, 26.630036°S; 14 August 1993, J.G. Gehling, B. Runnegar.
Pteridinium sp.
Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, 1966
Palaeopaschichus sp.
Pseudorhizostomites? sp.
UCLA 7317. Buchholzbrunn. Shale interval immediately below base of Mooifontein limestone, top of Buchholzbrunn Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group at base of channel in road metal quarry on Buchholzbrunn farm, about 1.5 km south of old B4 road, 12 km northwest of Goageb, southern Namibia; Buchholzbrunn 1:50,000 map sheet (2617CA), 17.120122°E, 26.692510°S; 29 April 1995, S. Jensen, B. Runnegar.
Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, 1966
UCLA 7318. Driedoornvlakte. Carbonate bioherm in Kuibis Subgroup on Driedoornvlakte farm, about 45 km northeast of Büllsport and about 100 km north of Maltahöhe, southern Namibia (stop 2.3 of IGCP excursion); TBD 1:50,000 map sheet (2316DC), 16.664167°E, 23.860489°S; 2 May 1995, B. Runnegar.
Cloudina hartmannae Germs, 1972b
UCLA 7319. Donker Gange. Fossiliferous limestone in Omkyk Member, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group, canyon section ~100 m south of the Zebra River, Donker Gange farm, about 80 km west northwest of Maltahöhe, southern Namibia (stop 4.2 of IGCP excursion); Donker Gange 1:50,000 map sheet (2416CA), 16.178702°E, 24.533310°S; 4 May 1995, B. Runnegar; 8 September 1996, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus, B. Runnegar, M.R. Saltzman.
Cloudina hartmannae Germs, 1972b
Namacalathus hermanastes Grotzinger, Watters, and Knoll, 2000
UCLA 7320. Kyffhauser. Thin beds of sandstone (all float), Neiderhagen Member, Nudaus Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group, on north side of road D850, 4.0 km west of D855 turnoff, Kyffhauser farm, about 70 km northwest of Maltahöhe, southern Namibia; Harughas 1:50,000 map sheet (2416AD), 16.357980°E, 24.485664°S; 5 May 1995; D. Erwin, S. Jensen, B. Runnegar, and M. Walter; 9 September 1996, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus, B. Runnegar, M.R. Saltzman.
Pteridinium sp.
Archaeichnium haughtoni Glaessner, 1963
cf. Calyptrina striata Sokolov, 1967
UCLA 7321. Kliphoek 2. Thin-bedded siltstones of Nudaus Formation, Schwartzrand Subgroup, Nama Group in slope section south of D727 road, about 2 km south of Kliphoek homestead, Kliphoek farm, southern Namibia (stop 6.1b of IGCP excursion, at 27 m [6.1b.A] and 68 m [6.1b.B)] above exposed base); Geelperdhoek 1:50,000 map sheet (2716BD), 16.766205°E, 27.308895°S; 6 May 1995, B. Runnegar.
Vendotaenia sp.
UCLA 7322. Swartkloofberg 1. Thin sandstones, Nasep Member, Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group on dip slope immediately north of Swartkloofberg homestead, Swartkloofberg farm, southern Namibia; Rekvlakte 1:50,000 map sheet (2716BC), 16.523883°E, 27.485491°S; 7 May 1995, A.J. Kaufman, G. Narbonne, B. Runnegar; 25 August 1996, J.E. Almond, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus, M.R. Saltzman.
Pteridinium sp.
trace fossils
UCLA 7323. Swartkloofberg 2. Pinnacle reef that grew from Huns carbonate platform and was embedded in shales of the highstand Felschuhhorn Member, Urusis Formation near Niras trig station (69; 1,121.4 m), Swartkloofberg farm, Rekvlakte 1:50,000 map sheet (2716BC), southern Namibia; 16.564731°E, 27.451876°S; 7 May 1995, B. Runnegar; 26 August 1996, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, and B. Runnegar.
Cloudina hartmannae Germs, 1972b
UCLA 7324. Sonntagsbrunn. Thin event beds in siltstones of the Kreyrivier Member, Nomtsas Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group on east and west sides of hill 850 m on east side of road D463, about 1.5 km south of Koedoeslaagte homestead, west of the Fish River Canyon, southern Namibia; Koedoeslaagte 1:50,000 map sheet (2717DA), 17.509523°E, 27.368114°S; 12 May 1995, S. Jensen, B. Runnegar, B.E. Saylor; 20–21 August 1996, J.E. Almond, M.L. Droser, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus, M.R. Saltzman.
Treptichnus pedum (Seilacher, 1955)
UCLA 7325. Holoog River. Thin-bedded sandstone in base of Huns Limestone Member (sensu Saylor et al., 1995), Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group, both sides of unnumbered road, 0.7 km from turnoff from road M28 (C12) to the Augurabis Steenboks Naturpark, 1.7 km north of the Gaap (Holoog) River, southern Namibia; Holoog 1:50,000 map sheet (2717BD), 16.564731°E, 27.451876°S; 11 May 1995, S. Jensen, B. Runnegar, B.Z. Saylor; 19 August 1996, J.E. Almond, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen , M.A. Motus, B. Runnegar.
Archaeichnium haughtoni Glaessner, 1963
cf. Calyptrina striata Sokolov, 1967
cf. Sekwitubulus annulatus Carbone et al., 2015
cf. Sinotubulites baimatuoensis Chen, Chen, and Qian, 1981
UCLA 7326. Arimas B. Float quartz sandstones and other material from siliciclastic interval 37–43 m above base of Huns Member (sensu Saylor et al., 1995), Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group about 1 km west of abandoned dwelling on Arimas farm, about 35 km north northeast of Rosh Pinah, southern Namibia; Uitsig 1:50,000 map sheet (2717CA), 17.022857°E, 27.695409°S; 9–10, 12–13 May 1995, S. Jensen, B. Runnegar, B.Z. Saylor; 22 August 1996, J.E. Almond, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, B. Runnegar, M.R. Saltzman.
Archaeichnium haughtoni Glaessner, 1963
Nasepia altae Germs, 1972
cf. Sekwitubulus annulatus Carbone et al., 2015
Archaeonassa isp.
Ariichnus vagus n. igen. n. isp.
Gordia isp.
Helminthopsis isp.
tool marks attributed to Pteridinium
UCLA 7370. Holoog South. Limestone in base of Huns Member, Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group, east side of road M28 (C12), 1.1 km south of Gaap (Holoog) River, southern Namibia; Holoog 1:50,000 map sheet (2717BD), 17.943201°E, 27.414291°S; 19 August 1996, J.D. Almond, J.G. Gehling, B. Runnegar; 20 August 1996, J.E. Almond, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, B. Runnegar, M.R. Saltzman.
Olenichnus sp.
UCLA 7371. Arimas C. Siliciclastic interval in upper part of Huns Member, ~160 m above base, Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group about 1 km west of abandoned homestead on Arimas farm, about 35 km north northeast of Rosh Pinah, southern Namibia; Uitsig 1:50,000 map sheet (2717CA), 17°00′00″E, 27°41′45″S; 22 August 1996, J.E. Almond, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, B. Runnegar, M.R. Saltzman.
Treptichnus isp.
UCLA 7372. Dundas A. Shales beneath the Pteridinium bed (Fossil Bed A of Narbonne et al., 1997), about 65 m stratigraphically from top of Dundas hill (1,169 m) on Swartpunt farm, west of road C13, about 50 km north of Rosh Pinah, southern Namibia; Rekvlakte 1:50,000 map sheet (2716BC); 16.696509°E, 27.476517°S; 23 August 1996, B. Runnegar.
tool marks attributed to Pteridinium
UCLA 7373. Dundas B. Pteridinium bed (Fossil Bed A of Narbonne et al., 1997), about 65 m stratigraphically from top of Dundas (1,169 m) on Swartpunt farm, west of road C13, about 50 km north of Rosh Pinah, southern Namibia; Rekvlakte 1:50,000 map sheet (2716BC); 16.696509°E, 27.476517°S; 23 August 1996, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, B. Runnegar.
Pteridinium carolinaensis (St. Jean, 1973)
Swartpuntia germsi Narbonne, Saylor, and Grotzinger, 1997
UCLA 7374. Dundas C. Swartpuntia bed (Fossil Bed B of Narbonne et al., 1997), about 45 m stratigraphically from top of Dundas (1,169 m) on Swartpunt farm, west of road C13, about 50 km north of Rosh Pinah, southern Namibia; Rekvlakte 1:50,000 map sheet (2716BC); 16.696509°E, 27.476517°S; 24 August 1996, B. Runnegar.
Swartpuntia germsi Narbonne, Saylor, and Grotzinger, 1997
UCLA 7375. Dundas D. Streptichnus bed, thin sandstone interbedded with thin carbonates, Spitskop Member, Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group about 12 m stratigraphically from top of Dundas (1,169 m) on Swartpunt farm, west of road C13, about 50 km north of Rosh Pinah, southern Namibia; Rekvlakte 1:50,000 map sheet (2716BC); 16.696509°E, 27.476517°S; 23 August 1996, S. Jensen and B. Runnegar.
Streptichnus narbonnei Jensen and Runnegar, 2005
UCLA 7376. Swartkloofberg 3. Thin carbonate at top of the Huns Member, Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgoup, Nama Group on north side of pinnacle reef near Niras, Swartkloofberg farm, Rekvlakte 1:50,000 map sheet (2716BC), southern Namibia; 16.564731°E, 27.451876°S; 25–26 August 1996, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus, B. Runnegar.
Swartpuntia germsi Narbonne, Saylor, and Grotzinger, 1997
UCLA 7377. Swartkloofberg 4. Calcareous shales, Feldschuhhorn Member, Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgoup, Nama Group on south side of pinnacle reef near Niras, Swartkloofberg farm, Rekvlakte 1:50,000 map sheet (2716BC), southern Namibia; 16.564731°E, 27.451876°S; 26 August 1996, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus, B. Runnegar.
Pteridinium carolinaensis (St. Jean, 1973)
Swartpuntia germsi Narbonne, Saylor, and Grotzinger, 1997
cf. Sinotubulites baimatuoensis Chen, Chen, and Qian, 1981
tool marks attributed to Pteridinium
UCLA 7378. Twyfel. Sandstone and shale of upper Kliphoek Member, Kubis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group on Twyfel farm south of road D425 where it turns abruptly east, about 1 km from house belonging to owners of Wegkruip, southern Namibia; Sandkop 1:50,000 map sheet (2616BC), 16.733175°E, 26.259967°S; 31 August 1996, S. Jensen and B. Runnegar.
Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, 1966
Gordia isp.
Helminthopsis isp.
UCLA 7379. Wegkruip. Float from silty interval at top of Kliphoek Member, Kubis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group on Wegkruip farm south of road D425 where it turns abruptly east, about 1 km from house belonging to owners of Wegkruip, southern Namibia; Sandkop 1:50,000 map sheet (2616BC), 16.733721°E, 26.276168°S; 1 September 1996, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus, B. Runnegar, M.R. Saltzman.
Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, 1966
UCLA 7380. Aar 3 (northern boundary). Sandstone in Kliphoek Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group near track from Plateau homestead to Aar homestead at boundary between Plateau and Aar farms, 27 km east southeast of Aus, southern Namibia; Schakalskuppe 1:50,000 map sheet (2616DA), 16.528941°E, 26.682818°S; 30 August 1996, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus.
Pteridinium simplex Gürich, 1933
UCLA 7381. Zuurberg. Lonestones in siltstones of Aar Member just below Mooifontein Limestone, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group in small quarry on north side of road D425, exactly 10 km west of its intersection with road C14, north of Bethanien, southern Namibia; Tumaub 1:50,000 map sheet (2616BB), 16.947402°E, 26.243034°S; 30 August 1996; S. Jensen and B. Runnegar.
Ernietta plateauensis Pflug, 1966
UCLA 7382. Mamba. Sandstone of Urikos Member? below second carbonate (Hoogland Member), Zaris Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group on prominent ridge south of Mamba homestead, Mamba/Bergplaas farms, about 70 km east of Maltahöhe, southern Namibia; Uitkoms 1:50,000 map sheet (2416CD), 16.407120°E, 24.957826°S; 4 September 1996, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus, B. Runnegar.
Aspidella sp.
Cloudina sp.
trace fossils
UCLA 7383. Zaris. Sandstone of Urikos Member? below second carbonate (Hoogland Member), Zaris Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group on prominent ridge southeast of Zaris homestead, Zaris farm, about 70 km east of Maltahöhe, southern Namibia; Uitkoms 1:50,000 map sheet (2416CD), 16.381886°E, 24.957982°S; 4 September 1996, S. Jensen.
cf. Sekwitubulus annulatus Carbone et al., 2015
cf. Sinotubulites baimatuoensis Chen, Chen, and Qian, 1981
UCLA 7384A-C. Zaris Pass. Sandstone of Urikos Member? below second carbonate (Hoogland Member), Zaris Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group in quarry on south side of road C19 and on boundary between Zaris and Mamba/Bergplaas farms, about 70 km east of Maltahöhe, southern Namibia; Uitkoms 1:50,000 map sheet (2416CD), 16.430187°E, 24.924517°S; 4 September 1996, M.L. Droser, J.G. Gehling, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus, B. Runnegar; 5 September 1996, S. Jensen, M.A. Motus, B. Runnegar.
cf. Sinotubulites baimatuoensis Chen, Chen, and Qian, 1981
Some other classical Ediacaran fossil localities in Namibia
Kuibis (Guibes). Type locality of Rangea schneiderhoehni Gürich, 1930a; float from Kliphoek Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group, probably on slope to southwest of trigonometric station 18 (1,438 m), Klein Kubis Sud Farm, about 40 km west northwest of Goageb, southern Namibia; Guibes 1:50,000 map sheet (2616DB), 16.875803°E, 26.681243°S; 1914, H. Schneiderhöhn (Schneiderhöhn, 1920).
Rangea schneiderhoehni Gürich, 1930a
Pteridinium simplex Gürich, 1933
SAFM K4812-3. Gründoorn (Gründorn 57). Float from Nakop Member, upper Kuibis or lower Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group, in a small gully cut in the low Nama escarpment on Gründorn 57 farm, about 60 km east of Karasburg, southern Namibia; Kokerboom 1:50,000 map sheet (2819AB), near 19.295356°E, 28.094153°S; 1927, H.F. Frommurze, S.H. Haughton (Haughton, 1960).
Archaeichnium haughtoni Glaessner, 1963
Paramedusium africanum Gürich, 1933
SMSWA 45731. Kosos. From black limestone “Uit Schwarzkalk,” Mooifontein Member, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group on Kosis Farm, about 20 km north of Helmeringhausen, southern Namibia; Kosos 1:50,000 map sheet (2516DB), near 16.799850°E, 25.633408°S (Spitskop 1,752 m); before 1966 (when the specimen was cast at UCLA by LouElla Saul), J. Erasmus.
Pteridinium carolinaensis? (St. Jean, 1973)
Buchholzbrunn. Kliphoek Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group on Buchholzbrunn, Buchholzbrunn farm, 12 km northwest of Goageb, southern Namibia; Buchholzbrunn 1:50,000 map sheet (2617CA), near 17.121828°E, 26.697830°S (Buchholzbrunn railway stop; before 1968, G.J.B. Germs.
Namalia villiersiensis Germs, 1968
SAFM K4367. Chamis. Float from lower quartzite, Nudaus Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group, on Chamis Sud farm, 28 km southeast of Helmeringhausen, southern Namibia; Tumaub 1:50,000 map sheet (2616BB), near 16.984762°E, 26.050855°S; 1968, G.J.B. Germs.
Rangea schneiderhoehni Gürich, 1930a
Vrede. Float from Kliphoek Member, Dabis Formation, Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Group, on Vrede farm, 50 km west of Bethanien via road D437, southern Namibia; Sandkop 1:50,000 map sheet (2616BC), near 16.712653°E, 26.475912°S (Vrede homestead); 1968, G.J.B. Germs.
Namalia villiersiensis Germs, 1968
Rangea schneiderhoehni Gürich, 1930a
Kolke. Nasep Quartzite Member, Urusis Formation, Schwarzrand Subgroup, Nama Group on Kolke Farm, about 20 km north of Helmeringhausen, southern Namibia; Kolke 1:50,000 map sheet (2716DB), near 16.860209°E, 27.634541°S (Kolke settlement); before 1972, G.J.B. Germs.
Nasepia altae Germs, 1972a