Slaughter et al. (1962) previously described several Pleistocene vertebrate local faunas from separate commercial pits in the second (T-2) terrace above the floodplain of the Trinity River at Dallas, Tex. Since that time, extensive commercial excavation has joined several of these pits. As it is now possible to trace the various levels from one to the other and as a scientific excavation at the Moore Pit has produced every species known from the other localities, all are brought under a single assemblage. The age of this assemblage is known to be in excess of 37,000 years, but falls within an old valley fill believed to have formed between 50,000 and 25,000 B.P. (Before Present). A complete and extended faunal list is included although only the new material is described. The climatic inference of the fauna and its significance to other related faunal assemblages is discussed.