The fossil genus Heterocladus LoDuca, Kluessendorf, and Mikulic, 2003 was established based on specimens from the Silurian (Llandovery) of southeastern Wisconsin, USA (LoDuca et al., 2003). This genus is monotypic and contains only the type species Heterocladus waukeshaensis LoDuca, Kluessendorf, and Mikulic, 2003, regarded as a noncalcified dasycladalean alga (LoDuca et al., 2003). Heterocladus waukeshaensis shows a narrow, undivided main axis and two types of laterals. Hair-like, branched laterals are arranged in whorls at lower part of the main axis, whereas clavate, undivided laterals appear at the upper part (LoDuca et al., 2003). The generic name is derived from the Greek hetero and klados, meaning ‘different’ and ‘branches,’ respectively (LoDuca et al., 2003).

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