Diverse and well-preserved radiolarian assemblages were recovered from the middle Eocene sedimentary sequences drilled at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1051 (Leg 171B; western subtropical Atlantic). In addition to biostratigraphically important species, several unknown morphotypes were observed in this material, leading to the description of three new spumellarian species and 18 new nassellarian species. Described herein are: Periphaena petrushevskayae n. sp. (Phacodiscidae), Stylodictya oligodonta n. sp. (Trematodiscidae), Excentrosphaerella delicata n. sp. (Heliodiscidae), Eucyrtidium granatum n. sp. (Eucyrtidiidae), Dictyoprora echidna n. sp., Spirocyrtis matsuokai n. sp. (Artostrobiidae), Elaphospyris cordiformis n. sp., Elaphospyris quadricornis n. sp. (Cephalospyrididae), Ceratocyrtis oconnori n. sp. (Lophophaenidae), Botryocella? alectrida n. sp., Pylobotrys? bineti n. sp. (Pylobotrydidae), Lychnocanium cheni n. sp., Lychnocanium cingulatum n. sp., Lychnocanium croizoni n. sp., Lychnocanium forficula n. sp. (Lithochytrididae), Apoplanius hyalinus n. sp., Apoplanius cryptodirus n. sp. (Lophocyrtiidae), Albatrossidium messiaeni n. sp., Phormocyrtis microtesta n. sp., Cryptocarpium? judoka n. sp. (Pterocorythidae), and Thyrsocyrtis kamikuri n. sp. (Theocotylidae). Biostratigraphic information is provided for each new species. In addition, we re-describe and illustrate the morphological variability of a remarkable Pterocyrtidium species formerly published by Bütschli (1882a).
UUID: http://zoobank.org/a01f7f03-73b0-458a-af7b-b85dc4666cc2