—In order to determine the seismotectonic activity of faults in the Holocene, we performed trench studies of the ruptures produced by the catastrophic Mogod earthquake (5 January 1967, M = 7.5–7.8, I0 = 9–10) in the junction zone of the N–S striking Hulzhin Gol fault and the NW striking Tullet fault. Paleoseismic interpretation of seismic-deformation sections and radiocarbon dating of the samples allowed determining the kinematics and obtaining, for the first time, the absolute ages of paleoevents preceding the Mogod earthquake. Analysis of the tectonic conditions for realization of earthquake sources has shed light on the complex structure of ruptures in the area of the Mogod earthquake epicenter, within which three segments differing in the displacement amplitudes and kinematics have been identified. The research data indicate the repeated activation of the Tulet and Hulzhin Gol faults in the Late Pleistocene–Holocene. The absolute age of the latest activation is 596–994 AD for the Tulet fault and 11,379–6235 BC for the Hulzhin Gol fault. The cumulative deformation from paleoearthquakes in the trench sections in the Tulet fault zone points to at least two displacements of thrust kinematics, with the latest of them having an amplitude of 2.8 m. The paleoearthquake in the Hulzhin Gol fault zone is characterized by the presence of lateral slip. The amplitudes of deformations attest to earlier earthquakes similar in energy to the 1967 Mogod event or even stronger in the fault node. The obtained data on the timing of these earthquakes and the amplitudes of the accompanying displacements made it possible to estimate slip rates along the faults: 0.2–0.3 m/kyr horizontal-slip rates on the Hulzhin Gol fault and 0.5–0.7 m/kyr vertical-slip rates on the Tulet fault.