Devonian and Lower Carboniferous continental deposits in the south of the Siberian Platform formed in eight sedimentary basins localized within stable ancient land Angarida (Angaraland). Interbasin correlation of the stratigraphic units of these deposits was based mainly on analysis of paleontological data and marker horizons. It has been established that: (1) the Early and Middle Devonian flora of Angarida grew locally and only in its western part (Minusa and Rybinsk paleobasins); (2) in the Late Devonian, vegetation was dispersed over a vast area, as evidenced from the findings of its imprints in all existed sedimentary basins of continental lithogenesis; and (3) the Early Carboniferous in Angarida was the time of the flourishing of higher plants, which were abundant but poor in species. Lithologic benchmarks at different age levels of paleobasin sediments have been recognized. The most important marker horizons are composed of porcelain-like silicified tuffs, limestones with inclusions of brown chalcedony, calcilutites, salt rock, wax-like bentonitic mudstones, flint clays, tripolis, etc.