Data on stratigraphy of Carboniferous and Permian deposits formed in marginal seas of Angarida, which is the ancient Siberian continent covering the territory of Siberia and Far East, have been generalized. The biostratigraphic base of interregional correlation consists of: zonal faunal complexes of the key Verkhoyansk-Okhotsk region, nine key correlation intervals, and six event borders. The most important event levels were soles of transgression-regression cycles corresponding to mass extinction of biota, innovation, immigration of new communities, change of dominants, etc. The most drastic changes in paleogeography of marginal seas of Angarida and composition of faunal communities are related to the Tournaisian-Visean Shcheglov and Middle Bashkirian Tylakh events. Geodynamically oriented paleogeographic flow charts have been compiled for three time sections (Late Tournaisian, border of Early and Middle Carboniferous, beginning of the Early Permian).

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