Fauna-based formation units distinguished for the first time in the Silurian stratigraphy of East Siberia (Siberian Platform, Taimyr peninsula) have been correlated to the chronostratigraphic units. The Silurian section includes eleven formations (deep shelf mudstone, lower shallow shelf marl, shallow shelf limestone, half-restricted shelf dolostone, inner half-restricted shelf and restricted shelf marl dolostone, restricted shelf siltstone, tidal sandstone, tidal and trough conglomerate, tidal and trough brachiopod-coral marl, and shelly sapropel of coastal troughs) and thirty one subformations. The correlation of diachronic (formations and subformations) and isochronic (stages, horizons, and subhorizons) stratigraphic units is shown in five transects along and across the Silurian East Siberian sedimentary basin.

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