Au-Ag-PGE mineralization has been discovered in carbonized ultrabasic rocks (up to 9.7 wt.% C) from the Ospa-Kitoi ophiolites (East Sayan). Eight types of gold differing in the proportions of Au, Ag, Cu, and Hg have been recognized. PGE minerals are various Pt and Pd compounds and a Pt-Pd-Sn mineral stoichiometrically corresponding to atokite. Ar-Ar dating of muscovites from granite porphyries showed that carbonization proceeded 690 myr ago or even earlier. The isotopic composition of carbon of carbonaceous matter (CM) points to its mantle or crust-mantle source. The CM of carbonized ultrabasic rocks (CUR) includes graphite, graphitoid, shungite, ultradispersed graphite, and amorphous phase (sp3 hybridization). Gas inclusions in carbonized rocks are dominated by methane (60–100%) and nitrogen, with CM present on the walls of vacuoles. Carbonization of ultrabasic rocks and formation of noble-metal mineralization occurred either synchronously with serpentinization of ultrabasic rocks or later. The latter process produced awaruite widespread in East Sayan ultrabasic rocks. The geodynamic setting in the study area suggests the formation of CUR in ophiolites with the participation of both a mantle source and carbonaceous black-shale deposits as a source of great amounts of carbon. This setting might occur where a subduction zone is associated with a mantle plume or hot spot.
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February 01, 2004
S.M. Zhmodik;
S.M. Zhmodik
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
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A.G. Mironov;
A.G. Mironov
Geological Institute, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 6a ul. Sakh’yanovoi, Ulan Ude, 670047, Russia
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L.V. Agafonov;
L.V. Agafonov
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
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A.S. Zhmodik;
A.S. Zhmodik
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
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T.N. Moroz;
T.N. Moroz
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
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E.V. Airiyants;
E.V. Airiyants
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
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Yu.I. Kulikov;
Yu.I. Kulikov
Geological Institute, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 6a ul. Sakh’yanovoi, Ulan Ude, 670047, Russia
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A.A. Borovikov;
A.A. Borovikov
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
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V.A. Ponomarchuk;
V.A. Ponomarchuk
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
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B.B. Damdinov
B.B. Damdinov
Geological Institute, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 6a ul. Sakh’yanovoi, Ulan Ude, 670047, Russia
Search for other works by this author on:
S.M. Zhmodik
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
A.G. Mironov
Geological Institute, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 6a ul. Sakh’yanovoi, Ulan Ude, 670047, Russia
L.V. Agafonov
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
A.S. Zhmodik
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
A.L. Pavlov
T.N. Moroz
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
E.V. Airiyants
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Yu.I. Kulikov
Geological Institute, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 6a ul. Sakh’yanovoi, Ulan Ude, 670047, Russia
A.A. Borovikov
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
V.A. Ponomarchuk
United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 3 prosp. Koptyuga, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
B.B. Damdinov
Geological Institute, Siberian Branch of the RAS, 6a ul. Sakh’yanovoi, Ulan Ude, 670047, Russia
Publisher: Novovsibirsk State University
09 Apr 2002
First Online:
29 Oct 2022
Online ISSN: 1878-030X
Print ISSN: 1068-7971
Russ. Geol. Geophys. (2004) 45 (2): 228–243.
Article history
09 Apr 2002
First Online:
29 Oct 2022
S.M. Zhmodik, A.G. Mironov, L.V. Agafonov, A.S. Zhmodik, A.L. Pavlov, T.N. Moroz, E.V. Airiyants, Yu.I. Kulikov, A.A. Borovikov, V.A. Ponomarchuk, B.B. Damdinov; CARBONIZATION OF EAST SAYAN ULTRABASIC ROCKS AND Au-Pd-Pt MINERALIZATION. Russ. Geol. Geophys. 2004;; 45 (2): 228–243. doi:
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- Asia
- black shale
- C-13/C-12
- carbon
- carbonaceous composition
- clastic rocks
- Eastern Sayan
- experimental studies
- fluid inclusions
- gold
- gold ores
- igneous rocks
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- laboratory studies
- mantle
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- ophiolite
- palladium
- plate tectonics
- platinum group
- platinum ores
- plutonic rocks
- precious metals
- Raman spectra
- Sayan
- sedimentary rocks
- shungite
- Siberian fold belt
- silver ores
- spectra
- stable isotopes
- subduction
- ultramafics
- Ospa-Kitoi Ophiolite
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