The State Enterprise for Arctic Sea Engineering-Geological Expeditions (SE ASEGE), Murmansk, carried out surveys in the northeastern Pechora Sea. As a result, unusual structures were found at the top of the sedimentary cover and anomalous features in the bottom topography. The anomalous bottom features are pingo-like (boolgoonnyakh-like) rises with the base 20–60 to 100–130 m wide and with a relative altitude of 10–25 m. These rises are drastically contrast on the smooth gentle surface of the bottom. The domes are made up of frozen ice-saturated deposits. In the arches of diapir-like uplifts, ice-bonded permafrost occurs at a depth of less than 0.5 m beneath the surface of the bottom and their thickness reaches 100 m and more. Between the domes, permafrost lies at a depth of about 15–20 m from the bottom surface with the thickness of the frozen unit of about 30 m. One of the wells drilled between diapir-like uplifts penetrated an overpressure gas accumulation at a depth of 50 m below the bottom surface.

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