Himalayan leucogranites crop out intermittently over 2000 km along the crest of the world’s youngest and largest mountain range. They are derived from partial melting of continental crust during a classic continental collisional orogeny. Studies of these leucogranites have significantly advanced knowledge of crustal anatexis, felsic magmatic differentiation, and the tectonic evolution of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen. This Elements thematic issue provides an overview of the petrogenesis and significance of the Himalayan leucogranites including field relations, source rocks, petrology, geochemistry, tectonics, and links to orogenesis and economic resources. It not only summarizes the state-of-the-art research on Himalayan leucogranites but also demonstrates how a multidisciplinary approach can help constrain the origins and evolution of granites, their associated mineralizations, and related geodynamic development.

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