The OH end-member of the F-OH topaz solid-solution series, with a composition close to Al2SiO4(OH)2, has been synthesizedat pressures between 55 and 100 kbar and temperatures up to 1000°C from gels and crystalline starting materials. The results of single-crystal X-ray diffraction [space group Pbnm, a = 4.724(3) Å, b = 8.947(7) Å, c = 8.390(8) Å] show close agreement with the structure of F-rich topaz but a nearly pure dilatation of both the [6]Al (5%) and the [4]Si (1.5%) sites; the distortion parameters of these sites were slightly affected. Optical properties are nx || a = 1.700(1), ny || b = 1.701(1), nz || c = 1.703(1), Δn = 0.0040(5), and 2Vγ = 28(2)°. In the infrared spectrum, the OH-stretching vibration is split into two bands at 3600 and 3520 cm−1. This synthetic phase, referred to in this paper as “topaz-OH”, breaks down to kyanite + H2O above 750°C at 60 kbar and above 1050°C at 90 kbar of H2O pressure. Toward lower pressures and temperatures its stability field is limited by assemblages with diaspore, coesite, and phase Pi of the probable composition Al3Si2O7(OH)3. It is suggested that “topaz-OH” may form in subducting slabs as a transient phase at depths of about 175 km.