The structure of low gallium albite (NaGaSi3O8), synthesized hydrothermally at 600 °C and 1.3 kbar, has been refined at room temperature with single-crystal X-ray intensities to R = 0.023. Mean T-O bond distances and Ga site occupancies are: T10 [1.807(2), 0.935(1)], T1m [1.610(2), 0.016(1)], T20 [1.615(2), 0.025(1)], T2m [1.619(2) Å, 0.025(1)]. The structure of intermediate germanium albite (NaAlGe3O8), grown with a vanadotung- state flux, has been refined similarly to R = 0.026. Mean T-O bond lengths and Al site occupancies are: T10 [1.737(2), 0.274(2)], T1m [1.728(3), 0.375(2)], T20[1.736(2), 0.185(2)], T2m [1.735(2) Å, 0.166(2)]. Tetrahedral-Site ordering in strain-free sodium silicate feldspar structures is promoted by the distinctive stereochemistries of the T10 and T1m sites, which are imposed by spatial accommodation of the Na cation within the feldspar framework. From site occupancies for Si, Al, Ga, Ge, B, and Fe3+, it is tentatively concluded that the ordering scheme is determined by the favorable charge or valence electron distribution resulting when the trivalent atom is placed in the T10 site, and that this site preference is proportional to the difference in size of the trivalent and quadrivalent atoms. Electrostatic repulsion between the T and Na atoms may be a contributing factor. Intermediate germanium albite has (t10 + t1m) > (t20 + t2m), as in intermediate microcline and low sanidine, but the unusual site preference of t1m > t10 ≈ 0.25 is unexplained.