The values of fH2 for the assemblage WO2 + WO2.72 + H2O (designated as WO) have been measured in sealed Au capsules under an external pressure of 2 kbar CH4 and between 650 and 800 °C using Ag-AgBr-HBr sensors of fH2. The fH2 values obtained can be represented by the equation

and are found to be slightly greater than those associated with the previously calibrated C-CH4 buffer. The value at 2 kbar and 650 °C is approximately an order of magnitude lower than the theoretical value of the wiistite-magnetite-H2O buffer. The assemblage has been found to generate reproducible steady-state fH2 values at fixed P-T conditions. However, at the relatively high H2 pressures developed by this assemblage, H2 leakage through the Au capsule was unavoidable. This leakage can be mitigated by decreasing the fH2 gradient across the Au capsule wall, but it is strongly recommended that fH2 sensors be employed to monitor the actual redox conditions in experiments using buffers or assemblages that generate fH2 values equivalent to the Co-CoO-H2O buffer or greater. The WO2 + wo2.72 + H2O assemblage can still be used as a redox buffer even though the system’s H2 consumption is accomplished by H2 leakage rather than chemical reaction.

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