The spatial orientation of 29Si chemical shielding tensor in low quartz relative to the crystallographic axes has been determined by a least-squares fit and matrix diagonalization of the chemical shift vs. angle data for a single crystal of amethyst. The values for the principal shielding axes of thetensor are σ11 = −102.6, σ22 = −107.0, σ33 = −109.1ppm. To within 6°,σ22 coincides with the a axis, and σ11 with the line defined by the intersection of the plane of the two longer Si–O bonds with the plane perpendicular to the a axis passing through the Si site. A similar relation holds for σ33 and the shorter Si–O distances. The data and orientations of the shielding tensor are consistent with previous studies that show the magnitude of the chemical shift to be inversely proportional to the Si–O bond distance. 29Si nmr spectra taken from two orientations of a foliated quartzite show that the difference in the chemical shifts is consistent with the optical determination of the orientation of the quartz crystallites in the sample.

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