Eugsterite, Na4Ca(SO4)3 · 2H2O is a new salt mineral. It occurs in different parts of Kenya and in the Konya Basin in Turkey. It is associated with one or more of the following minerals: halite, thenardite, bloedite, gypsum, glauberite and nesquehonite. Eugsterite is monoclinic, β = 116°. The strongest X-ray diffraction lines are (d in Å (intensity)): 9.20 (39), 5.50 (64), 4.50 (33), 3.454 (32), 3.428 (100), 2.763 (25), 2.746 (46), 1.7126 (61). It forms clusters of thin fibers. Refractive indices 1.492 ≤ α, β, γ ≤ 1.496; birefringence = 0.004, γb, β^c = 27°.

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