The temperatures Tdiff and Tdispl of the diffusive transformation high albite–monalbite and the displacive transformation analbite–monalbite were investigated by X-ray powder methods. Alkali feldspars of composition Or0,5,10,20,30 were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis at temperatures Tequil between 1060 and 700°C. Run durations were sufficiently long (3–72 days) to allow the samples to reach Al, Si equilibrium distributions. Tdiff can be represented by the equation Tdispl[oC] = 978 — 19.2 · Or, whereas Tdispi also depends on Tequili.e. the degree of Al,Si order, according to Tdispl[°C] = 715 – 18.9 · Or – 0.221 · Or2 + 0.269 · Tequil. As a consequence Ordispl, the composition of the triclinic/monoclinic inversion at room temperature, also changes with Tequil : Ordispl[mol%] = 27.5 + 0.00842 ·Tequil
Distinction between topochemically triclinic and monoclinic symmetry is possible on the basis of the temperature variation of lattice angles α, γ and simple line separations; e.g. cos2α of high albite smoothly approaches but never reaches zero with increasing temperature, whereas cos2α of analbite is consistent with a straight-line extrapolation to zero. At room temperature an interval of uncertain distinction extends from γ = 90.18 to 90.25° and from Δ131 = 1.95 to 2.00 [±2θ] in high albite and analbite.
Structural explanations are given (1) for the variations of α and γ with Al,Si order in equilibrated albites, (2) for the variations of α and γ due to short-term heating of albite and analbite, (3) for the dependence of Tdispl and Ordispl on Tequil, (4) for the result Tdispl ≥ Tdiffin Na-feldspar. Tdispl is thought to react sensitively on structural disturbances which may be caused by thermal and mechanical history, chemical impurities, and other factors. If Tdispl is found to be lower than Tdiff, this is ascribed to such defects.