Takéuchiite, Mg1.59Mn0.422+Mn0.783+Fe0.193+Ti0.014+BO5, occurs as acicular crystals in granular dolomite and calcite from the Långban mine, Värmland, Sweden. It is orthorhombic, space group Pnnm or Pnn2 with a = 27.50(1), b = 12.614(2), c = 6.046(1)Å, V = 2097Å3, Z = 24. The strongest lines in the X-ray diffraction pattern (d, in Å; intensity; hkl) are: 1.511, 100, 004; 2.60, 90, 640; 5.20, 85, 320; 2.035, 80, 850 (and 922, 10 02) and 3.02, 65, 002. Takéuchiite is black and opaque with metallic luster and brown streak and has a hardness of 6. The calculated density is 3.93 g/cm3. Morphologically, takéuchiite forms long prismatic crystals with dominant form {320}.

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