It has been pointed out to me (Navrotsky, personal communication) that the WE,Or and WE,Ab values for the low albite-microcline ion-exchange series of Waldbaum and Robie (1971) were interchanged in Table 2 of a paper by Hovis and Waldbaum (1977, p. 685). Thus, based on a cubic fit to the calorimetric data, WE,Or and WE,Ab values for the Waldbaum and Robie series are 8.457 (±0.099) and 5.928 (±0.085) kcal/mol, respectively. This affects observations (2) and (3) of Hovis and Waldbaum (1977, bottom p. 684, top p. 685). Based on asymmetric least-squares fits to heat-of-solution data, WH,Ab >WH,Or (and WE,Ab >WE,Or) for the analbite-sanidine series only, whereas the opposite asymmetry is observed in the low albite-microcline series.
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